Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal

Stories 81 - 94 | << Prev 

Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell Looks Doubtful

Republican filibuster seems to be solid

(Newser) - President Obama's promise to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell by the end of the year is in trouble, reports the Washington Post . At the moment, it looks like Republicans will successfully filibuster today's defense legislation that contains the measure. This morning, Susan Collins—one of the GOP moderates that Democrats...

Gaga Joins Maine Rally Against 'Don't Ask'

Will appear today alongside discharged gay veterans

(Newser) - Lady Gaga’s crusade against Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell continues: The singer is set to join a big rally today. The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network is holding the event in Maine, and organizers tell the AP Gaga will stand with veterans discharged because of DADT in an effort...

Lady Gaga to Senate: Repeal DADT

Impassioned 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Plea Includes 3-minute call to Schumer

(Newser) - Lady Gaga is appealing directly to the Senate to urge repeal of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, New York reports. In a black-and-white video, framed by the American flag, Gaga criticizes the "inconsistent and unconstitutional enforcement" of the ban on openly gay personnel, citing advocacy group...

Gaga, Harry Reid Exchange Tweets on 'Don't Ask'

Pop star asks her fans to help repeal it

(Newser) - Apparently it's Lady Gaga In the News Day. Her latest headline-grabbing act: Instructing her fans, via Twitter , to "CALL HARRY REID to Schedule Senate Vote" and "Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell." She tweeted the message along with a picture of herself at the MTV Video Music Awards...

Judge Strikes Down 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Federal judge declares ban on gays unconstitutional

(Newser) - A federal judge in California has declared the ban on gays serving openly in the military unconstitutional, and said she will issue an order overturning the "don't ask, don't tell" policy nationwide. Judge Virginia Phillips ruled that the policy violates the First and Fifth Amendment rights of gay service...

Pentagon Blew $4.4M on Useless 'Gaydar' Survey
Pentagon Blew $4.4M on Useless 'Gaydar' Survey
Nate Silver

Pentagon Blew $4.4M on Useless 'Gaydar' Survey

Survey just tests unit cohesion, homophobia

(Newser) - The Pentagon is coming under fire for blowing $4.4 million on a survey that asks troops various questions about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Many are calling the poll biased—“It is simply impossible to imagine a survey with such derogatory and insulting wording, assumptions, and insinuations,...

Obama Gets Subpeona From Gay Protesters

They say they were just following (his) orders

(Newser) - Gay soldiers arrested for chaining themselves to the White House fence in April to protest Don't Ask, Don't Tell have issued a subpoena to Barack Obama to testify in their trial. Charged with some minor civil disobedience offenses, the soldiers are arguing that they were just following orders—in this...

House Votes to Repeal Don't Ask

Measure to let gays serve openly clears another hurdle

(Newser) - The military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy on gay service members took another big step towards becoming history tonight after the House voted 234-193 in favor of repeal. The Senate Armed Services Committee had earlier voted 16-12 of favor of repeal. Both measures won't implement repeal until after a...

Senate Panel OK's Ending 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

It's first formal step toward scrapping ban

(Newser) - The end is near, or nearer, for Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The Senate Armed Service Committee today approved a measure to scrap the ban on gays in the military, reports the Washington Post . It's the first step in a legislative compromise: The full House will vote tonight or tomorrow, and...

Look Out, Gay Soldiers Will Rape You in Your Sleep!

... claim foes of Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal

(Newser) - If Congress really repeals Don't Ask, Don't Tell, newly empowered gay soldiers will run amok, giving their straight colleagues non-consensual blow jobs when they're asleep or drunk, according to the Family Research Council. No really! They have a study to prove it! On a conference call to reporters, which Talking...

Congress to Vote on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Today

Legislation paves way for gays serving openly

(Newser) - The House is expected to vote as early as today on a proposal that would repeal "don't ask, don't tell." Under the bill, which would give the military as much time as it wants to lift ban, the president, defense secretary, and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of...

Pelosi, Hill Forced Obama to Back Deal on 'Don't Ask'

They threatened to move without him

(Newser) - Barack Obama went ahead with a plan to repeal “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” only because Congress dragged him into it kicking and screaming. Lawmakers, particularly Nancy Pelosi and Carl Levin, threatened to push ahead without Obama, and he reluctantly struck a deal. “Levin made it clear that the...

Obama Barks Back at Gay Rights Heckler

Says to 'buy a ticket' to heckle someone who disagrees with him

(Newser) - Barack Obama got a little testy yesterday when a heckler interrupted his speech at a Barbara Boxer fundraiser to shout, “Move faster on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell!'” As the crowd started to boo, Obama fired back. “Maybe he didn't read the newspapers, because we are working with...

White House Backs Deal to Repeal 'Don't Ask'

Vote could come as early as this week

(Newser) - The White House has given its support to a deal that would lift the ban on gays serving openly in the military while giving the Pentagon plenty of time to implement changes. The compromise will allow lawmakers to vote on repealing the ban as early as this week. But the...

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