James Risen

7 Stories

High Court: No, Jealous Wife Didn't Use a 'Chemical Weapon'

Meanwhile, NYT reporter may have to reveal his source

(Newser) - It turns out that you can't use an international chemical weapons treaty to resolve a crazy suburban love triangle. The Supreme Court today unanimously overruled the conviction of Carol Anne Bond , a Pennsylvania woman who spent six years in prison after being prosecuted under an anti-terrorism law based on...

US Actually Has History of Being Weak on Leakers

And that's why it's cracking down so hard now

(Newser) - With Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning in the headlines, the investigation into former top General James Cartwright , and now a court ruling earlier this week that a New York Times reporter must testify against a source, the Obama administration has been sending a message: leaking government secrets will not go...

Times Reporter Ordered to Testify in Leaks Case

James Risen expected to appeal in case with free-press implications

(Newser) - A reporter for the New York Times has been ordered by an appeals court in Virginia to testify against the man accused of slipping him classified CIA secrets, reports USA Today . James Risen has previously promised to appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court if necessary and to...

NYT Reporter Subpoenaed in CIA Leak Case

James Risen hasn't cooperated in case against his alleged source

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors have issued a subpoena demanding testimony from New York Times reporter James Risen in the case against ex-CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling, who allegedly leaked info about a failed CIA disinformation campaign to him for a 2006 book. A judge has already quashed one subpoena issued to Risen, but...

New York Times' James Risen Spied On By FBI
Feds Spied on New York Times Reporter

Feds Spied on New York Times Reporter

Phone, bank, travel records seized in CIA leak investigation

(Newser) - Federal investigators spied extensively on New York Times reporter James Risen in their effort to discover who leaked details to him of the CIA's attempt to pass faulty nuclear information to Iran. The depth of this spying was revealed yesterday, in the criminal trial of his alleged source, former CIA...

Ex-CIA Agent Arrested Over Leak to Times Reporter

Jeffrey Sterling allegedly leaked details of spy war with Iran

(Newser) - A former CIA officer has been arrested and charged with leaking classified information to a New York Times reporter. Jeffrey Sterling, 43, was nabbed yesterday, and is being held through the weekend because the government has declared him dangerous. The indictment didn’t say what he’d leaked, but connecting...

NYT Reporter Ridicules Pajamas-Clad Bloggers

He defends article on Afghan mineral deposits

(Newser) - New York Times reporter James Risen is not a big fan of bloggers. Yahoo News blogger John Cook, formerly of Gawker, learned this when he called Risen to ask about criticism of his recent story on Afghan mineral deposits. (Original story here ; sample of criticism here .) "Do you...

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