
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

An Unusual Bear Rescue, Wisconsin-Style
An Unusual Bear Rescue,

An Unusual Bear Rescue, Wisconsin-Style

Cub's head was stuck in an empty cheese tub

(Newser) - A Wisconsin family helped save a young bear that was struggling to breathe while swimming in a lake with its head caught in a plastic food container, per the AP . Tricia and Brian Hurt and their son, Brady, were fishing on Marsh Miller Lake in western Wisconsin's Chippewa County...

Yellowstone Tourist Learns Mama Bears Don't Mess Around

Missouri tourist escapes with minor injuries after attack by grizzly

(Newser) - Visitors strolling along a path with a name like Fairy Falls Trail wouldn't be unreasonable to envision a relaxing, enchanting walk surrounded by picturesque scenery. For one tourist in Yellowstone National Park this week, however, her saunter was anything but idyllic. Per a National Park Service release cited by...

She Was Napping in Backyard. Then: 'It Immediately Attacked'

Southern California teen escapes black bear by hitting it with her laptop

(Newser) - A California teen received an unpleasant awakening from a nap this week, but she's lived to tell the tale, thanks to her computer. Per USA Today , the unidentified 19-year-old was snoozing Monday evening in a chair in the backyard of a home in Sierra Madre when suddenly, "she...

'Vindication' for Conservation Officer Fired for Not Killing Cubs

Court rules Bryce Casavant's 2015 firing was improper

(Newser) - A former conservation officer who was fired for refusing to shoot two bear cubs says he is feeling vindicated after a court ruled in his favor. In July 2015, Bryce Casavant had responded to a report of a black bear rummaging through a freezer at a home in Port Hardy,...

Cubs Can Be Killed in Alaska Dens Under Trump Rule Change

NPS, Fish and WiNPS, Fish and Wildlife to relax Obama-era regulations related to federal lands

(Newser) - Two federal agencies are relaxing Obama-era regulations on wildlife, now allowing for more hunting and trapping at national preserves throughout Alaska. The Alaska Daily News reports that the rolling back by the National Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service of the 2015 prohibitions will allow hunters to take black...

Owners Scream as Bear Opens Mercedes Door
Owners Scream as Bear
Opens Mercedes Door

Owners Scream as Bear Opens Mercedes Door

TMZ finds footage of owners freaking out as bear approaches their car

(Newser) - Where, when, why—that we don't know. But TMZ has dug up footage of people fearfully watching a bear approach a Mercedes and freaking out when the animal manages to open the vehicle door. "The video is hysterical," says the media outlet. "It appears the people...

No Need for Firefighters: Mama Bear Rescues Cubs

She swam them all to safety at marina in California

(Newser) - Visitors to a California marina called firefighters when they noticed three bear cubs in an apparent pickle: They were huddled together under a dock, separated from their mother, reports the San Jose Mercury News . But by the time firefighters arrived at the Keys Marina in South Lake Tahoe, Mama Bear...

8 Bears Died Here in 2019. Cow Carcasses Sealed Their Fate

Record 51 bears killed in Montana for 2nd year in a row, with 8 deaths attributed to trains

(Newser) - Researchers are developing a system to warn grizzly bears about approaching trains in response to climbing death rates, which have some fearing for the future of the species. Some 51 bears were killed in Montana's Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem, including Glacier National Park and parts of the Flathead and...

'Puppies' on Guy's Lawn Are Really Not Puppies

North Carolina man finds mystery box, calls deputies

(Newser) - Finding a box of puppies on your lawn, OK. But learning they're really bear cubs? That's what a North Carolina man experienced last month after seeing the box and calling deputies to his Camden County home. "It's not uncommon to find black bears in the county,...

Day at the Circus Turns Chaotic: &#39;Everyone Started Running&#39;
Screams as Circus Bear
Attacks Its Trainer

Screams as Circus Bear Attacks Its Trainer

Performance was taking place in Olonets, Russia

(Newser) - Spectators at a Russian circus performance got more than they bargained for this week when a bear abruptly attacked its trainer during the show. NBC News and the AP report the incident took place in Olonets on Wednesday, during what appeared to be a calm scene up until the moment...

In Kitchen Boxing Match, It's Man vs. Bear

Plus a bat-wielding heroine

(Newser) - "You would've thought I was a Louisville slugger." So says Colorado's George Ann Field, who was lucky to find a baseball bat close at hand as she came face-to-face with a bear in her kitchen. It was her 71-year-old husband, Jon Johnson, who first discovered the...

Odd Traffic Hazard: Falling Bears
Bizarre Traffic Hazard:
Falling Bears

Bizarre Traffic Hazard: Falling Bears

Deputy learns the hard way in Northern California

(Newser) - They don't train people for this at the Sheriff's Academy. A patrol car was struck by a falling bear in Northern California last weekend. Authorities say a Humboldt County sheriff's deputy was driving on State Route 96 on Aug. 3, answering a report of a drug overdose...

A Teen Was Dozing on His Camping Trip. Enter the Bear

Sleeping 13-year-old bitten on face during attack by small bear

(Newser) - A camping trip near Moab turned into a frightening experience for a young teen Friday when a bear went after him while he was sleeping and bit his face. CNN reports the attack took place at the Dewey Bridge Campground, located on the banks of the Colorado River, around dawn....

Bear Gets Stuck in Car, 'Drives' It Down a Hill

No one was apparently hurt, including the bear

(Newser) - Colorado officials had a bear of a problem on the Fourth of July, but luckily one that resulted in no injuries. Per the Denver Post and the Denver Channel , the Boulder County Sheriff's Office put up a Facebook post Friday to serve as "a good reminder to keep...

Man Attacked by Bear Gives Her Mother's Day Gift

Alex Neumann didn't have the heart to immediately report grizzly attack he miraculously survived

(Newser) - "Never cross a mother bear with cubs" seems pretty intuitive, a fact that Alex Neumann experienced firsthand last month—and he's still dealing with both the physical and mental repercussions of the incident. The CBC reports that the 50-year-old Canadian was early for a job about 40 miles...

In This City, a Visitor Not Seen for More Than 40 Years

Tired, hungry-looking polar bear turned up in Norilsk, Russia

(Newser) - For more than 40 years, there's been no sign of polar bears in Siberia's Norilsk. That changed this week, with Russia's northernmost city putting out a warning notice Tuesday to residents that one had been spotted wandering around in the suburbs, way south of its natural habitat,...

They Shot a Bear, 2 Cubs on Tape: 'They'll Never Link It to Us'

Andrew and Owen Renner didn't know they were being filmed as they illegally slaughtered bears

(Newser) - What Alaskan prosecutors called the "most egregious bear cub poaching case" they'd ever encountered now has video that's made its way to the public to show just how egregious it was. Andrew Renner, 41, and his 18-year-old son, Owen, were sentenced in January for illegally killing a...

Camera Catches Poachers Killing Bear, 'Shrieking' Cubs

Alaska men sentenced in 'most egregious' case

(Newser) - A father and son in Alaska have been sentenced in what prosecutors said was "the most egregious bear cub poaching case" they had ever encountered. Wasilla residents Andrew Renner, 41, and Owen Renner, 18, illegally killed a sow and her two cubs on an island in Prince William Sound...

They Set Out the Krispy Kremes. Then, 'the Worst of the Worst'

9 accused of luring bears with doughnuts, then letting hunting dogs attack them

(Newser) - A nearly yearlong inquiry into a case that's been called "the worst of the worst" has led to the arrest of nine people in three states. Those are the words of Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who says the case in her state is "one of the...

Hunter Kills Bear Who Survived Wildfire Burns

Cinder was shot near her den in Washington state

(Newser) - A sad end to the life of a famous bear: Cinder, a female bear whose story captured the nation's attention after she survived a 2014 wildfire with severe burns, has been shot to death near her den in Washington state, KOMO News reports. As a cub in 2014, she...

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