Whitey Bulger

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Damon, Affleck Making Whitey Bulger Flick

Sopranos writer to pen script

(Newser) - The Whitey Bulger story begs for the cinematic treatment—and it’s getting just that, courtesy of two guys who know a thing or two about Boston. Ben Affleck will direct Matt Damon as Bulger in the Warner Bros. release, with a script by Sopranos writer/producer Terence Winter. “I...

$2M Whitey Bulger Reward Goes to Ex Miss Iceland

Anna Bjornsdottir got to know neighbors she later recognized on CNN

(Newser) - A former Miss Iceland and Noxzema model has collected a $2 million reward for dropping a dime on long-time fugitive killer Whitey Bulger , according to the Boston Globe . Anna Bjornsdottir tipped off the FBI after getting to know Bulger and girlfriend Catherine Greig, aka Carol Gasko, while they were neighbors...

Whitey Bulger Pleads Not Guilty to 19 Murders

He's not due back in court until September

(Newser) - Accused Irish mob boss Whitey Bulger pled not guilty to a 32-count federal indictment alleging he participated in 19 murders. At a district court in Plymouth County, he proclaimed his innocence in a "clear" and "soft" voice that was barely above a whisper, reports the Boston Globe . His...

Taxpayers Will Pick Up Bill for Bulger's Defense

Judge rules he can't pay for attorney himself

(Newser) - Former reputed mob boss James "Whitey" Bulger was given a taxpayer-funded attorney yesterday after a judge concluded that he is unable to pay for his own lawyer. Prosecutors argued that Bulger's family—including his brother William Bulger, the former Massachusetts Senate president—have the means to help pay...

Renters Flock to Whitey Bulger's Santa Monica Digs

Residents to want live where a fugitive escaped a decade-long manhunt

(Newser) - The simple Santa Monica apartment where James "Whitey" Bulger hid from the FBI for more than a decade could soon be one of the hotter properties in the city's rental market. The door to unit 303 remains sealed with police tape as FBI agents continue to pick the...

Whitey Bulger's Brother Failed Morally at Every Turn

William Bulger put murderous brother first

(Newser) - Deciding whether to protect or persecute a murderous brother can’t be easy, but “please, spare me any misplaced sympathy for William M. Bulger,” writes Scot Lehigh of the Boston Globe . Faced with that moral test, Bulger “failed it at each and every turn.” The former...

Feds Dropping Earlier Bulger Case For Stronger One

New case involves 19 murders instead of racketeering

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors have moved to drop a 1994 racketeering indictment against mob boss James "Whitey" Bulger. Prosecutors in Boston filed the electronic notice today that they're dismissing the indictment charging Bulger with extortion, loan sharking, witness tampering, and conspiracy.

Inside Whitey Bulger's Life on the Lam With Catherine Greig
 Inside Bulger's Life on the Lam 

Inside Bulger's Life on the Lam

Bulger, Greig often crossed border for prescription drugs

(Newser) - Despite the fact that he’s accused of murdering 19 people, Whitey Bulger’s capture caused a “momentary twinge of regret” in Tim Rutten. After all, there’s something romantic about the idea of 16 years on the run, Rutten writes in the Los Angeles Times ; perhaps we have...

FBI's 'Most Wanted' List Down to 8

The top reward left is for $1 million

(Newser) - The FBI won't say who phoned in the tip on Whitey Bulger , only that she saw the agency's TV spots about him, reports AP . Presumably, this mystery person will soon be collecting the $2 million reward. With Bulger and Osama bin Laden ($25 million) accounted for, the current...

Whitey Bulger's Politician Brother Back in Spotlight

William Bulger was president of state Senate, Massachusetts University

(Newser) - Whitey Bulger saw at least one familiar face in court yesterday : his brother, William, the former president of the Massachusetts Senate who steadfastly refused to help authorities bring in his brother. The former fugitive mouthed "hello" and nodded. The reunion of sorts has led to a spate of stories...

Whitey Bulger: I Could Afford a Lawyer if...

... the feds would give 'me my money back,' he tells court

(Newser) - Suspected mobster and longtime flight risk James "Whitey" Bulger will be cooling his heels in lockup after a federal judge denied him bail in his first court appearance yesterday. Bulger, who had $800,000 stashed in his Santa Monica apartment, asked to be declared indigent so that he could...

Could Whitey Bulger Solve the 'Holy Grail of Art Crime'?

If he didn't steal the paintings, he might know who did

(Newser) - Could the arrest of longtime Boston mob boss Whitey Bulger mean the end to a major unsolved art-world crime? In 1990, two men dressed as cops broke into a Boston museum and stole 13 paintings—including three Rembrandts, five Degas, and a Vermeer—worth more than $500 million. Bulger, then...

James Whitey Bulger and Catherine Greig Will Go Back to Boston to Face Charges
 Mobster Whitey Bulger 
 Going Back to Boston 
Had $800K in cash

Mobster Whitey Bulger Going Back to Boston

FBI agents find $800K cash in their Santa Monica Apartment

(Newser) - Whitey Bulger is going home after 16 years on the lam. The 81-year-old mob fugitive appeared in court today with girlfriend Catherine Greig. Both waived their right to a hearing, meaning they will soon be transported back to Boston to face charges. Bulger, considered the model for Jack Nicholson's...

Whitey Bulger Has Confessed
 Whitey Bulger Has Confessed 

Whitey Bulger Has Confessed

And more details on how they nabbed the famous fugitive

(Newser) - James “Whitey” Bulger has confessed, one anonymous official tells the Boston Globe . Authorities found plenty of guns and cash in the Santa Monica apartment where they nabbed Bulger and longtime Girl Friday Catherine Greig, but the two went quietly, the official said, noting that Bulger seemed to be in...

Boston Mob Boss Whitey Bulger Arrested in California
Mobster Whitey Bulger Busted After 16 Years

Mobster Whitey Bulger Busted After 16 Years

Boston mob boss, FBI informant nabbed near LA

(Newser) - Boston mob boss James "Whitey" Bulger has been arrested after 16 years as a fugitive, during which time the FBI was sometimes accused of not trying hard enough to find its former informant, the AP reports. The former leader of the Winter Hill Gang went on the run in...

FBI Seeks Wife's Leaky Breast Implant in Mob Hunt

Feds put the squeeze on docs

(Newser) - The FBI has taken out an intriguing ad in a plastic surgery journal in a bid to track the leaky breast implants of a mob capo's wife, hoping to nail the crook. "Have you treated this woman?" asks the feds' full-page ad in the journal read by plastic surgeons....

Stories 41 - 56 | << Prev