nuclear proliferation

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Pakistan Moves to Mend Fences With India

Zadari extends olive branch, proposes economic union

(Newser) - Pakistan has proposed an economic pact and a general détente with India, marking the country’s friendliest overture in decades, the Financial Times reports. Asif Ali Zardari promised not to use his nuclear first-strike capabilities, a departure from Pakistan’s official policy, and offered to join India in a...

Iran Cannot Be Allowed to Go Nuclear
Iran Cannot Be Allowed to Go Nuclear

Iran Cannot Be Allowed to Go Nuclear

Next president must prevent proliferation, no matter the cost

(Newser) - The US must prevent Iran from going nuclear, even if it means military intervention, write Daniel Coats and Charles Robb, heads of a bipartisan think tank on the issue. “An Islamic Republic of Iran with nuclear weapons capability would be strategically untenable,” they argue. Even if Iran doesn’...

North Korea Threatens to Sever Ties With South

Calls South Korean government 'traitors'

(Newser) - North Korea is threatening to sever ties with South Korea in a war of words that has plunged relations between the partitioned neighbors to a new low, Reuters reports. North Korean officials are upset about hardline policies of South Korea's conservative government.  "If the traitors keep to the...

US Removes N. Korea From Terrorism Blacklist

(Newser) - The US has removed North Korea from its terrorism blacklist after Pyongyang agreed to all nuclear inspection demands, the State Department said today. North Korea will allow atomic experts to take samples and conduct forensic tests at its nuclear facilities. If it balks, it will go back on the list....

N. Korea Readies Test Launch Missiles

UN monitoring halted, disarmament pact nearing collapse

(Newser) - North Korea sent 10 missiles to test-launch sites off the Yellow Sea today and halted UN monitoring of its nuclear complex, Reuters reports, in the latest hardline signal from the Communist regime as it flirts with scrapping a nuclear disarmament deal. Meanwhile, Pyongyang tested two ship-to-ship missiles in the West...

India Nuclear Deal Is a Go
 India Nuclear Deal Is a Go 

India Nuclear Deal Is a Go

Congress passes agreement three years in the making to sell nuclear material

(Newser) - A deal with India to sell nuclear fuel and technology made it through Congress last night after 3 years of negotiation, the LA Times reports. The agreement, passed by the Senate moments before the bailout bill, repeals the 30-year-old ban imposed after India defied international law to develop a bomb....

US Rep Heads to North Korea With New Nukes Proposal

Verification system at heart of new mission aimed at restarting process

(Newser) - The chief US nuclear negotiator with North Korea will propose a face-saving compromise during a trip tomorrow to the isolated communist nation to try to salvage the derailed disarmament pact, officials said. Envoy Christopher Hill said his goal was to persuade North Korea to agree to a verification system to...

Elect the Guy Who Can Prevent This
 Elect the Guy 
 Who Can Prevent This 

Elect the Guy Who Can Prevent This

Keeping terrorists from striking US with nukes is next president's only real goal

(Newser) - Fannie and Freddie, health-care reform, and Wasilla, Alaska, are just meaningless election “commentary” to Jeffrey Goldberg, who writes in the New York Times that nuclear terrorism is the only issue that matters. Proliferation experts say the chance of a terrorist group detonating an atomic bomb in the US could...

In Break With Policy, US to Join Iran Nuke Talks

Move hailed as breakthrough in Iranian relations

(Newser) - In a break with long-standing policy, a top US envoy will join European Union talks with Iran concerning its nuclear program, reports the Washington Post. Undersecretary of State William Burns will join the EU's foreign policy chief and Iran's nuclear negotiator in Geneva this weekend. Burns will hold out the...

Amid Pressure, Helping Iran on Nuke Power More Popular

Diplomats, legislators back idea of international enrichment; Bush again lashes out

(Newser) - Even as US and European leaders warned today of new sanctions, a controversial plan to help Iran build an internationally run nuclear enrichment facility is gaining traction in Washington, the Boston Globe reports. The Bush administration rejected the proposal from MIT scientists 3 years ago, but now legislators from both...

Syria Must 'Come Clean' on Nukes, US Says

Reactor destroyed by Israel was nearly complete, it says

(Newser) - A covert nuclear reactor in Syria was only months away from producing uranium for weapons when Israel destroyed it in a bombing raid, US intelligence officials say. The officials briefed members of Congress on the Israeli raid in September, asserting that North Korea helped Syria build the site. The White...

Video Links North Korea to Syrian Reactor

Design similar to North Korean nuke technology

(Newser) - Video showing a nuclear reactor under construction in Syria is expected to be released today by the White House, the New York Times reports. The video, shot before the reactor was obliterated by Israeli air strikes, confirms that Syrians had North Korean technological help. The design is similar to one...

CIA Recruited Iranian Officials to Defect

A 'handful' left in US plot to disrupt nuke program

(Newser) - The CIA plotted to recruit Iranian officials to defect and managed to entice a handful to do so over the last two years, reports the Los Angeles Times. The secret program, begun in 2005, was intended to disrupt Iranian nuclear research. The primary criterion for recruitment, according to a former...

Iran Prez: Go Ahead Make My Day
Iran Prez:
Go Ahead
Make My Day

Iran Prez: Go Ahead Make My Day

We're ready for a US attack, warns Ahmadinejad

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday warned that his nation is fully prepared to respond if attacked, but downplayed the possibility of a war with the US. "We have made all preparations, and if there is any suspicion, then we are ready," he said during a visit to Bahrain....

Dems Stonewall on Pullout Deadline
Dems Stonewall on
Pullout Deadline

Dems Stonewall on Pullout Deadline

Obama, Edwards, Clinton won't guarantee withdrawal by 2013

(Newser) - None of the three leading Democratic White House contenders were willing last night to guarantee that they would get US troops out of Iraq by 2013. During a Democratic debate at Dartmouth College, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards—who all support a timetable for troop withdrawal—each declined...

Korea Denies Secret Nuclear Pact with Syria

China cancels talks after Israeli raid raises suspicions

(Newser) - North Korea and Syria each strongly denied a secret nuclear alliance today, after an Israeli raid in Syria, rumored to be aimed at a nuclear installation, raised suspicions. North Korea called the pact a fabrication designed to stall progress in its multi-national nuclear negotiations, while a state-run Syrian newspaper said...

UN Finds Iran Nuke Progress Slow
UN Finds
Iran Nuke
Progress Slow

UN Finds Iran Nuke Progress Slow

Tehran has overstated nuclear capacity, watchdog agency finds

(Newser) - The UN's nuclear watchdog says Iran’s uranium enrichment is progressing slowly, Reuters reports, a finding that will likely dim American efforts to impose new sanctions. “Iran made a fast start but then there was a leveling off,” said an official of the IAEA, whose report debunked Iran's...

Two Koreas Set Summit
Two Koreas
Set Summit

Two Koreas Set Summit

Leaders of divided peninsula will meet for first time since 2000

(Newser) - The leaders of North and South Korea will meet for a three-day summit at the end of the month for the first time in 7 years, Reuters reports. The summit in Pyongyang is expected to have little impact on the six-party negotiations that succeeded in inducing the North Koreans to...

US Will Share Nuke Fuel, Technology With India

Civilian deal reverses US precedent

(Newser) - The United States unveiled a plan today to share nuclear fuel and technology with India, upending decades of American non-proliferation strictures, the AP reports. The deal allows only civilian uses, but critics are concerned nonetheless about the specter of an Asian  nuclear arms race.

North Korea Shuts Down Reactor
North Korea Shuts Down Reactor

North Korea Shuts Down Reactor

UN nuclear inspectors to confirm claim; first fuel oil shipment arrives

(Newser) - North Korea claimed to have shut down the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon today, just hours after a ship arrived bearing the first installment of the fuel oil that  was promised in exchange for closing the reactor. UN inspectors are headed to the site to confirm the shutdown, the first major...

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