
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev 

Campaign Emails Are the Worst of American Politics

They're deceitful, greedy, and they prove campaigns think we're stupid: John Dickerson

(Newser) - Anyone who's had the misfortune to end up on an email list from any political party knows the drill: Maybe a subject line of something like, "Hey," followed by an oh-so personal appeal from the president himself, or the House leader, or maybe Barbra Streisand, the sender...

White House Releases Benghazi Emails

They cover the development of 'talking points' after attack

(Newser) - If you can't get enough of the Benghazi story, the White House has some reading for you: This afternoon, it released 100 pages of emails and other internal notes that show how its "talking points" evolved after the attack, reports the Washington Post . You can dig in here...

Time to Kill Email Signoffs

 Time to Kill 
 Email Signoffs 

Time to Kill Email Signoffs

Matthew JX Malady says they're an annoying holdover from times of old

(Newser) - Got a favorite email signoff? "Best," maybe? Or some version of "Regards"? How about the old standby "XOXO"? Enough already, writes Matthew JX Malady at Slate . It's time to do away with email signoffs entirely. They're a waste of time and space,...

Emails: BP Lied About Extent of Oil Spill

Accused engineer plans to release evidence

(Newser) - Emerging evidence may support accusations that BP initially lied about the extent of its devastating 2010 oil spill , reports the Huffington Post . Former BP engineer Kurt Mix, charged with destroying spill-related text messages, plans to defend himself by releasing emails that show BP knew about the true extent of the...

Loner James Holmes Was Dating: Emails

Messages reveal university's response to shooting

(Newser) - Newly released emails paint a clearer picture of the Aurora shooting suspect—and the University of Colorado's reaction to the attack. Former student James Holmes didn't have many friends, but he did briefly have a girlfriend who was in India during the shooting, the AP reports. Holmes "...

Is Facebook Better Than Sex?
 Is Facebook Better Than Sex? 
new study wonders

Is Facebook Better Than Sex?

Not tonight, dear, I have to check my computer

(Newser) - It might not be better than sex, but Facebook—along with checking email and surfing the web—is apparently more irresistible, a new study has found. The smartphone-based survey of mostly college-aged respondents tracked their most irresistible desires several times a day. While most reported that sex was a stronger...

Activists Spied On Assad's Private Emails

And now you can, too: Guardian posts them

(Newser) - The Guardian has a big Syrian scoop today in the form of what it says are more than 3,000 private emails from the accounts of Bashar al-Assad and wife Asma. Activists apparently had access to the accounts for months, sometimes using them to get wind of military maneuvers, until...

Emails Warned Obama About Solyndra Mess

Officials, investors shocked by investment in solar firm

(Newser) - Scared White House officials and private investors gave President Obama fair warning about his visit to Solyndra, the New York Times reports. Released today from a Congressional investigation, the emails told Obama not to visit the solar equipment manufacturer in 2009 because it would go belly up, despite massive federal...

Alaska Probes Missing Palin Emails

No Palin emails released from first month in office

(Newser) - Alaska officials have launched an investigation into missing emails from a trove of messages released last week from Sarah Palin's time as governor. The state has released more than 24,000 emails to and from Palin from the time she took office in 2006 to a few weeks after...

Governor Sarah Palin's Email Trove Is Out
 Palin Email 
 Trove Is Out 

Palin Email Trove Is Out

Journalists begin plowing through 24K pages

(Newser) - Some 24,000 pages of eagerly awaited emails from Sarah Palin’s time as governor have been released, and journalists are diving in—some with public volunteers, notes the Anchorage Daily News . So far, no headlines; indeed, a Palin rep is encouraging “everyone” to read them. The reporters need...

Felix Salmon: New York Times May Have Hacked Into Private Emails for Fabrice Tourre Story
Times May Have Crossed
Line by Snooping Emails
felix salmon

Times May Have Crossed Line by Snooping Emails

Fabrice Tourre story based on laptop found in trash

(Newser) - The New York Times today has a lengthy backgrounder on the case of Fabrice Tourre, the young Goldman Sachs trader sued by the SEC on allegations of fraud. What has caught the eye of most bloggers, though, isn't any revelations in the story but the way it was sourced:...

Coming Soon: 275 Pounds of Sarah Palin Emails

Alaska to release ex-governor's missives in coming days

(Newser) - Something to read on the bus : Alaska will release 24,000 pages of Sarah Palin emails from her days as governor, reports the Anchorage Daily News . News services actually requested them when she was running for vice president, and now they'll get them as she may or may not...

Diplomat's Daughter Suing NYC for Wrongful Arrest

18-year-old Krittika Biswas was taken from her class in handcuffs

(Newser) - The daughter of an Indian diplomat is suing New York City $1.5 million for arresting her after someone else sent nasty emails to her high school teacher. Krittika Biswas, 18, was removed from her Queens high school in handcuffs in February and held for more than 24 hours, she...

University of Iowa Professor to GOP Students: 'F Off'

Ellen Lewin hits 'reply all' after getting email about conservative event

(Newser) - File under "really poor decisions to hit 'reply all'": A University of Iowa gender and women's studies professor did just that on Monday, after receiving a mass email from the College Republicans about an upcoming event. Her poetic reply? "F*** YOU, REPUBLICANS." Predictably, outrage...

Homeland Security Hiding Its Emails: Insiders

Employees concerned over lengthy vetting process for internal records

(Newser) - Homeland Security insiders spent months complaining that top Obama appointees were improperly delaying the release of potentially embarrassing files sought under the Freedom of Information Act. In a raft of uncensored emails obtained by the AP , insiders called the vetting process “meddling," "crazy" and "bananas!”...

Meet the Guy Who Sues Spammers for a Living

Daniel Balsam is doing his part to clean up the Internet

(Newser) - Eight years ago, Daniel Balsam quit his job as a marketer and went to law school—all so that he could make a living by suing email spammers. "I feel like I'm doing a little bit of good cleaning up the Internet," says Balsam, who has racked up...

Todd Palin: Email Flap Just a Misunderstanding

Says he got his 'wires crossed' with Joe Miller

(Newser) - Todd Palin acknowledged today that he sent angry emails to Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller, but he brushed it off as a misunderstanding being exaggerated by the media. "My family has worked hard in supporting Joe Miller, so when I heard he'd said something less than supportive of my...

Clinton-Era Emails Show a Political, Blunt Kagan

Clinton's library releases 78K pages of correspondence

(Newser) - Elena Kagan shows herself to be hands-on, political, and more than a little, shall we say, blunt, in thousands of pages of emails released by Bill Clinton's presidential library. The release is the third and final handed over for Senate scrutiny ahead of her confirmation hearings, and reveals "There...

Jobless Man Sends Senator Angry Emails, Gets Arrested

Faces felony charges over notes to Bunning

(Newser) - When Sen. Jim Bunning single-handedly blocked an expansion of unemployment benefits—and complained that he'd had to miss a Kentucky-South Carolina basketball game to do it—unemployed Philadelphia man Bruce Shore did what any furious voter would do: he sent Bunning an email. “ARE you'all insane?” it read. “...

Goldman Love Letters at Heart of SEC Case

Fooling 'widows' part of emailed sweet nothings

(Newser) - If there's anything Goldman Sachs bond trader Fabrice Tourre has learned it's: 1.) Don't rip off the public, and 2.) Above all, don't brag about it in love emails on a company computer to your gal pal. Tourre is the only individual named in the SEC fraud action...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev