The Overton Window

3 Stories

Beck's Thriller a Ripoff of His Ghostwriter's Last Book?

(Newser) - The plot of Glenn Beck's new political thriller, The Overton Window, reads a whole heck of a lot like that of Circumference of Darkness, notes the Huffington Post . That just so happens to have been written in 2005 by Jack Henderson. Who just so happened to have ghostwritten Overton Window....

Glenn Beck Thriller: Is He Trying to Incite Violence?

Host in war of words over whether 'Overton Window' is extremist handbook

(Newser) - The critics haven't been too kind to Glenn Beck's new novel: "There will undoubtedly be positive reviews of The Overton Window," writes Majorie Kehe for the Christian Science Monitor of the federal conspiracy thriller, "but at least as of yet they are not easy to turn up...

Glenn Beck Details His Upcoming Novel
 Glenn Beck Details His Upcoming Novel

Glenn Beck Details His Upcoming Novel

The Overton Window has US devolving into new civil war

(Newser) - What do you think of when you hear Glenn Beck describe this scenario? “It’s a story of America at time much like today where the people are confused and they’re being lied to and they’re not sure what’s right-side-up and upside-down.” If you said...

3 Stories
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