National League for Democracy

17 Stories

Suu Kyi's Party Wins Majority
 Suu Kyi's Party Wins Majority 

Suu Kyi's Party Wins Majority

Burma says resounding no to military rule

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi's opposition party has secured a historic majority in Burma's parliament, making it possible to form the country's first truly civilian government in more than 50 years. With the tally still being counted, the Election Commission said that Suu Kyi's National League for...

One Rule Blocks Suu Kyi From Presidency in Burma

But her party looks headed for a landslide victory

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi's opposition party was confident after Burma's elections Sunday , and that confidence so far seems to have borne out: Her National League for Democracy (NLD) party appears "on course for a landslide victory that could ensure it forms the next government," per Reuters...

Burma's Opposition Re-Elects Suu Kyi

Party looking to infuse new blood, but keeps longtime leader

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi was selected today to remain head of Myanmar's main opposition party, keeping her leadership post even as the party undergoes a makeover to adjust to the country's new democratic framework. The Nobel laureate was named chairwoman of the National League for Democracy's new...

Suu Kyi Sworn In to Burma's Parliament
Suu Kyi Finally Takes Seat
in Burma's Parliament
historic day

Suu Kyi Finally Takes Seat in Burma's Parliament

She takes office after backing down from oath boycott

(Newser) - In what pro-democracy groups hope is the dawning of a new era in Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi took the oath of office and took her place in the country's parliament for the first time today. Suu Kyi, whose National League for Democracy swept by-elections in April , joined dozens...

Burma's Swearing-in Oath Spurs Boycott

Aung San Suu Kyi, party members plan to boycott parliament

(Newser) - A few weeks after Aung San Suu Kyi was elected to Burma's parliament , her party is ready for its first clash with the regime. Opposition leader Suu Kyi and other members of the National League for Democracy are likely to boycott parliament next week over wording in a swearing-in...

Suu Kyi's Party Grabbed 43 of 45 Seats

'We hope this will be the beginning of a new era,' she says

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi didn't just win a seat in yesterday's historic election in Burma; her National League for Democracy party won 43 of the 45 parliamentary seats that were up for grabs, the Guardian reports. "We hope this will be the beginning of a new era,...

Ailing Suu Kyi Halts Campaigning

Myanmar's democracy icon fell ill on grueling campaign

(Newser) - Democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi has fallen ill while campaigning for Myanmar's upcoming by-elections and has suspended her extensive tour of the country a week ahead of the polls, her party said today. A National League for Democracy spokesman said that Suu Kyi's personal physician advised taking...

Suu Kyi Running for Office

Burma's democracy leader will seek Parliament seat in April 1 elections

(Newser) - None other than Aung San Suu Kyi will run for a Parliament seat in April, standing for election for the first time since her National League for Democracy swept to victory in a 1990 vote that was quickly quashed by Burma's military junta. The democracy icon had expressed reservations...

Burma: Suu Kyi's Party Can Run

Opposition leader planning to run herself, says spokesperson

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy will officially return to mainstream politics in Burma after a two-decade absence, as the government today approved the NLD to run in upcoming elections. And, though Suu Kyi would not confirm it, a party rep says the opposition leader is herself...

Suu Kyi's Party Registers to Run

National League for Democracy to take part in Burma elections

(Newser) - More than 20 years after it overwhelmingly won a general election—which the ruling military junta then ignored—Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy is poised to take part in elections in Burma. The party has been formally registered for any upcoming elections, and Suu Kyi herself...

Aung San Suu Kyi Running for Parliament in Burma
 Suu Kyi Running for Parliament 

Suu Kyi Running for Parliament

Pro-democracy leader will seek seat in Burma

(Newser) - As expected, Aung San Suu Kyi will run for parliament in Burma’s upcoming by-elections, a spokesperson for her National League for Democracy said today. The move was anticipated when the pro-democracy leader on Friday announced her party would rejoin politics and register for future elections, the AP reports. Suu...

Clinton to Make Historic Visit to Burma

In other big news, Aung San Suu Kyi to rejoin politics

(Newser) - Next month, Hillary Clinton will become the first American secretary of state to visit Burma in more than 50 years. President Obama, who is on a diplomatic mission to southeast Asia, announced the historic visit today, citing "flickers of progress in these last several weeks" in the long-shunned nation,...

Suu Kyi, Son Reunited After 10 Years

Kim Aris allowed to visit Burma to visit freed mom

(Newser) - Finally-free political activist Aung San Suu Kyi has been reunited with her younger son for the first time in a decade. Kim Aris, 33, greeted well-wishers after clearing immigration at Yangon's airport and removed his jacket to display tattoos of a fighting peacock, the emblem of his mother's...

Detention Expiring, but Suu Kyi May Reject Freedom

Lawyer: 'The Lady' won't accept freedom with strings attached

(Newser) - Aung Suu Kyi's latest term of detention expires on Saturday, but the Burmese pro-democracy leader's lawyer says she won't accept freedom if it is as much of a sham as the country's recent election. Authorities have always tried to attach conditions to her freedom in the past, the Independent reports....

Burmese Junta Honchos Quit the Army
 Burmese Junta Honchos 
 Quit the Army 

Burmese Junta Honchos Quit the Army

Leaders plan to stand as civilians in tightly controlled election

(Newser) - Burma's prime minister and 22 of his cabinet ministers have swapped their military uniforms for civvies, a move the junta's critics say is part of the country's shift from a military dictatorship to a civilian one. Observers believe the leaders—who will keep their posts in the country's government—have...

Opposition Boycotting Myanmar Election

Move means Suu Kyi's party will be dissolved and its assets seized

(Newser) - Any hope Myanmar's military junta may have had of its elections this year not being considered a sham vanished yesterday as Aung Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy announced it would not be participating, The move—which follows the introduction of a law banning Suu Kyi from standing for election—...

Suu Kyi Barred From Election
 Suu Kyi Barred From Election 

Suu Kyi Barred From Election

State Department slams junta's latest move

(Newser) - Myanmar's military junta has announced a law that effectively bans Aung San Suu Kyi from taking part in this year's election. The law prevents any member of a political party who has been convicted in court from taking part in the electoral process. Suu Kyi was found guilty of breaching...

17 Stories
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