
Stories 21 - 34 | << Prev 

Cows Really Don't Like Cowbells, Study Finds

At 113 decibels, the 12-pound bells can be as loud as chainsaws

(Newser) - Cowbell-clad cows are an iconic part of Swiss culture, but that doesn't mean the cows are happy about it. A new study out of the federal technology institute ETH Zurich studied 100-plus cows over a three-day period at 25 farms. Those who wore cowbells—some of which rang, some...

Japan's 'Beethoven': I'm Still Kinda Deaf

Samuragochi says he'll never appear on TV again

(Newser) - Mamoru Samuragochi, the acclaimed deaf Japanese composer who was outed by his ghostwriter as neither deaf nor a composer , held a contrite press conference today that he promised would be his last. "I will speak the truth. I will make this my last appearance on TV," the 50-year-old...

'Japan's Beethoven' Accused of Faking Deafness, Too

Also, he can't even write scores, says ghostwriter Takashi Niigaki

(Newser) - For decades, Mamoru Samuragochi has been hailed as "Japan's Beethoven" because he was a deaf composer. Now, he appears to be neither. The man who actually wrote Samuragochi's music , Takashi Niigaki, held an hour-long press conference yesterday in which he revealed that Samuragochii a) "cannot even...

Deaf NFL Player Exchanges Letters With Girl He Inspired

Response by Seahawks' Derrick Coleman to young fan is a big hit

(Newser) - The Seahawks' Derrick Coleman is legally deaf, a fact that millions of people have discovered via a popular ad for Duracell featuring the player. (It's got more than 10 million views on YouTube .) But AdWeek takes note of a nice side story: A 9-year-old girl who is hearing...

Deaf Cyclist on Charity Trek Hit Just Miles Short of Goal

Jacob Landis completed more than 10K miles

(Newser) - A deaf bicyclist who logged more than 10,000 miles for charity got hit by a truck on the last leg of his journey, reports NPR . Maryland's Jacob Landis, 24, suffered a concussion, a broken nose, and a fractured cheekbone in the hit-and-run incident. Landis got hit by the...

Boy, 3, Hears for First Time
 Boy, 3, Hears for First Time 

Boy, 3, Hears for First Time

Grayson Clamp gets to listen to his dad's voice

(Newser) - A few weeks ago, 3-year-old Grayson Clamp become the first child in the US to receive something called an auditory brain stem implant, reports CNN . The upshot is that the boy, who was born without a cochlear nerve, was able to hear sound for the first time—as captured on...

Going Blind, Deaf Twins Die by Assisted Suicide

Belgian brothers were inseparable, doctor says

(Newser) - A pair of deaf identical twins were euthanized last month in Belgium after learning they would go blind and not see each other again, ABC News reports. Unable to bear the thought, the 45-year-olds died by lethal injection at the Brussels University Hospital after having a cup of coffee. "...

Scientists Discover Deafness Gene

 Scientists Discover 
 Deafness Gene 
in case you missed it

Scientists Discover Deafness Gene

Could lead to new treatments: study

(Newser) - Scientists have identified a gene that causes about one in 25,000 babies to be born deaf, and they hope the discovery will lead to new treatments. A protein called CIB2 is mutated in babies born with Usher syndrome type 1, who are profoundly deaf from birth and often cannot...

Embryonic Stem Cells Help Deaf Gerbils Hear

But any help for humans is still far off

(Newser) - British researchers are reporting what might be a potential breakthrough in the treatment of deafness. They injected embryonic stem cells from humans into the inner ears of deaf gerbils, and the stem cells restored 45% of the gerbils' hearing range, on average, in 10 weeks, reports the BBC . Two caveats:...

School Wants Deaf Boy, 3, to Change Name Sign...

Because it looks too much like a weapon

(Newser) - Hunter Spanjer is deaf, so the Nebraska 3-year-old says his name by signing with a hand gesture—a hand gesture that his school doesn't like. Grand Island Public Schools prohibits "any instrument … that looks like a weapon" from being on campus, and apparently the school thinks Hunter'...

Marvel Designs Deaf Hero to Inspire Boy

Comics company responds to mom's email

(Newser) - A 4-year-old boy was sick of wearing his hearing aid because, he told his mother, superheroes don't wear them. So she sent Marvel Comics an email asking about deaf characters—and the company designed a hero just for young Anthony Smith. First, Marvel sent Anthony a picture of Hawkeye,...

VIDEO: Deaf Woman Sarah Churman Hears for the First Time, Goes Viral
 Deaf Woman 
 Hears Her Voice 
 for First Time 
in case you missed it

Deaf Woman Hears Her Voice for First Time

Sarah Churman loves hearing her daughters, she tells 'Today'

(Newser) - In a dramatic and touching video , Sarah Churman—severely hearing impaired from birth—heard herself for the first time. The video, shot by Churman's husband, shows Churman crying as her new Esteem Inner Ear Stimulator, the first implantable hearing aid for people with her specific condition, is turned on....

Beached Dolphins Often Deaf: Study Shows Dolphins With Hearing Loss May Be Getting Lost, Going Hungry
 Many Beached 
 Dolphins Are Deaf 
study says

Many Beached Dolphins Are Deaf

Hearing loss can cause dolphins to get lost, go hungry

(Newser) - In an undersea world where hearing is as valuable—sometimes more valuable—than sight, being deaf can be a death sentence. New research finds that many dolphins stranded near shore have hearing loss, and researchers theorize that loss could explain why they're beached. Without the ability to hear, dolphins can't...

Gallaudet Embraces Deaf Baseball Coach

Ex-major leaguer Curtis Pride sets example at school for the deaf

(Newser) - A recently retired former major leaguer sets out to turn around a college baseball program—a familiar story, but not when you're talking about the only deaf player of the modern era and the country's foremost college for the deaf. "I want these kids to play like real players,...

Stories 21 - 34 | << Prev