Gulf oil spill

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Obama Used Bush Drilling Policies He Slammed

Political expediency caused U-turn on offshore drilling

(Newser) - President Obama and his administration have gone from condemning Bush-era offshore drilling policies to embracing them to blaming them for the mess in the Gulf, a Wall Street Journal look at Obama's energy policy finds. The tough talk about environmental protection heard on the campaign trail gave way to support...

Tar Balls Hit Texas Beaches
 Tar Balls Hit Texas Beaches 

Tar Balls Hit Texas Beaches

Spill has now affected every Gulf state

(Newser) - Oil from the BP spill has now reached the shores of every Gulf state. Tar balls from the spill were found over the weekend on a Texas beach 400 miles from the Gulf gusher, AP reports. Authorities—who rapidly dispatched cleanup crews and sent BP the bill—believe the tar...

Choppy Seas Foil Tests of 'A Whale'

No definitive answers, more testing needed for skimmer

(Newser) - Choppy seas have temporarily foiled attempts to see if a giant oil skimmer can be a silver bullet for cleanup efforts in the Gulf of Mexico. Bob Grantham, spokesman for Taiwanese shipping firm TMT, says the company's vessel, dubbed "A Whale," will need further testing off the coast...

BP Cleanup Tab Passes $3B Mark

And lousy weather continues to cause delays

(Newser) - BP's costs for the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill climbed nearly half a billion dollars in the past week, raising the oil giant's tab to $3.12 billion for work on cleaning and capping the gusher and payouts to individuals, businesses, and governments, according to a tally released today...

Oil Cleanup Spoils Gulf's July 4th Parties

Tourism crisis, danger of fire dampen celebrations

(Newser) - Fourth of July celebrations will be scaled down in many Gulf Coast towns, where the BP oil spill and cleanup effort are taking a big bite out of holiday fun. Cash-strapped governments dealing with the tourism bust have canceled fireworks displays, and some have moved their pyrotechnics inland because of...

Oil Subsidies: US Tax Dollars at Work

Feds helps industry out every step of the way: 'NYT'

(Newser) - The feds have shaken BP down for $20 billion to pay for the Gulf cleanup, and they're looking to impose an industry-wide tax toward the same end—which is giving the industry fits. But it's worth noting, reports the New York Times in a detailed examination, that oil is one...

Hopes High for Whale of a Test

Supertanker continues 48-hour oil-skimming trial

(Newser) - The latest hopes are riding on a massive new skimmer to clean oil from near the spewing well in the Gulf of Mexico, while a local Louisiana parish's plan to block the slick has been rejected by federal officials. A 48-hour test of the Taiwanese vessel dubbed "A Whale"...

Expect Tar Balls in Miami, Fort Lauderdale

But most of the Eastern Seaboard should be safe

(Newser) - The bad news is that the Florida Keys, Miami, and Fort Lauderdale have a good chance—from 61% to 80%—of seeing tar balls wash ashore as a result of the Gulf spill. The good news is that the rest of the Eastern seaboard should be safe, predicts the National...

Gulf Oil Sickens Hundreds of Florida Swimmers

Authorities are 'winging it' on water safety

(Newser) - Just when they thought it was safe to go back in the water, hundreds of swimmers reported feeling ill after braving the waves when Pensacola authorities lifted the "no swimming" flag. Local officials rejected EPA advice to close beaches and are instead relying on lifeguards to spot oil and...

Great: Oil Spill Penalties Are a Tax Writeoff
Great: Oil Spill Penalties Are
a Tax Writeoff

Great: Oil Spill Penalties Are a Tax Writeoff

We need to make sure juries know and can adjust punishments

(Newser) - When juries award huge punitive damages against oil companies in the wake of a spill, they're often unaware of a simple fact: the companies can ease their own pain by deducting the damages on their federal income taxes, write two law professors in the New York Times . The Senate has...

Toxic Katrina Trailers Now House Gulf Workers

Formaldehyde contamination 'no big deal,' buyers say

(Newser) - The toxic trailers that became a symbol of FEMA bungling in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina have found their way to a fresh disaster. Dozens of the trailers, which investigators found to contain levels of formaldehyde far in excess of federal limits, are being used as temporary housing for workers...

Methane 'Dead Zones' Spotted in Gulf Spill

Methane release threatening Gulf food chain

(Newser) - There's a lot more than just oil spewing out of BP's busted well and that spells still more trouble for marine life, experts warn. The well is leaking vast amounts of methane and other gases, triggering the growth of microbes and creating oxygen-starved "dead zones," where fish and...

Protesters to Harass BP—With Vuvuzelas

100-horn march planned at London HQ

(Newser) - For one London videographer, BP execs aren't feeling enough pain for the environmental destruction they've caused. He'd like to remind them with a little discomfort of their own—and what better way than a vuvuzela concert? That's what Adam Quirk has planned—he posted an open call for donations toward...

'Whale' Supertanker to Skim Oil in Gulf*

*Er, assuming it works

(Newser) - A massive supertanker is heading for the Gulf, newly outfitted to skim oil out of the water—in theory. The boat, appropriately named A Whale, is 10 stories tall and 372 yards long, making it the largest ship to ever attempt an oil cleanup job. Its owner, Nobu Su, CEO...

Hurricane Halts Gulf Cleanup
 Hurricane Halts Gulf Cleanup 

Hurricane Halts Gulf Cleanup

15 foot waves fouling beaches again

(Newser) - The first hurricane of the season has put the brakes on the oil clean-up operation around the Gulf of Mexico. Oil-skimming ships have returned to port, and dispersant flights and controlled burns have been halted, the BBC reports. BP, however, says major efforts to contain oil from the Gulf spill...

US Accepts Foreign Help on Oil Spill

A dozen nations and agencies will assist with the cleanup

(Newser) - The United States has taken the rare step of accepting help from 12 countries and international organizations in cleaning up the oil spill in the Gulf. Most of the countries and groups have offered skimmers, boom, or dispersant chemicals. A chart on the State Department website indicates that help has...

Massive Gulf Turtle Rescue Launched

Tens of thousands of eggs being moved

(Newser) - Wildlife experts scrambling to save hatchlings from the Gulf oil spill have hatched the biggest turtle rescue effort in history. Tens of thousands of sea turtle eggs will be dug up from beaches along the Gulf coast and trucked to Florida's Atlantic coast, where they will be hatched in temperature-controlled...

Obama Needs This Guy on Climate Bill
 Obama Needs 
 This Guy on 
 Climate Bill 

Obama Needs This Guy on Climate Bill

The professor needs Arnold to lend some muscle

(Newser) - The biggest environmental disaster in our history is strangling the Gulf, but instead of using it to sound the battle cry for his energy bill, President Obama is in danger of nerdifying yet another reform. The solution, writes Tina Brown at the Daily Beast, is simple: Send in the Governator....

Station Owners Want Help, Price Cut From BP

Hit by boycott, business down 10% to 40%

(Newser) - Tension is mounting between BP and the neighborhood retailers that man the gas pumps. As more Americans shun BP gasoline as a form of protest over the Gulf oil spill, station owners from Georgia to Illinois say sales have declined 10% to 40%. They want BP do more to explain...

Oil Hits Mississippi, Barbour Changes Tune on Spill

Asks BP and feds for more resources

(Newser) - Oil officially hit Mississippi's shoreline yesterday, and the state's governor has finally decided that this spill is bad news: Gov. Haley Barbour, who just last month suggested that the spill would have " minimal impact ," is now pushing BP and federal officials to boost his state's resources, reports the...

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