
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama on Terror: New Style, Same Strategy

Bush insiders approve of new prez; stay mum to avoid Cheney

(Newser) - Barack Obama faced his first terror threat before he was even sworn in. There was strong evidence suggesting that a terror cell intended to attack his inauguration, so Obama and his team worked tirelessly on the issue with George W. Bush’s outgoing team. It was a surprisingly smooth collaboration,...

CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan
 CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan 

CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan

Afghan bombing spotlights Amman's pivotal counterterrorism role

(Newser) - The death of a Jordanian intelligence operative alongside seven CIA agents in last week's bombing of a CIA facility in Afghanistan offered an unusually visible sign of Jordan's emerging role as a low-profile but crucial US counterterrorism ally. Since 9/11, the Middle Eastern nation's role in the fight against Islamic...

Obama Gets First Report on Detroit Terror Attempt

Prez gets answers to how Abdulmutallab boarded plane

(Newser) - As a first step in his effort to overhaul intelligence practices, President Obama will today receive a preliminary report on how exactly the Detroit bombing suspect managed to board a US-bound plane, along with recommendations on how to prevent a sequel. The reams of intelligence data that were combed through...

Yemen Wants Help Fighting al-Qaeda
Yemen Wants Help Fighting al-Qaeda

Yemen Wants Help Fighting al-Qaeda

Foreign minister estimates about 300 are in the country

(Newser) - Yemen is confident it can do away with the hundreds of al-Qaeda fighters operating within its borders, but it needs more support from the West. The call from the country’s foreign minister comes as investigators probe the link between the recent terror attempt on Northwest Flight 253 and al-Qaeda...

Terrorism Warnings Often Go Unpursued

Detroit bomber alert not specific enough to rise out of 'noise'

(Newser) - However ill-advised it looks in hindsight, the decision of counterterrorism officials last month not to pursue a warning from the Nigerian would-be bomber's father was standard procedure for agencies flooded with unsubstantiated terrorism tips. It takes a specific threat, or an existing body of knowledge about an individual, for information...

Cheney Named 'Conservative of the Year'
 Cheney Named 
 of the Year' 
john bolton explains why

Cheney Named 'Conservative of the Year'

Human Events praises ex-VP for anti-Obama crusade

(Newser) - Human Events has named Dick Cheney its conservative of the year, tapping old Bush administration cohort John Bolton to sing his praises. Bolton thinks it's remarkable that Cheney, a man not running for office or lobbying, can cause such consternation in Washington. How does he do it? “The...

Brit Cops Watch Nurseries for Baby Jihadists

Police urge community groups to report suspicious kids

(Newser) - Counter-terrorism police have visited British nursery schools in a bid to identify radicalized toddlers. "Radicalization can take place from the age of 4," reads a letter from police urging community groups to report any developing jihadists in their midsts. The Shadow Home Secretary condemned the policy, saying it...

Many Terror Suspects Share Link to Awlaki

 Many Terror 
 Suspects Share 
 Link to Awlaki 

Nidal hasan, for one

Many Terror Suspects Share Link to Awlaki

Awlaki poses complex problem for counterterrorism

(Newser) - Nidal Hasan is only the latest in a series of Western Muslim terror suspects inspired by Anwar al-Awlaki, a web-savvy New Mexico-born radical cleric who preaches jihad in American-accented English. Devotees of Awlaki's sermons include a conspirator in the 2007 plot to attack Fort Dix and a group of Canadian...

Time to Crack Down on Jihad 2.0
 Time to 
 Crack Down 
 on Jihad 2.0 


Time to Crack Down on Jihad 2.0

Web indoctrination of terrorists on US soil poses major threat

(Newser) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has knocked Nidal Hasan out of the headlines but the Fort Hood suspect is the kind of threat America needs to focus on, warns Daniel Henninger. Home-grown terrorists, indoctrinated over the Internet, are now more of a danger than "old-school" jihadis abroad, and the ideology that...

GOP Reps. Pin Fort Hood on Obama

Hoekstra hints at administration missteps, wants probe

(Newser) - Hinting that Obama administration’s restrictions on how the government fights terrorism led to the Fort Hood shooting, two Republican Congressman today called for an immediate probe of the incident. Congress has been asked to wait until a military investigation is complete, but, Pete Hoekstra says , “It has to...

Feds Point Fingers in Hasan Missteps

Fort Hood blame game begins

(Newser) - The FBI and the Pentagon are fighting off accusations that someone dropped the ball on Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan. Department of Defense officials say that the FBI never notified them that Hasan had been in contact with extremist imam Anwar al-Aulaqi, while the FBI's defenders say that his...

Pentagon Holds Secret Afghan War Games

Mullen leads exercise to assess effects of troop surge

(Newser) - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, led a secret war game earlier this month to assess the Obama administration's options in Afghanistan, including a 44,000-troop surge. A team of military leaders used Gen. Stanley McChrystal's analysis to examine how Taliban insurgents and the Afghan...

NYPD Yanks Top Cop From Terror Unit
NYPD Yanks
Top Cop From
Terror Unit

NYPD Yanks Top Cop From Terror Unit

Official replaced after unit's imam informant tipped off suspect

(Newser) - A top official from one of the NYPD's two counterterror units has been replaced after his unit disrupted a federal terror probe by inadvertently alerting the prime suspect to the investigation. Paul Ciorra of the Intelligence Division—which sometimes competes with the city's Counterterrorism Bureau and clashes with federal partners—...

Biden Plan Would Target al-Qaeda, not Taliban

 Biden Plan 
 Would Target 
 not Taliban 
Afghan war rethink

Biden Plan Would Target al-Qaeda, not Taliban

No consensus has emerged in White House war room

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s national security heavyweights have yet to reach any kind of consensus on a strategy for Afghanistan, the New York Times reports. Obama is considering both increasing troop levels to carry out his original counterinsurgency strategy, and an alternative plan from Joe Biden that would pull troops...

NYC Homes Raided in Terrorism Probe

No bombs found; Senator describes action as 'preventative'

(Newser) - Federal agents and New York police raided homes in Queens today as part of an investigation of a possible terrorist attack, the AP reports. Officials said the searches revealed no bombs or other weapons they would describe as “ready for use,” but said the action was based surveillance...

Surge May Be Only Way to Keep US Safe From al-Qaeda

Remote-controlled strikes won't be enough to stop terrorists, say experts

(Newser) - The idea that al-Qaeda could be prevented from regaining a haven in Afghanistan without having American troops in the country is gaining support as the war drags on, but it's unlikely to work, many counterterrorism experts tell the New York Times. Terrorism can't be destroyed by airstrikes or Special Forces...

Fiber-Optic Mics Eavesdrop on Thieves

OptaSense can identify footsteps, vehicles from miles away

(Newser) - Major oil companies are relying on a new fiber-optic technology to keep an underground ear on intruders, the Independent reports. Devised by a British defense firm, the OptaSense system consists of microphones placed along sensitive fiber-optic cables already laid underground. The cables sense vibrations, the mics pick it up, and...

Feds Plan to Build Team of Terror Interrogation Pros

(Newser) - The Obama administration is working on plans to create a team of interrogation experts drawn from different agencies, insiders tell the Wall Street Journal. The unit would take the job of debriefing "high-value" terror suspects away from the CIA, the sources say, and would be tasked with creating new,...

Bin Laden Short on Hiding Spots: Officials

Pakistan offensive, troops in Afghanistan, drone attacks cut space

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden has fewer and fewer places to hide these days, officials tell NPR. And “the administration smells blood,” says a former counterterror official who cites three reasons for the shrinking space: Pakistan’s Swat Valley offensive against the Taliban, "along with US activities from the...

FBI to Expand Role Battling Terrorism

Marks effort toward investigation, criminal prosecution of accused terrorists

(Newser) - The FBI will take a bigger role in the fight against terrorism, the Los Angeles Times reports, moving into investigation and criminal prosecution of accused terrorists. The shift marks a change from the secretive CIA operations favored by the Bush administration, and ties in with President Obama’s assertion that...

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