Ronald Reagan

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Populism Killed the Republican Party
Populism Killed the Republican Party

Populism Killed the Republican Party

Anti-elite attitude personified by Palin drove away base

(Newser) - Anti-intellectual populism has reduced the Republicans to a resentful rump party, writes David Brooks in the New York Times. A movement that once prized good ideas began to rely on bashing the educated as a political tactic. “What had been a disdain for liberal intellectuals slipped into a disdain...

Wave Goodbye to Reaganism
Wave Goodbye
to Reaganism 

Wave Goodbye to Reaganism

Wall St. collapse shows old policies no longer work for modern US

(Newser) - Reaganism—the graying policy of low taxes, light regulation, small government, and “cowboy capitalism”—is over. Worse, Francis Fukuyama writes in Newsweek, it, along with Washington’s ill-advised foreign policy, is tarnishing the American brand. “Restoring our good name and reviving the appeal of our brand is...

About-Face on Libya Signals Hope for Iran, N. Korea: Rice

Secretary hails historic trip as US officially renews ties with former foe

(Newser) - Iran and North Korea, take heed: America’s reconciliation with Libya proves that Washington has no permanent enemies, Condoleezza Rice said today. The secretary of state, meeting in Tripoli with onetime international pariah Moammar Gadhafi, said her historic trip “demonstrates that when countries are prepared to make strategic changes...

Say Goodbye to the Reagan Revolution
Say Goodbye
to the Reagan Revolution

Say Goodbye to the Reagan Revolution

Leaders abandon deregulation for a hands on approach

(Newser) - The Reagan Revolution, which ushered in a quarter century of deregulation, looks as if it's taken a stake in the heart, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Fed is offering tens of billions in emergency loans to failing banks, the SEC wants more power to regulate financial institutions, and the...

Obama Still Aims to Emulate Him
 Obama Still Aims to Emulate Him 

Obama Still Aims to Emulate Him

Democrat drops GOP luminary's name a bit too often

(Newser) - As the '08 election rolls on, evidence is mounting that Barack Obama seeks to evoke the Great Communicator, Politico reports. This week Obama spoke at a building named after Ronald Reagan, and tried to set up a speech at Germany's Brandenburg Gate, the site of Reagan's famous "tear down...

Hard-Core Supply-Sider: I'm Voting for the Democrat

Former Chamber of Commerce honcho has had enough foreign policy disaster

(Newser) - Being a Reagan, Gingrich and Dole soldier won’t stop former Chamber of Commerce honcho Larry Hunter from voting for Barack Obama this fall, he writes in the New York Daily News. It doesn’t matter that he wholly disagrees with the Dem on every point of domestic policy; the...

GOP Must Strike Back in the 'Burbs
 GOP Must Strike 
 Back in the 'Burbs 

GOP Must Strike Back in the 'Burbs

Republicans should go after the affluent upper middle class

(Newser) - The GOP coalition—seemingly indomitable 4 years ago—is in shambles, losing ground “on nearly every demographic and geographic front,” write Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam in the National Review. Republicans must expand their base, and the writers have a plan: Seduce “the affluent, well-educated, increasingly liberal...

In Divorce, McCain Lost Both Reagans
In Divorce, McCain Lost Both Reagans

In Divorce, McCain Lost Both Reagans

Philandering, quick 2nd marriage especially angered Nancy

(Newser) - If Nancy Reagan’s endorsement of John McCain seemed a little muted—"Obviously this is the nominee of the party,” was all she would say—it’s probably because she’s still angry at the way McCain's first marriage ended, the LA Times reports. The couples were great...

Like the Gipper, Obama Need Only Look Decent to Win

Pat Buchanan mocks tack to center, but says Dem is on the right track to victory

(Newser) - The campaign most comparable to today's, Pat Buchanan writes on Real Clear Politics, is 1980's, with John McCain playing the part of Jimmy Carter—and Barack Obama, like Ronald Reagan, in pole position and needing only to look reasonable to win the White House. Just as Reagan shook his right-wing...

Don't Forget About the Other Jesse Helms
Don't Forget About the Other Jesse Helms

Don't Forget About the Other Jesse Helms

Right-wing senator hired blacks and battled AIDS with Bono

(Newser) - Many remember Jesse Helms as an unflinching bigot who fought civil rights and foreign aid, but the former North Carolina senator also softened some views and befriended Bono, John Hunt writes in the Wall Street Journal. “Contrary to his reputation, Helms did change his mind,” Hunt notes: He...

Reagan Was a Berliner, Too, Son Reminds

Hurrying Wall's demise worth monument in city full of JFK iconography

(Newser) - Ronald Reagan's son Michael is pushing Berlin to erect a monument to his dad. "He was able to bring together people who ultimately brought down the Berlin Wall," the right-wing talk-show host tells Der Spiegel during a trip to the German capital—home to numerous JFK tributes—to...

Obama Just Wants Evangelicals Not to Fear Him
Obama Just Wants Evangelicals Not to Fear Him

Obama Just Wants Evangelicals Not to Fear Him

Reassuring those unlikely to vote for him will cool opposition, could win over undecideds

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s plan to cut the Democrats' evangelical deficit (68%-30% in 2000, 78-21% in '04)? Convince the religious right he’s not the devil. That’s a “radically different” course from the one taken by John Kerry and Al Gore, what Jeff Greenfield, on Slate, calls a “...

Obama Needs to Work on 'Big Idea'
 Obama Needs to Work 
 on  'Big Idea' 

Obama Needs to Work on 'Big Idea'

To relate to voters, clearer message imperative

(Newser) - Despite Barack Obama’s remarkable policy consistency, he "remains a puzzle to many voters," writes Dorothy Wickenden in the New Yorker. It's time to articulate a governing philosophy, she argues: “He has proved his steadiness of purpose without clearly defining his priorities.What, above all, does he...

Electorate Number-Crunching Gives Edge to Obama
Electorate Number-Crunching Gives Edge to Obama

Electorate Number-Crunching Gives Edge to Obama

Democrats snag larger share of voters than in 2004

(Newser) - With a smaller piece of a bigger pie, Barack Obama holds a 6-point lead over John McCain even though he enjoys less support in his own party than John Kerry did in 2004. A “sharp shift in partisan loyalties” is coming into focus and "could prove the defining...

Lazy Bosses Go Wayyyy Back
 Lazy Bosses Go Wayyyy Back 

Lazy Bosses Go Wayyyy Back

From Clinton to Cleopatra, honchos sure know how to delegate

(Newser) - Think your boss is the first to delegate the duties and enjoy sunny days on the links? Such indulgences go way back, writes Stanley Bing in Fortune. Two thousand years ago, Cleopatra ruled Egypt by dazzling the male rulers of her time. More recently, America’s beloved Ben Franklin lived...

McCain Targets Disgruntled Clinton Voters

Can GOP candidate make like Reagan, reverse partisan trend?

(Newser) - John McCain sees his path to the White House lined with Hillary Clinton supporters. Up to 28% of Clinton backers have told pollsters they’ll defect to the GOP now that Barack Obama has clinched the nomination, the Washington Post reports, so McCain is targeting them, calling Clinton a “...

McCain: Obama Will Be Unable to Protect America

Democrat's stance on Iran, for instance, deemed 'unacceptable' by GOP candidate

(Newser) - John McCain today hit Barack Obama harder than ever, Talking Points Memo notes, saying the Democrat’s willingness to talk with Iran proves he “does not have the knowledge, the experience, the background to make the kind of judgments that are necessary to preserve this nation’s security.”...

Reagan's Influence on US Court System Lingers

Appeals courts, where the real action is, continue to weaken federal authority

(Newser) - Ronald Reagan’s influence on American courts remains unprecedented, and his transformation of the nomination process is only part of the story. With sheer numbers and ideological consistency, Reagan created a legacy that will influence American justice well into the 21st century, and perhaps beyond, USA Today reports.

Rumsfeld to Pen Memoirs
 Rumsfeld to Pen Memoirs 

Rumsfeld to Pen Memoirs

Proceeds will go to foundation

(Newser) - Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, one of the architects of the war in Iraq who resigned from the Bush administration when the US became mired in the insurgency, is writing his memoirs, Reuters reports. The 75-year-old former congressman won't take an advance and will donate the book's proceeds to a...

Bill's Bills Cost US a Record $8M

Clinton costs twice as much as Carter

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is costing taxpayers significantly more in publicly funded perks than the two other surviving former presidents, reports Politico. From 2001 through the end of this year, $8 million will be spent on Bill Clinton, compared with $5.5 million for George H. W. Bush and $4 million for...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>