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Distracted at Work? You Might Be a Genius
 Distracted at Work? 
 You Might Be a Genius 

study says

Distracted at Work? You Might Be a Genius

All those great ideas are clogging your brain, study suggests

(Newser) - The modern world is rife with distractions, but new research suggests those who find it most difficult to focus tend to be the most intelligent. "The difficulty to withstand multiple tasks and distractions in the office affects smart people in the same way as everyone else, if not more,...

Labor Ruling Looks Like Bad News for Uber

California Labor Commission rules in case of Barbara Ann Berwick

(Newser) - A ruling in the case of a single Uber driver could have much broader implications for the popular ride-hailing service and for companies like it that rely on workers they see as independent contractors for on-demand services. The California Labor Commission has ruled that an Uber driver should be considered...

Boy Cuts Worker's Safety Line on 8th Floor

10-year-old in China says he couldn't watch cartoons

(Newser) - A guy doing handiwork outside an apartment building in China got quite the shock when a boy severed his safety line, leaving him to dangle 100 feet above the ground, reports NPR . Why the unkind cut? The worker, named Liu, apparently made so much noise installing lights that the 10-year-old...

Texas High Court: Bosses Can Lie to Workers

Judges side with DuPont chemical co.

(Newser) - Employees in Texas, take note: Your boss can lie about your future in the company and get away with it, Main Street reports. A Texas Supreme Court ruling supports the way E.I. du Pont de Nemours (known as DuPont) apparently let go of workers—by getting them to join...

Most Americans Use Just Half Their Vacation Days

And 61% of Americans say they work on vacation

(Newser) - The US is the only developed country in the world that doesn't require its workers to have access to paid vacation. While those in the European Union are guaranteed at least 20 paid vacation days a year (and 25 or even 30 days in some countries), most Americans get...

Happiest State Is Also Deadliest, for Workers

That would be North Dakota, with 17.7 deaths per 100K

(Newser) - With the nation's fastest-growing economy and lowest unemployment rate, it's no wonder North Dakota is the happiest state in the country—but it's also the deadliest for workers. According to a new report from the AFL-CIO, oil and gas workers are six times more likely to die...

Obama Goes It Alone to Expand Overtime Pay

Aims to limit exemption for 'executive or professional' workers

(Newser) - President Obama is acting to ensure overtime for millions of workers who may currently be working the hours without getting the pay. As it stands, workers ranging from fast-food managers to computer experts may be labeled "executive or professional" by their employers; that designation lets their bosses avoid paying...

The Internet's Workforce Is Faceless

We've forgotten that huge deals have a human toll: George Packer

(Newser) - Early 20th-century America had its factory workers; later decades had store employees. But today's Internet economy hides the faces of its workers, writes George Packer in the New Yorker . "Amazon’s workforce is made up mainly of computer engineers and warehouse workers, but when you think of Amazon...

Like It or Not, We Need Unions Again

Henry Blodget's not a fan of organized labor, but companies aren't doing what's right

(Newser) - Henry Blodget has always hated labor unions. They "create an 'us versus them' culture," drive jobs overseas, overpay their leaders, and often uncouple performance from compensation. "But we've now developed a bigger problem," he writes at Business Insider , namely the worst inequality since the...

Walmart Workers Walk Out, Plan Black Friday Protest
Walmart Workers Walk Out, Plan Black Friday Protest
in case you missed it

Walmart Workers Walk Out, Plan Black Friday Protest

Chain insists protestors represent a very small portion of its workforce

(Newser) - Workers at a number of Walmart stores walked out yesterday, in the first salvo of a larger series of strikes planned in response to the retailing giant's plan to begin its Black Friday festivities on Thanksgiving . At least 30 workers at six Seattle-area stores went on strike yesterday, the...

Biggest Concern for Many Workers: Just Showing Up

And more than 60% of employees are very stressed: study

(Newser) - A depressing new survey finds that most US workers are very stressed—and that for nearly a quarter of all employees, the top priority is simply showing up at work. According to LiveScience , the study from ComPsych Corp. , an employee assistance program provider, found that:
  • More than 60% of employees

Wages Flat Since Obama Took Office

It could be big topic tomorrow, as Romney declares 'talk is cheap'

(Newser) - Wages have stayed virtually frozen since President Obama took office, a fact that Politico notes is starting to get some traction on the campaign trail. When adjusted for inflation, the average hourly wage has crept up a meager 42 cents to $23.41 since 2008. High unemployment is a factor,...

Pot linked to Slacking Off at Work

 Pot Linked to 
 Slacking Off 
 at Work 
duh study says

Pot Linked to Slacking Off at Work

Not-so-surprising research links pot to low motivation on the job

(Newser) - Here's a finding that seems to be a waste of research money: Smoking marijuana is linked to decreased motivation at work. But scientists aren't sure if the pot is to blame, or if people who tend to toke are a tad too chill to begin with—or so...

Americans Gave Up $34.3B in Vacation Days This Year

Average worker skipped 2 days of time off

(Newser) - America, you’re working too hard. The average worker earned 14 vacation days this year, but only used 12 of them, according to a survey from Expedia. That works out to about 226 million unused days in total and, based on the national average salary of $39,416 per year...

Hoffa: Let's 'Take Out' Tea Partiers

'They started the war,' say Teamsters

(Newser) - Furious Tea Partiers are demanding that President Obama call Teamsters union boss James Hoffa to heel after he urged workers at a Labor Day rally to "take out" party members. "They've got a war. We're going to win that war," Hoffa said in Detroit before...

Just What Is a &lsquo;Good Job&rsquo;?
 Just What Is 
 a ‘Good Job’? 

Just What Is a ‘Good Job’?

This essential question needs to be answered, but it's complex

(Newser) - We toss around the phrase all the time, but how do we define what makes a “good job” good? It’s a key question—and a complex one—as we look to the future of our economy, writes Michael Lind in Salon . Among the factors:
  • Unions: We often call

Top 10 Ways Employees Waste Time at Work

Using Facebook, shockingly, makes the list

(Newser) - 24/7 Wall St. looked at a number of workplace studies on how people spend time online, and found that most say employees with PCs spend 20-plus hours a week on the Web while at work—and about a quarter of that is for personal use. 24/7 Wall St. broke...

At Office, Anything Beyond Handshake Can be Touchy

(Newser) - After countless bear hugs, fist bumps, elbow grips, and pats-on-the-back, Elizabeth Bernstein realized that she is her office’s “touchee”—someone co-workers know will be receptive to physical demonstrations of support, she writes for the Wall Street Journal. That got her thinking: When is such touching OK, and...

Many Toil Through Forced Leave

Workers on furloughs aren't granted—or won't allow themselves—time off

(Newser) - Sure, required time off beats a layoff—but that can be tough to remember as many continue working through their furloughs, the New York Times reports. Some worry their jobs are at stake if they don’t keep working; others just can’t get their employers to schedule days off....

Sex Harassment Cases Besiege UN

(Newser) - The United Nations is being hammered by a string of sexual harassment cases filed by employees, reports the Wall Street Journal. The development is particularly painful for an organization that is supposed to uphold human rights around the world. Victims complain about an old-boys' network of adjudication that allows colleagues...

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