electroshock therapy

4 Stories

Shocking Students May Not Be OK With FDA

Massachusetts school alone in using controversial practice

(Newser) - On second thought, the FDA isn't so sure that painful electric shocks are a good way to keep unruly autistic people in line. For years the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center, a Massachusetts school for people with intellectual disabilities, has been outfitting students prone to aggressive behavior or self harm...

Military's Coffee Alternative: Shocks to the Brain?

Air Force testing electric stimulation for drone operators

(Newser) - When you're spending hours tracking the activity of spy drones, it can be hard to stay alert, even if you've got Red Bull. Now, the military is testing a caffeine alternative, and it involves the unlikely tactic of shocking drone operators' brains, the Boston Globe reports. The results...

Shock Treatment Zap Your Bad Memories
 Shock Treatment 
 Zaps Your Bad 
study says

Shock Treatment Zaps Your Bad Memories

Netherlands researchers find success with electroshock therapy

(Newser) - Scientists are investigating a new way to combat bad memories, and so far, the results look promising. In the 1960s, researchers found that mice who were trained to fear a certain sound were able to forget that fear if shocked after hearing the noise. A new study points to a...

Anti-Gay 'Dr. Shock' Busted on Sex Charges

Used grisly methods to 'cure' gay soldiers, abused male patient

(Newser) - A psychiatrist known as Dr. Shock for his notorious attempts to "cure" gay military recruits through electroshock therapy has been charged with sexually assaulting a male patient. Dr. Aubrey Levin, who was arrested in Calgary, Alberta, after he was secretly filmed sexually abusing a male patient, had previously been...

4 Stories
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