green energy

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Obama Unveils Energy Team
Obama Unveils Energy Team

Obama Unveils Energy Team

Green leaders will help America kick the oil habit, fight global warming, he says

(Newser) - Promising to end America's oil addiction and combat global warming, Barack Obama rolled out his environment and energy team today, the Boston Globe reports. He chose Nobel laureate Steven Chu for energy secretary; New Jersey official Lisa Jackson for EPA; Los Angeles deputy mayor Nancy Sutley to lead a White...

Obama Energy Pick a Nobel Physicist
Obama Energy
Pick a Nobel

Obama Energy Pick a Nobel Physicist

Chu was an early advocate for climate change solutions

(Newser) - Nobel laureate Steven Chu is Barack Obama's nominee for energy secretary, the Wall Street Journal reports. The acclaimed physicist, director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, was an early advocate for finding scientific solutions to climate change, and his lab is doing groundbreaking work in developing carbon-neutral sources of energy,...

Slump May Doom Clean Energy Initiatives

Some nations could fall back on fossil fuel

(Newser) - Just as global warming initiatives were gaining serious momentum around the world, the financial crisis looks like it's undermining both the political will and the math that support them, the New York Times reports. With gas prices plummeting, US automakers may be scaling back investment in new technology. In Europe,...

Gray Smog Conceals a Greening China
 Gray Smog Conceals 
 a Greening China 

Gray Smog Conceals a Greening China

Green innovator gets unfair rap as environmental offender

(Newser) - The world's attitude toward China's environmentalism is "hypocritical and decidedly unfair," writes Fred Pearce in Yale Environment 360—this coming from someone who has "literally held my nose at the foul air." Yes, China's "development zeal" has it doing "the bad things that most...

Green Energy Jobs: Will They Save the Economy?

Obama's plans for investment in renewable energy turn cost into benefit

(Newser) - Barack Obama's ambitious plans to use green energy investment to rev up the economy are igniting fierce debate over the math behind them, the Wall Street Journal writes. The president-elect says $150 billion in investment will create five million jobs over the next decade, in construction and installation. Critics charge...

Contest Offers $25K for Best 'Crazy Green' Scheme

X Prize proposals to be posted on YouTube

(Newser) - The X Prize Foundation is at it again, this time with a new eco-challenge offering $25,000 for the best “crazy green idea” to stop global warming, reports CNET. The organization, famous for its high-stakes engineering contests, is looking for breakthrough ideas in energy and housing. Proposals must be...

German Power Plant Tests Underground CO2 Capture

Coal-burning facility stores CO2, sends it deep underground

(Newser) - Germany is pioneering industrial efficiency with a new coal-fueled power plant that captures and stores its own CO2 emissions, Der Spiegel reports. The Bavarian power station began testing its system of collecting carbon dioxide and pumping it into a depleted underground natural gas reservoir. A few problems remain, though.

Eco-Waste, Water Plans Aid Kenya's Poor

(Newser) - Sewage and sunlight are offering unexpected aid to the poor of Kenyan slums, the AP reports. Public toilets are recycling waste into gas, while sunlight disinfects water and reduces cases of waterborne illness. Adapted from a plan in Tanzania, the project was funded by international donors to help people struggling...

Gore Pounds Pols on Energy Plan

Sees role as facilitator; says 'baby steps no longer responsible'

(Newser) - Al Gore made his first appearance on Meet the Press since he sought the presidency 8 years ago, Politico reports, this time pushing his agenda as the nation's self-appointed energy czar. "My own best role is to try to bring about a sea change in public opinion" on environmental...

Keeping Cool Gets Thriftier
 Keeping Cool Gets Thriftier 

Keeping Cool Gets Thriftier

Facing big bills, Americans cut back on A/C, look for other heat-beating solutions

(Newser) - As fuel costs, and eco-guilt, creep upward, Americans are leaving the thermostat high or kicking air conditioning altogether this summer, the Wall Street Journal reports. Some two-thirds of families are reducing air-conditioning use, a poll finds, as power plants raise prices as much 30% to keep up with natural-gas hikes....

Toyota to Add Solar Panels to Prius

Some 2009 models will have panels that help power air conditioning

(Newser) - Toyota plans to go even more “green” with its hybrid Prius, offering solar panels as a high-end option beginning with the 2009 model year, reports Reuters. And, although the panels will do little more than help power the air conditioning system, Toyota’s move shows just how far automakers...

Ten Steps to Greener Sex
 Ten Steps to Greener Sex 

Ten Steps to Greener Sex

From recycled bikinis to fair trade condoms

(Newser) - Eco-conscious sex certainly doesn't have too enticing a ring to it, but don't discount the enjoyable ways to spice things up while doing your part to save the Earth, says From the reasonable to the wacky, they've got you, er, covered:
  • Grab French Letter condoms, the world's only

McMansions Make Way for Green Pads
McMansions Make Way for Green Pads

McMansions Make Way for Green Pads

Smaller homes built to strict LEED specs are all the rage

(Newser) - When it comes to building green, a LEED rating is the ultimate cachet-- but they're tough to get, the New York Times reports. And homes approved by the Leadership in Energy and Evironmental Design council tend to be small and pricey, with one platinum-certified four-bedroom house in California on the...

Billions Wasted in UN Carbon Program: Study

Most funded projects 'won't reduce emissions'

(Newser) - Billions of dollars spent to encourage developing nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions are being wasted on projects that don't qualify, according to two new studies of the UN's carbon credit program. The Kyoto agreement arranges for wealthy countries unable to meet emission reductions to instead subsidize green energy projects...

Car Talk Bros Get Animated, Dis Gas-Guzzling Heaps

Click and Clack to star in PBS cartoon, pessimistic Nova episode

(Newser) - NPR’s chuckling Car Talk guys Tom and Ray Magliozzi are about to become even more animated—with a new cartoon series of themselves on PBS. But their view on the heaps they've helped drivers patch up for the past 30 years isn't so funny, Newsweek reports. Click and Clack's...

Energy Bill Passes House
Energy Bill Passes House

Energy Bill Passes House

Measure mandates 35mpg fuel efficiency for vehicles, 5X increase in ethanol production

(Newser) - The House approved a broad energy bill today that will increase fuel efficiency requirements for cars and trucks for the first time in 30 years and will boost ethanol production, Reuters reports. The bill, passed last week by the Senate after $13 billion in oil company taxes were excised, carried...

UK Proposes Wind Power Investment
UK Proposes Wind Power Investment

UK Proposes Wind Power Investment

7,000 turbines planned to 'power the equivalent of all the UK's homes'

(Newser) - The UK intends to boost their production of wind power 60-fold by 2020, under plans released yesterda by business secretary John Hutton, the BBC reports. The secretary proposed an investment into the construction of 7,000 mostly off-shore wind turbines to produce a target of 33 gigawatts that could "...

San Francisco Gases Up, Goes Green
San Francisco Gases Up,
Goes Green

San Francisco Gases Up, Goes Green

City switches its entire diesel fleet to soy-based biofuel

(Newser) - San Francisco may have the biggest green fleet in America now that all 1,500 diesel vehicles—including ambulances, fire engines, buses and street sweepers—run on B20, a combination of soy-based and diesel fuels. The transformation is part of the city's plan to  reduce toxic emissions to 20% below...

Gore Joins VC to Invest in Green
Gore Joins VC to Invest in Green

Gore Joins VC to Invest in Green

Ex-VP will work with Kleiner Perkins to invest in clean technology

(Newser) - Al Gore is joining Silicon Valley's leading venture capital firm in an initiative to invest in green technology. Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, traditionally focused on IT, recently moved into the area of environmentally friendly businesses. Gore will be an active partner with the firm, which has already invested $270...

Sarko: France to Go Green
Sarko: France to Go Green

Sarko: France to Go Green

French leader is optimistic about a cleaner future

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy called for a greener France today, including higher taxes on polluters, a 50% reduction of pesticide use, and the eradication of genetically modified crops. The French president spoke at the close of a national environment summit that counted Al Gore in attendance. But the conference failed to generate...

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