
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

10 Die in Typhoon, Volcanic Mudflows

Victims in eastern Philippines include a boy swept into the next town

(Newser) - A super typhoon blew into the eastern Philippines with disastrous force Sunday, killing at least 10 people and triggering volcanic mudflows that engulfed houses before weakening as it blew away from the country, officials said. Typhoon Goni blasted into the eastern island province of Catanduanes at dawn from the Pacific...

Cop Dies in Encounter With Rooster
Cop Dies
in Encounter
With Rooster

Cop Dies in Encounter With Rooster

Filipino officer was breaking up a cockfight when he was struck with a gaff

(Newser) - Police officers in the Philippines are mourning the loss of one of their own, killed in an encounter with a rooster. Lieutenant Christian Bolok was breaking up an illegal cockfight in San Jose, Northern Samar province, on Monday when he picked up a rooster and was struck in his left...

Duterte: I Gladly Take Responsibility for Drug Killings

Filipino president under investigation for human rights abuses

(Newser) - The Philippine president has said he accepts responsibility for the thousands of killings committed during police operations in his crackdown on drugs, adding that he was even ready to go to jail, per the AP . President Rodrigo Duterte's televised remarks Monday night were typical of his bluster—and tempered...

He Thought He'd Lost His Board Forever. Then, an Instagram Tag

Doug Falter's surfboard, lost in wipeout in Hawaii in 2018, turns up 5K miles away

(Newser) - Filipino Giovanne Branzuela was pretty stoked over the summer to buy a weathered-looking surfboard for $40 from a neighbor, who'd purchased it from local fishermen who'd found it floating off the island of Sarangani. They'd figured it had fallen from a yacht cruising in the area. Branzuela...

Outrage Follows Marine&#39;s Pardon

Outrage Follows Marine's Pardon

Joseph Scott Pemberton killed a transgender woman in the Philippines

(Newser) - Citing the inmate's good behavior in prison and the need "to do justice," Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte pardoned a US Marine on Monday who was convicted of killing a transgender woman in 2014. The pardon surprised even the inmate's lawyer, the Washington Post reports, and brought...

How a Pepsi Marketing Scheme Went Wrong—Very Wrong

Pepsi's attempt to improve its market share against Coke in the Philippines sparked riots and death

(Newser) - Talk about a promotional stunt gone wrong: Pepsi ran a bottle-cap lottery in the Philippines back in the 1990s that turned into such a nightmare that riots broke out, lawsuits were filed, and five people got killed. Now Bloomberg looks back on "perhaps the deadliest marketing disaster in history....

Authorities Face Virus Dilemma as Strong Typhoon Hits

Emergency shelters in Philippines could be overcrowded

(Newser) - A strong typhoon slammed into the eastern Philippines on Thursday after authorities evacuated tens of thousands of people while trying to avoid the virus risks of overcrowding emergency shelters. The first typhoon to hit the country this year rapidly gained force as it blew from the Pacific then barged ashore...

Philippines President Threatens Martial Law

'There will be no turning back,' Duterte says

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte angrily threatened to declare martial law after accusing communist rebels of killing two soldiers who were escorting food and cash deliveries during a coronavirus quarantine. Duterte and his Cabinet also approved extending a lockdown in metropolitan Manila and several other cities and provinces to May 15,...

Ex-Security Guard Releases Hostages After 10 Hours

Filipino man accused mall bosses of corruption

(Newser) - A recently dismissed security guard freed dozens of hostages and was subdued by police after walking out of a shopping mall in the Philippine capital on Monday, ending a daylong hostage crisis in an upscale commercial district near the police and military headquarters, officials said. The former guard at the...

Philippines Is Ending Security Pact With US

Agreement allowed US forces to train in the country

(Newser) - The Philippines notified the United States on Tuesday it intends to end a major security pact allowing American forces to train in the country. Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. said in a tweet Manila’s notice of termination of the Visiting Forces Agreement was received by the deputy chief of...

We Have 1st Coronavirus Death Outside China

Philippines reports death of a Chinese man

(Newser) - The Philippines on Sunday reported the first death from coronavirus outside of China, where authorities delayed the opening of schools in the worst-hit province and tightened quarantine measures in a city that allows only one family member to venture out to buy supplies. The Philippines said a 44-year-old Chinese man...

Here Comes the Lava: 500K Filipinos Told to Evacuate

Small but dangerous Taal volcano erupts

(Newser) - At a modest 1,020 feet, the Taal volcano in the Philippines is one of the world's smallest, notes the AP . But because so many people live nearby, it's also considered one of the world's most dangerous, a volcanologist tells CNN . Nearly half a million people near...

Thousands Flee Volcanic Eruption
Thousands Flee
Volcanic Eruption

Thousands Flee Volcanic Eruption

Taal Volcano in the Philippines has been restive since last year

(Newser) - A small volcano near the Philippine capital that draws tourists for its picturesque setting in a lake erupted with a massive plume of ash and steam Sunday, prompting the evacuation of tens of thousands of people and forcing Manila's international airport to shut down, the AP reports. The Philippine...

Philippines Ready to Evacuate Workers From Iraq, Iran

Duterte tells military to prepare for deployment

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered the military to prepare to deploy its aircraft and ships "at any moment’s notice" to evacuate thousands of Filipino workers in Iraq and Iran, reflecting Asia’s growing fears for its citizens amid a potential outbreak of violence in the Middle East....

Philippines Makes Threats Over US Sanctions

Duterte says two American senators will be refused entry

(Newser) - The Philippines has barred two US senators from the country and threatened to impose greater restrictions on all visiting Americans over new sanctions. The 2020 spending bill approved by Congress and President Trump last week includes a provision denying entry to the US for anyone involved in the detention of...

Christmas Typhoon Leaves 16 Dead in Philippines

Thousands flee as Phanfone batters country

(Newser) - A typhoon that barreled through the central Philippines over Christmas left at least 16 people dead and forced thousands to flee their homes, officials said. Typhoon Phanfone made landfall on Christmas Eve and hit several islands in the Visayas group on Christmas Day in the predominantly Catholic country, the AP...

This Is the Deepest Shipwreck Ever Found
More Than 20K Feet
Deep, a Major Find
in case you missed it

More Than 20K Feet Deep, a Major Find

WWII destroyer believed to be USS Johnston found in Philippine Sea, the deepest shipwreck ever

(Newser) - It's the deepest shipwreck ever found—one caked in US history. Experts aboard the Research Vessel Petrel believe they've found the wreck of the USS Johnston some 20,400 feet, or nearly 4 miles, below the waves of the Philippine Sea, where it came to rest in the...

3 Ferries Capsize, With Multiple Casualties

Boats overturn in bad weather in the Philippines; dozens rescued

(Newser) - Multiple people died and dozens others were rescued when three ferry boats separately capsized in bad weather Saturday between two central Philippine island provinces, the coast guard said. Coast guard spokesman Armand Balilo said it's not immediately clear if there were passengers or crewmen missing after the inter-island ferries...

Imelda Marcos Threw a Party. It Did Not Go Well

261 people are hospitalized with suspected food poisoning

(Newser) - The 90th birthday celebration for former Philippines first lady Imelda Marcos wasn't much of a party for more than 260 people hospitalized with suspected food poisoning. Rice, boiled eggs, and chicken Adobo was prepared for 2,500 well-wishers at a sports complex in Manila on Wednesday before dozens reported...

This Nation Has to Dump 2M Pounds of Mangoes by Month's End

Weather conditions prompted by El Niño have caused huge surplus in Philippines

(Newser) - If you're looking for mangoes on the cheap, has the Philippine government got a deal for you. Not only are they being offered there for 18 to 43 cents per pound, but the country's Agriculture Department just threw a big two-day mango festival, complete with mango showcases and...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>