Deepwater Horizon

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Feds: We Won't Nuke Gulf Spill

Nuclear option isn't an option: scientists

(Newser) - The federal government is definitely not considering nuking its way out of the Gulf oil spill crisis, despite some people's belief that it may be the best remaining option, officials said. The Soviet Union has successfully used nuclear blasts to seal off several runaway gas wells, supporters of the nuclear...

BP's Diamond Saw Is Stuck in Pipe

 BP's Diamond Saw 
 Is Stuck in Pipe 
oil nears florida

BP's Diamond Saw Is Stuck in Pipe

Coast Guard says it will have to be freed before the cut can be completed

(Newser) - The saw being used to cut through the pipe on the damaged oil well in the Gulf of Mexico has become stuck, Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said at a press conference this morning, stalling the latest attempt to contain the BP oil gusher. The goal is now to free...

Government Wants James Cameron's Help With Oil Spill

Well, he did once make a movie about a boat...

(Newser) - The top kill didn't work, so the government apparently figured, what the heck, let's call James Cameron! Yes, James Cameron of Titanic and Avatar fame is among the experts who met yesterday to brainstorm ways to stop the BP oil leak...because apparently, as Matthew Daly writes for the AP...

Lawyers Scramble to Sue BP
 Lawyers Scramble to Sue BP 

Lawyers Scramble to Sue BP

Gusher of litigation expected to dwarf Valdez suits

(Newser) - Even if it manages to plug the Gulf leak tomorrow, BP is facing a gusher of lawsuits likely to keep flowing for decades. Lawyers are scrambling to file ever-bigger lawsuits on behalf of people affected by the Deepwater Horizon explosion and its aftermath, including rig workers, shrimpers, and tourist businesses....

Joe Klein: Gulf Spill Is Bush's 2nd Katrina

Deregulation caused disaster, Klein says

(Newser) - The massive oil spill in the Gulf isn't President Obama's Hurricane Katrina, it's George W. Bush's second Katrina, according to Time pundit Joe Klein. Klein, appearing on the Chris Matthews Show, blamed the spill on Bush-era regulations, and Dick Cheney's "deregulation, and lording over the Minerals Management" office, Mediaite...

Top Kill's Failure Marks Obama's Stalling Point

Spill is Obama's Iranian hostage crisis, writes David Brooks

(Newser) - The failure of BP's top kill marks the moment the Obama presidency went from "lightning advance" to "nasty stasis," writes David Brooks. The sweeping changes of his first 16 months in office have been accomplished and the president is now faced with intractable problems and stalled legislation,...

Obama Scrambles to Distance Himself From BP

AG Eric Holder to visit Gulf Coast today

(Newser) - The Obama administration has little choice but to work closely with BP on the Gulf oil spill but it's doing its best to make it clear that the relationship isn't cozy. Attorney General Eric Holder is heading to the Gulf Coast today to meet with prosecutors ahead of a possible...

Louisiana Protesters Lash BP, Feds

Oil company weighs yet another spill strategy

(Newser) - Protesters took to the streets of New Orleans yesterday as BP weighed yet another strategy to plug the 6-week-old oil spill after the crushing failure of the "top kill" approach . "The federal government's inaction is horrible," a protester told the Times-Picayune . "We didn't know it was...

It's Time to Get Dirty, President Spock
 It's Time 
 to Get Dirty, 
 President Spock 

It's Time to Get Dirty, President Spock

Obama's aloofness doesn't belong anywhere near Gulf

(Newser) - Just about everyone has a critique of President Obama's oil spill response—and never one to sit on the sidelines, Maureen Dowd lets "President Spock" have it over his aloof attitude. Writing in the New York Times, she assails "the man whose presidency is rooted in his ability...

BP Oil Rig Had Months of Safety Worries

Well was fraught with problems going back to June 2009

(Newser) - Most of us just woke up one April day to the news that an oil rig had exploded in the Gulf, but BP knew of safety concerns at least 10 months before that, according to documents obtained by the New York Times. The highlights:
  • In June 2009, BP engineers worried

'Top Kill' Isn't Working
 'Top Kill' Isn't Working 

'Top Kill' Isn't Working

Operation again halted as flow of oil continues

(Newser) - BP's efforts to plug the leak aren't working. The latest "junk shot" failed to stop the flow of oil last night, and engineers have once again halted the "top kill" pumping while they review data, reports the New York Times . "Right now, I would not be optimistic,...

US Watches, Waits
 US Watches Top Kill, Waits 

US Watches Top Kill, Waits

Millions captivated by the spillcam look for progress

(Newser) - Two days after BP began a risky effort to plug its gushing oil well, company officials said the operation was going as planned but offered few details, leaving it up to the millions glued to its "spillcam" to speculate whether the top kill was working. Most experts saw incremental...

BP Resumes 'Top Kill'
 BP Resumes 'Top Kill'  

BP Resumes 'Top Kill'

Initial efforts didn't stop the flow of oil

(Newser) - It's "top kill," take two. BP has resumed pumping dense mud into its blown-out well in the Gulf, reports CNN . The company began the procedure yesterday but said it suspended it about midnight to assess progress. Despite some positive reports to the contrary this morning, the initial efforts...

BP Suspends 'Top Kill'
 BP Suspends 'Top Kill' 

BP Suspends 'Top Kill'

First two efforts didn't stop the flow of oil

(Newser) - The "top kill" operation is on hold, and oil is still gushing from the floor of the Gulf. BP says it hopes to try again later tonight. News of the suspension, first reported by the New York Times in the late afternoon, came as something of a surprise after...

BP Cut Corners on Well Casing
 BP Cut Corners on Well Casing 

BP Cut Corners on Well Casing

Went with riskier option because it was cheaper

(Newser) - First rule of business, kids: cut costs where you can. For example, if you can buy a cheaper cement for the casing pipe in your oil well, and the only risk is that it might fail to seal, let gas leak in, and lead to a massive explosion, you should...

Most Think Obama Doing a Lousy Job on Oil Spill

53% bash him; BP's numbers are worse

(Newser) - No big surprise with these poll numbers: The public is paying close attention to the Gulf oil spill and thinks pretty much everyone involved is doing lousy work, including President Obama. Highlights from the USA Today/Gallup poll :
  • About 75% say BP is doing a "poor" or "very poor"

Fishermen Getting Sick in Gulf Cleanup

Lawmaker wants mobile clinics funded by BP

(Newser) - More reports are surfacing about fishermen getting sick while cleaning up the Gulf oil spill, and a Louisiana congressman wants BP to pay for mobile clinics, reports the Los Angeles Times . With the "top kill" strategy under way at the ocean bottom, the fishermen on the surface are complaining...

Oil Rig Workers Blew Past Red Flags

Equipment showed danger of blowout, but they kept working

(Newser) - Just two hours before the Deepwater Horizon exploded, a major test revealed a “very large abnormality” in the well, but workers simply ignored it and kept working, BP revealed in a report to Congress yesterday. Previously, BP had said the test was inconclusive, the Wall Street Journal notes, but...

BP Caves, Agrees to Show 'Top Kill' Attempt

Obama: 'Plug the damn hole'

(Newser) - BP has bowed to pressure from an increasingly ticked-off White House and reversed an earlier decision to cut off a live video feed as it attempts a top kill maneuver to plug the Gulf oil leak. The company—slammed by lawmakers yesterday after executives said the feed would be cut...

Should We Torch the Wetlands?
 Should We Torch the Wetlands? 

Should We Torch the Wetlands?

Controlled burn may be 'least bad' option

(Newser) - There are no good options for dealing with the oil soaking Louisiana wetlands but setting it on fire may be the best of the bad options available, scientists say. A controlled burn in a marsh area soaked in oil during Hurricane Katrina removed around 90% of the oil and allowed...

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