Drag Queen

9 Stories

Onstage in Tennessee, Lizzo Makes a Statement

Singer invites drag performers to share her stage

(Newser) - Lizzo made her feelings about a new Tennessee law clear on Friday night, inviting drag performers to join her onstage in Knoxville. The acts who shared her stage at Thompson-Boling Arena included Aquaria, Asia O'Hara, Kandy Muse, and Vanessa Vanjie, Deadline reports. The legislation prohibits "male or female...

In Possible Hate Crime, Men Storm Drag Queen Story Hour

No arrests have yet been made

(Newser) - Authorities were investigating a possible hate crime after a group of men allegedly shouted homophobic and anti-LGBTQ slurs during a Drag Queen Story Hour at a San Francisco Bay Area library, a sheriff's official said. Deputies responded to the San Lorenzo Library on Saturday afternoon following reports of a...

Drag Queen Story Hour Sparks Small Town Furor

Events planned outside America's big cities aren't always welcomed

(Newser) - Once upon a time, in 2015, a writer in San Francisco named Michelle Tea got the idea for "Drag Queen Story Hour": men in full drag reading children's books to kids and parents in programs aimed at providing "positive and unabashedly queer role models." Since then,...

Eurovision Crowns a Bearded Drag Queen

Conchita Wurst's win called 'victory for tolerance'

(Newser) - The Eurovision Song Contest crowned a new winner yesterday, and she is making waves: Austrian singer Conchita Wurst—a bearded drag act who is the alter ego of 25-year-old Thomas Neuwirth—performed "Rise Like a Phoenix," won the trophy, and dedicated her victory "to everyone who believes...

Gay Bars Lure Straights to Stay in Biz

(Newser) - Gay bars across the country are facing an unexpected dilemma, the Anchorage Daily News reports: Attract straight customers or close down. With Americans growing more tolerant and gay connections moving online, one gay activist says "it's like 'mission accomplished.'" But bars from Pittsburgh to San Francisco are shutting...

Va. School Picks Drag Queen for Homecoming

(Newser) - For the first time in years, students at George Mason University in Virginia are at odds over their homecoming queen—because he's a drag queen, the Washington Post reports. Senior Ryan Allen entered the competition as a lark, taking the floor at last weekend's basketball game against Northeastern in zebra-print...

Can RuPaul Revive Drag?


Can RuPaul Revive Drag?

Queens have fallen out of favor with today's young gays

(Newser) - RuPaul is back, and starring in—what else?—a reality show, hoping to bring back the glory days of drag. And it’s almost certainly going to hit a false note, Thomas Rogers writes in Salon. Drag is, in RuPaul’s words, “a punk rock reaction to our masculine...

Dude Looks Like a Lady
Dude Looks
Like a Lady

Dude Looks Like a Lady

Move over, Cate Blanchett: A list of the best cross-dressers on the big screen

(Newser) - Inspired by Cate Blanchett's best-actress award at the Venice Film festival for I'm Not There, in which she plays Bob Dylan, Entertainment Weekly notes other memorable big-screen cross-dressers:
  1. John Travolta as Edna Turnblad, Hairspray
  2. Divine as Babs Johnson, Pink Flamingos
  3. The Kids in the Hall
  4. Dustin Hoffman as Michael Dorsey/Dorothy

Drag Queens Take Over Bingo
Drag Queens Take Over Bingo

Drag Queens Take Over Bingo

Bingo doesn't know what hit it

(Newser) - Time documents the rise of drag queen bingo, the revolution that added trannies to grannies to make church basements a little more fabulous. It began in Seattle in the early '90s, when Judy Werle hatched a bingo AIDS fundraiser. "We decided to liven it up in the way that...

9 Stories
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