chemical weapons

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Toxic Gas Reportedly Dropped on Women, Children in Syria

The attack occurred near where a Russian helicopter was shot down Monday

(Newser) - More than 30 people were sickened Monday when a helicopter dropped toxic gas onto a Syrian town near where a Russian helicopter had been shot down hours earlier, NBC News reports. That information comes from Syrian Civil Defence, which claims 18 women and 10 children were showing "signs of...

ISIS Bio Warfare Chief in Custody, Is Talking

Tells US about use of mustard gas

(Newser) - Reports surfaced last week that US special forces had captured a prominent but unidentified player in the Islamic State, and it turns out those reports weren't exaggerated. The detainee in Iraq has been identified as the head of the group's burgeoning chemical weapons unit, reports the AP . Sleiman...

Officials: ISIS Working Hard to Get Chemical Weapons

'The macabre imagination of the masterminds is limitless': French PM

(Newser) - French PM Manuel Valls issued a new warning in front of the lower house of France's Parliament Thursday, nearly a week after the Paris terror attacks . "Terrorism hit France not because of what it is doing in Iraq and Syria … but for what it is. We know...

Germany: ISIS Used Mustard Gas in Iraq

Intel chief says chemical agent could have been Saddam's

(Newser) - Germany's foreign intelligence agency BND has collected evidence of mustard gas use by the Islamic State. German daily Bild reported yesterday that BND intelligence agents collected blood samples from Kurds who were injured in clashes with ISIS. It quoted BND chief Gerhard Schindler as saying that the agency has...

US Fears ISIS Is Using Saddam's Old Weapons

Chemical agent used against Kurdish forces

(Newser) - Gassing Iraqi Kurds was considered one of Saddam Hussein's most heinous crimes, and American officials now suspect that ISIS is doing the exact same thing—and it may be using Saddam's old weapons. Officials believe the militants used mustard gas, a chemical weapon banned worldwide in 1993, against...

Report: Assad Didn't Give It All Up

Last year's mission to find chemical weapons controlled by Assad regime: inspectors

(Newser) - Syria continues to have a substantial—and growing—chemical weapons arsenal despite an international mission to rid the country of such munitions last year, reports the Wall Street Journal . In an in-depth piece, the newspaper talks to the international inspectors and others involved in that much-hyped mission and concludes that...

ISIS Has Used a Troubling Weapon

Chemical mortar shell is found

(Newser) - ISIS appears to be learning how to make—and use—chemical projectiles. The allegation isn't based on just anecdotal evidence: Authorities got their hands on an unexploded shell fired by Islamic State militants in Iraq last month, reports the New York Times . The device was crude, hence the failure...

At Heart of Assad War Crimes Case: Smuggled Reports

Investigators also uncover traces of sarin, ricin in Syria

(Newser) - Documents smuggled out of Syria over three years contain enough evidence to put President Bashar al-Assad and 24 senior officials in front of a war crimes tribunal, investigators say. The Commission for International Justice and Accountability, working with 50 Syrian investigators, managed to get its hands on half a million...

Rescue Workers: Syria Still Using Chemical Weapons

Witnesses say chlorine gas keeps coming, but UN won't officially point finger

(Newser) - In 2013, Syria agreed to get rid of its chemical weapons , a promise allegedly broken multiple times last year . Now more evidence reported by rescue workers and citizens has piled up that toxins continue to be deployed via chlorine bombs in the war-torn country, the New York Times reports. The...

100 Years Ago, a Yellow-Green Cloud Changed History

 100 Years Ago, a 
 Yellow-Green Cloud 
 Changed History 
in case you missed it

100 Years Ago, a Yellow-Green Cloud Changed History

April 22, 1915, marked the dawn of the era of chemical weaponry

(Newser) - As a spring breeze wafted into his trench, commander Georges Lamour of the French 73rd infantry saw something almost surreal drift his way. A yellow-green cloud. He barely had time to react. "All my trenches are choked," Lamour cried into the field telephone to headquarters. "I am...

Army: Sorry for How We Dealt With Chemical Weapons Reports

Military promises to provide medical care, support to troops wounded in Iraq

(Newser) - An October New York Times article revealed disturbing details about secret chemical weapons recovered in Iraq and the American troops injured by them. Now, according to a follow-up by C.J. Chivers for the Times , the Army is apologizing to wounded veterans and promising not only prompt and thorough medical...

CIA Bought Chemical Arms From Secret Iraqi Seller: Report

Agency reportedly studied, destroyed weapons to keep them from militants

(Newser) - Just months after a New York Times exposé in which US troops alleged serious injuries from chemical weapons in Iraq, a new story has emerged about US efforts to acquire these arms—and the secret source from which they were culled. The CIA, with military help, reportedly purchased at least...

600 Military Vets Reported Chemical Exposure in Iraq

Pentagon sets up 1-800 number for troops

(Newser) - The Pentagon has been playing catch-up with veterans exposed to chemical agents in Iraq, and the numbers involved just increased exponentially. The New York Times reports that 629 members of the US military since 2003 have reported exposure during their tours of duty—not from attacks but from encounters with...

US to Screen Long-Ignored Iraq Vets for Chemical Exposure

Pentagon orders medical exams, monitoring for troops exposed in Iraq

(Newser) - Beginning in early 2015, the Pentagon will offer medical exams and health monitoring for US troops and veterans exposed to chemical weapons in Iraq, the New York Times reports. The new measure comes as part of a review from Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel after a Times investigation earlier this month...

ISIS Used Chlorine Against Iraqi Cops: Report

Patients in Syria suffer after possible chemical weapon attack

(Newser) - On the heels of reports that ISIS militants are learning to fly fighter jets , Iraqi officials say the group has also used chemical weapons—specifically, chlorine gas. Eleven Iraqi police officers were hospitalized on Sept. 15 after being poisoned by the stuff, according to doctors, and the officers say ISIS...

Gov&#39;t Covered Up Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq: NYT
Chemical Weapons Found
in Iraq Were Kept Secret
in case you missed it

Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq Were Kept Secret

NYT : Troops who served in Iraq allege serious injuries, incompetence

(Newser) - US troops headed into Iraq more than a decade ago to hunt down weapons of mass destruction, but they found something else instead: massive numbers of chemical weapons, which injured soldiers and prompted a possible Pentagon cover-up, the New York Times reports. In a stunning narrative based on interviews and...

Confirmed: ISIS Seized Saddam's Sarin Facility

Militants took over chemical weapons stash, which is likely degraded, on June 11

(Newser) - Saddam Hussein’s former chemical-weapons stronghold outside Baghdad is in the hands of ISIS militants, Iraq said in a letter to the UN yesterday, confirming previous reports. The letter stated that on June 11, "armed terrorist groups" commandeered Saddam's Muthanna facility, which includes two bunkers believed to hold...

Chemical Weapons Transfer to Take Place in Mafia Hub

Locals worried about effect on environment, health

(Newser) - The most lethal chemical weapons in Syria’s arsenal will be transferred onto the US Navy ship MV Cape Ray tomorrow, but contamination isn’t the only concern, reports the Daily Beast . The transfer of 1,300 tons of chemical weapons from the Danish vessel Ark Futura, including mustard gas...

ISIS Grabs Saddam's Old Chemical Weapons Site

US officials say it's useless by now

(Newser) - The facility outside Baghdad where Saddam Hussein cooked up his chemical weapons is now in the hands of extremists trying to take over the country, reports the Wall Street Journal . The good news is that the al-Muthanna facility has been mothballed for so long that US officials don't think...

Chemical Weapons Still Used Regularly in Syria: Watchdog

International monitors find evidence of 'systematic' attacks

(Newser) - Even after Syria's agreement last year to rid itself of chemical weapons, it appears that they're still in steady use in the country, says an international watchdog in a report supporting earlier claims . The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was unable to fully investigate the situation...

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