Obama 2012

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Pols Avoid Ground Zero as Cost Debate Rages

Obama, Romney put negative ads on hold

(Newser) - For the first time, no elected officials will speak at Ground Zero on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the AP reports. While many hailed the change as a separation of 9/11 from any sort of political agenda—"The fact that the politicians will not be involved, to...

Obama Hugger Facing Boycott
 Obama Hugger Facing Boycott 

Obama Hugger Facing Boycott

Pizzeria owner's hug sparks Yelp battle

(Newser) - The Florida pizzeria owner who bear-hugged President Obama over the weekend is facing a major backlash from cheesed-off Republicans. "People are saying a lot of bad things and boycotting my restaurant," says Scott Van Duzer , a registered Republican who voted for Obama in 2008 and plans to do...

Romney Camp: We're Not Losing

Sources scramble to hose down good poll news for Obama

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign was scrambling yesterday to reverse any impression that the candidate might be slipping into election oblivion. A GOP campaign pollster conceded that, yes, maybe President Obama got a bounce out of the Democratic National Convention, but he warned voters not to get "too worked up...

Obama Grabs 6-Point Lead
Obama Grabs
6-Point Lead
cnn poll

Obama Grabs 6-Point Lead

Romney's vision seems less optimistic than the president's: poll

(Newser) - CNN's latest poll gives President Obama a 4% post-convention bounce and a 6% lead over Mitt Romney, with the usual caveats that convention bounces rarely last. But the poll contains a few neat factoids about Obama's bump and Romney's slump after the conventions, reports CNN :

First Time Since April: Obama Outraises Romney

Pulls in $114M to Mitt's $111M

(Newser) - President Obama's campaign outraised Mitt Romney's in August, marking a first since the spring. Obama raised $114 million, just squeaking by Romney's $111 million, Reuters reports. It's a small gap compared to July, when Romney's $101 million dwarfed Obama's $75 million. But Obama's...

If Facebook Users Could Elect the President...

Obama would win, but quilters like Mitt

(Newser) - If all of America were made up of people with Facebook pages, President Obama would win hands down, Forbes has discovered. As of yesterday, Obama rocked with 28.5 million Facebook fans, while Romney tallied a paltry 6.6 million So who goes for Obama in the Facebook universe? Video...

Eastwood Calls Obama the 'Greatest Hoax'

Actor says he decided to talk to chair minutes before he went out

(Newser) - Clint Eastwood doesn't regret his, er, unique RNC speech , saying it accomplished everything he wanted it to. The 82-year-old gave his first interview since the convention to the Carmel Pine Cone , a tiny outlet from Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, where he was once mayor. "President Obama is the greatest hoax...

Mitt Romney: Jobs Report Is Post-Party 'Hangover'

Will it affect the election? Analysts offer mixed reactions

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is pouncing on today's jobs report , which found lowered unemployment but fewer jobs created than were expected. "If last night was the party, this morning is the hangover. For every net new job created, nearly four Americans gave up looking for work entirely," Romney says...

Silent Obama Girls Play Big Campaign Role

Parents' speeches focus on normal family life

(Newser) - This year, the Obama girls aren't spending much time on the campaign trail—but their presence is felt by voters, writes Jodi Kantor in the New York Times . While they don't speak much publicly, they are much spoken about by their parents. In the stories the president and...

Obama Speech an Anticlimax
 Obama Speech an Anticlimax 

Obama Speech an Anticlimax

So-so acceptance speech far from his finest, pundits say

(Newser) - President Obama's acceptance speech last night wasn't a complete dud, but it wasn't the finest speech of his career—or of the Democratic National Convention, or even of yesterday, say pundits. At 38 minutes, it was the shortest acceptance speech from an incumbent since Gerald Ford in...

&#39;Choice Could Not Be Clearer&#39;

 'The Choice 
 Could Not 
 Be Clearer' 

Dem convention

'The Choice Could Not Be Clearer'

'Road is hard, but it leads to better place,' says Obama

(Newser) - A smiling, supremely confident Barack Obama took charge of the stage tonight at the Democratic National Convention to repeatedly stress the dramatic choice Americans have in this election, and reveal a vision for the future, which he compared to the "bold experimentation" of Franklin Roosevelt. The president decided to...

Biden: We&#39;re at Hinge of History

 Biden: We're 
 at Hinge of 
Dem convention

Biden: We're at Hinge of History

'Osama is dead, General Motors is alive'

(Newser) - The White House's quiet American Joe Biden stepped up to the Democratic National Convention podium tonight to declare his love for his family and country—and take a solid swing at Mitt Romney. The American financial crisis hit like a "sledgehammer," acknowledged the vice president , who recalled...

Let&#39;s Grade Obama&#39;s First Term

 Let's Grade 
 First Term 
Nicholas Kristof

Let's Grade Obama's First Term

Nicholas Kristof rates most of his policies a 'B', but an 'F' in explaining them

(Newser) - Democrats are currently busy praising President Obama to the heavens, while Republicans are heaping scorn upon him. Nicholas Kristof thinks both sides are being over the top, and in today's New York Times , he grades the president thusly:
  • The economyB. When Obama took office, the US economy was

Obama, Biden to Cap Off DNC
 Obama, Biden to Cap Off DNC 

Obama, Biden to Cap Off DNC

Along with John Kerry, Charlie Crist

(Newser) - It's the final night of the Democratic National Convention, and that means it's time for the president himself to take the stage. No one seems entirely sure what he'll say, though USA Today believes he'll use the chance to define himself in his own words—in...

Clinton&#39;s Case for Obama Better Than Obama&#39;s
 Clinton's Case for Obama 
 Better Than Obama's

Clinton's Case for Obama Better Than Obama's

Bill wows pundits from both sides, though not fact-checkers

(Newser) - Bill Clinton gave one of the finest speeches of either convention—and of his career—in Charlotte last night, making the case for Obama more effectively than the Obama campaign has managed most of the time, pundits say. He won praise from Democrats and Republicans alike, although fact-checkers found plenty...

Clinton: GOP Left Mess, Now They Blame Obama

 Rocks the 
dem convention

Clinton Rocks the Rafters

Obama's cleaning up GOP mess, says attacker-in-chief

(Newser) - The Democrats unleashed their silver attack fox tonight, as Bill Clinton dusted off his convention chops to debunk a host of charges leveled against President Obama by Mitt Romney—and earned a hug afterward from the president himself. Clinton first formally placed Barack Obama's name into nomination, saying he...

Sandra Fluke: Future for Women Bleak Under Romney

Rush Limbaugh's fave Georgetown law grad rallies women for Obama

(Newser) - Sandra Fluke tonight no doubt made Rush Limbaugh and the GOP rue the day the commentator called her a "slut" for demanding women's access to birth control. She painted a foreboding, almost apocalyptic, vision of life for American women under a Republican president, and had women in the...

Axed Workers at Bain Plants Slam Romney Pain
Axed Workers at Bain Plants Slam Romney Pain
dem convention

Axed Workers at Bain Plants Slam Romney Pain

Mitt's got lots of experience cutting ... jobs, they say

(Newser) - Who triggered some of the biggest boos for Mitt Romney at the Democratic National Convention tonight? Three workers who lost their jobs after their companies were taken over by Romney's Bain Capital. “Mitt Romney said, 'I like to fire people,'” noted Randy Johnson, whose work...

&#39;Are You Better Off?&#39; Well, It&#39;s Irrelevant
'Are You Better Off?'
Well, It's Irrelevant
Ezra Klein

'Are You Better Off?' Well, It's Irrelevant

Ezra Klein points out that the president's 'record' doesn't mean a ton

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been feverishly reciting Ronald Regan's famous quote: "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" But that's a "dumb campaign question," Ezra Klein writes for Bloomberg , because "four years ago, George W. Bush was still president." Romney himself...

Weather Moves Obama Speech Inside
 Weather Moves 
 Obama Speech 
dem convention

Weather Moves Obama Speech Inside

President will accept nomination in an arena

(Newser) - President Obama will officially accept the Democratic nomination tomorrow night … but thanks to the weather forecast, he'll be doing it in an arena instead of an open-air stadium. His Democratic National Convention speech is being moved to Charlotte's Time Warner Cable Arena from Bank of America Stadium,...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>