background check

Stories 21 - 32 | << Prev 

House Next to Obamas' Chicago Digs Hits Market

Agent calls area 'the world's ultimate gated community'

(Newser) - Got a couple million and think you can pass a Secret Service background check? The house next door to President Obama’s Chicago digs is on sale, the Tribune reports. Round-the-clock protection puts the 17-room brick home in the city’s Hyde Park neighborhood in “the world’s ultimate...

Cops Suspended for Running Background Check on Obama

(Newser) - Two Atlanta-area police officers have been placed on paid leave for running a background check on President Obama, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. The Secret Service was notified after the president's name was sent to the National Crime Information Center from a computer in the cops' police car. The Internal...

Investors Hire Gumshoes to Snoop on Fund Managers

Fraud schemes prove boon to private eyes

(Newser) - Investors are increasingly hiring private investigators to dig up dirt on fund managers in hopes of avoiding the next Madoff-style fraud, Bloomberg reports. Background checks are expensive—depending on the firm, they may cost $1,000 per company or individual investigated—and can take weeks, but investors say they are...

FBI Swamped With Checking on Immigrants

'Inefficient' process has legal aliens waiting 3 years; criminals slip in

(Newser) - The FBI’s system of background checks has forced many legal immigrants to wait years before getting into the US or gaining citizenship, the Justice Department finds. The program, deluged by more names and wider checks after 9/11, has struggled with old technology, poor training, and swamped supervisors, the Los ...

FBI Bails on Immigrant Probes as Backlogs Mount

Backlog means immigrants will be granted residency before background checks

(Newser) - Immigration officials are expected to grant green cards to tens of thousands of aliens before required FBI background checks, because the Department of Homeland Security is struggling under a ballooning backlog, McClatchy Newspapers reports. Background checks would be performed after immigrants are granted residency, which could be revoked if problems...

Jesse Jackson Outraged on Umps' Behalf

League probe asked if umpires are KKK members, wife-beaters

(Newser) - Major League Baseball's umpires are fighting mad, and Jesse Jackson is behind them 100%, after reports surfaced that league officials have been asking umps' neighbors questions about marijuana use, domestic violence, and potential membership in the Ku Klux Klan. "They have essentially defamed their people in their own neighborhoods,...

FBI's Mental Health Gun-Ban List Doubles

Addition highlights scope of 'background check loophole'

(Newser) - Spurred by April shootings at Virginia Tech, new reporting of mental health data has doubled the number of Americans banned from purchasing guns on such grounds, Attorney General Michael Mukasey said today. Nearly 220,000 names have been added to the FBI list, highlighting the data-sharing gap that allowed shooter...

Rudy Says He Flubbed on Kerik
Rudy Says
He Flubbed
on Kerik

Rudy Says He Flubbed on Kerik

NYC's ex-top cop expected to be arraigned tomorrow

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani said today that he made a mistake by not being more rigorous in his background check of Bernard Kerik as reports surfaced that the former top cop of NYC will surrender to authorities tomorrow to face arraignment on corruption and tax-evasion charges. "I made mistakes when I...

US Will Screen Charity Workers for Terror Ties

To keep funding AID funding, groups will get background checks

(Newser) - A new Bush administration plan will require personnel of some charities and NGOs to register with the government to ensure they are not associated with terrorists. The Washington Post reports that organizations that receive funding from the Agency for International Development will have to provide the phone numbers and e-mail...

Umps Call Foul on Background Check Plan

MLB talks break off over Donaghy-inspired 'integrity' probes

(Newser) - Major League Baseball is planning a series of detailed background checks for all umpires, spurred by the NBA's referee gambling scandal. But the umps aren't pleased: Discussions with their new union drifted foul when the league balked at their compromise request to add a 7th ump to postseason games.

FBI Name Checks Stall Immigration
FBI Name Checks Stall Immigration

FBI Name Checks Stall Immigration

Program still understaffed 6 years after 9/11; would-be citizens frustrated

(Newser) - Bureaucratic bottlenecks are causing such long delays for prospective citizens, reports the Houston Chronicle, that hundreds of frustrated immigrants are now suing the federal government to try to speed up their background checks. Immigration Service figures show that about 16% of cases—over 51,000 people—have been pending between...

Virginia Closes Lethal Gun Loophole
Virginia Closes Lethal Gun Loophole

Virginia Closes Lethal Gun Loophole

Executive order would have barred V.T. shooter from buying weapon

(Newser) - Virginia governor Tim Kaine has issued an executive order closing the loophole that allowed Virginia Tech shooter Cho Seung-Hui to purchase a gun, the AP reports. Effective immediately, Virginians diagnosed as dangerously mentally ill will be added to a national database that gun-store owners use for background checks. The order...

Stories 21 - 32 | << Prev