
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Musk Revises Prediction for Mars Landing

2029, SpaceX CEO estimates this time

(Newser) - Elon Musk has been saying all along that he considers a trip to Mars possible relatively soon. In 2016, he told 100,000 people at the International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, that he wanted to build a rocket that could take people there and help maintain a city on...

Rocket Due to Crash Into the Moon Isn't From SpaceX

Expert says WE0913A is likely a Chinese rocket, launched in 2014

(Newser) - Update: The space expert shouting about a rocket smashing into the moon says he made a big mistake. The item dubbed WE0913A is still projected to hit the dark side of the moon at 7:26am EST on March 4, but it's not the upper stage of a SpaceX...

40 of 49 New SpaceX Satellites May Have Already Burned

Company says geomagnetic storm on Friday is cause

(Newser) - SpaceX launched 49 of its Starlink satellites on Thursday, only to report days later that up to 40 are doomed to fall from orbit and burn up in Earth's atmosphere. The company attributed the loss to a geomagnetic storm on Friday. That storm increased atmospheric density some 130 miles...

Real Winner of SpaceX Flight Comes Forward

Kyle Hippchen gave flight to friend because he exceeded weight limit

(Newser) - He told his family and a few friends. He dropped hints to a couple of colleagues. So hardly anyone knew that the airline pilot could have—should have—been on board when SpaceX launched its first tourists into orbit last year. Meet Kyle Hippchen, the real winner of a first-of-its-kind...

China Angry With Elon Musk Over Space Near-Misses

Says its space station twice had to avert collisions with Starlink satellites

(Newser) - Twice over the past year, China says, its space station has almost been hit by satellites launched by Elon Musk's SpaceX. The country is now calling on the United Nations to get the US to abide by the treaty that regulates outer space, the Guardian reports. In both July...

Falcon 9 Launch Sets SpaceX Records
Falcon 9 Launch
Sets SpaceX

Falcon 9 Launch Sets SpaceX Records

Company has 2 more missions planned before year ends

(Newser) - SpaceX put another 52 Starlink internet satellites in orbit Saturday, after the successful launch of a Falcon 9 rocket from California. It was the 11th flight for the Falcon 9 booster, a SpaceX record, reports. Its first stage touched down safely on the company's drone ship about...

Elon Musk to SpaceX Workers: We're in Trouble

He tells employees that problems with engine put company at risk of bankruptcy

(Newser) - Elon Musk's Tesla is going gangbusters . His other company, SpaceX? Not so much, apparently. CNBC has obtained a memo written by Musk himself in which the CEO warns of potential bankruptcy if problems with a key engine aren't resolved in a hurry. "The Raptor production crisis is...

'A Pretty Glorious Sight': SpaceX Delivers Crew to ISS

4 astronauts will remain there until spring

(Newser) - A SpaceX capsule carrying four astronauts pulled up Thursday at the International Space Station, their new home until spring, the AP reports. It took 21 hours for the flight from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center to the glittering outpost. The one German and three US astronauts said it was an...

SpaceX Crew, Already Gone 6 Months, Has Minor Delay
SpaceX Crew
Splashes Down

SpaceX Crew Splashes Down

Toilet-less astronauts experienced a minor delay getting back to Earth

(Newser) - Update: Following a brief delay, a SpaceX crew of four astronauts returned to Earth Monday, the AP reports. Their capsule streaked through the late night sky like a dazzling meteor before parachuting into the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Pensacola, Florida. Recovery boats quickly moved in with spotlights,...

Musk Pokes at Bezos After Blue Origin Loses Lawsuit

'You have been judged,' Musk quips

(Newser) - Update: Jeff Bezos' space company has lost a federal lawsuit against NASA over the decision earlier this year to award a lunar lander contract to SpaceX. The US Court of Federal Claims ruled against Blue Origin, which argued in the August lawsuit that NASA disregarded "key flight safety requirements"...

Crew Returning in SpaceX Capsule Must Wear Pee Pads

Toilet issue can't be fixed in Crew Dragon Endeavour capsule docked at the ISS

(Newser) - Update: When four astronauts head home from the International Space Station this month, they'll have to relieve themselves on their person. CNN reports the crew reached the ISS in April, and the SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour capsule that has since been waiting to take them home is experiencing the...

Prince William Calls Out Rich Men&#39;s Race to Space
Shatner: Prince William
Is 'Lovely' but Wrong

Shatner: Prince William Is 'Lovely' but Wrong

He says Blue Origin voyages are 'baby steps' toward greater things after prince's criticism

(Newser) - Update: William Shatner says Prince William is a "lovely, gentle, educated man"—but he's got the "wrong idea" about space tourism. After the prince said the world's greatest minds should focus on fixing problems on Earth, Shatner told Entertainment Tonight that trips like his Wednesday...

Musk Widens Richie-Rich Gap, Trolls Bezos

SpaceX CEO tweets a silver medal at space race rival

(Newser) - Elon Musk is pulling further ahead of Jeff Bezos as the world's richest man, and trolling all the way. Privately-held SpaceX saw its valuation rise to $100.3 billion this week as insiders agreed to sell up to $755 million in stock to new and existing investors at $560...

Elon Musk Takes a Dig at Biden
Elon Musk Takes a Dig at Biden

Elon Musk Takes a Dig at Biden

Says president must be 'sleeping' since he hasn't congratulated Inspiration4

(Newser) - Following SpaceX's successful all-amateur Inspiration4 spaceflight , quite a few big names offered public congratulations. One notable exception: President Biden. And on Sunday, after someone on Twitter wondered why that was, SpaceX founder Elon Musk weighed in with a reply : "He's still sleeping." As CNBC points out,...

Another Billionaire Has Safely Sent Tourists Into Space

SpaceX crew first all-amateur group to circle Earth

(Newser) - Four space tourists safely ended their trailblazing trip to orbit Saturday with a splashdown in the Atlantic off the Florida coast, per the AP . Their SpaceX capsule parachuted into the ocean just before sunset, not far from where their chartered flight began three days earlier. The all-amateur crew was the...

And They're Off: SpaceX Launch Makes History

Inspiration4 mission sends 4 space tourists into orbit

(Newser) - SpaceX’s first private flight blasted off Wednesday night with two contest winners, a health care worker, and their rich sponsor, the most ambitious leap yet in space tourism. It was the first time a rocket streaked toward orbit with an all-amateur crew—no professional astronauts. The Dragon capsule’s...

4 Space Tourists Will Orbit Earth for 3 Days
It's a 'Major Milestone
in Human Spaceflight'

It's a 'Major Milestone in Human Spaceflight'

4 tourists, expected to launch Wednesday, will orbit Earth for 3 days

(Newser) - Another billionaire is headed to space, this time with an all-civilian crew, in what CNN reports is the "first orbital mission in the history of spaceflight to be staffed entirely by tourists or otherwise non-astronauts." A retrofitted SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule dubbed Resilience will spend three days orbiting...

Bezos to NASA: Let&#39;s Make a Deal on the Moon
Jeff Bezos
Makes NASA
a $2B Offer

Jeff Bezos Makes NASA a $2B Offer

Ex-Amazon CEO wants to again compete in moon race against SpaceX

(Newser) - If Elon Musk thought he had the sole lock on building NASA's next lunar landing vehicle, there may be a new wrench in the works. In April, the space agency announced it was offering Musk's SpaceX a $2.9 billion contract to build the spacecraft that will take...

Aircraft Entered 'Keep Out Zone,' and Musk Is Pissed

Says space regulations aren't keeping up with the times

(Newser) - A Tuesday SpaceX launched ended up being scrubbed 11 seconds prior to liftoff due to a wayward helicopter, and Elon Musk is displeased. "An aircraft entered the 'keep out zone', which is unreasonably gigantic," he tweeted after the snafu. "There is simply no way that humanity...

Space Station to Receive a Whole Lot of Squid

Astronauts hope to learn survival tactics from 128 baby squid, 5K tardigrades

(Newser) - A cargo resupply mission to the International Space Station, scheduled for Thursday, will see astronauts enjoy apples, avocado, and other fresh food—not including the 128 baby squid along for the ride on SpaceX's Dragon, launched by the Falcon 9 rocket . These glow-in-the-dark baby bobtail squid will become part...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>