Gigi Jordan

4 Stories

Pharma Exec Who Killed Her Autistic Son Is Found Dead

Gigi Jordan died hours after Sonia Sotomayor revoked her bail

(Newser) - A multimillionaire pharmaceutical executive who was convicted of killing her 8-year-old autistic son in what she said was a failed murder-suicide plot was found dead Friday morning. Fox News reports Gigi Jordan was in 2014 handed 18 years on a manslaughter conviction in the death of Jude Mirra, and she...

'Altruistic Filicide' Case Begins Tomorrow

Millionaire mother says she killed son, 8, to save him from abuse

(Newser) - A sad and bizarre murder trial gets underway tomorrow in Manhattan, involving a mother who admits killing her autistic 8-year-old son but who says she did so to protect him from abuse, reports the New York Law Journal . But that doesn't scratch the surface of the case involving Gigi...

Pal: Desperation Led Mom to Kill Autistic Son

Gig Jordan 'grasped at straws' at clinics

(Newser) - A wealthy Manhattan mom found babbling incoherently next to the lifeless body of her 8-year-old autistic son last week gave the boy a fatal overdose because she was overwhelmed by his condition, said a family friend. Pharmaceutical executive Gigi Jordan, 49, "went to clinics all over the country looking...

Woman Kills Son, 8, in Posh NYC Hotel: Cops

Socialite's child apparently OD's in failed murder-suicide

(Newser) - An 8-year-old boy was found dead today in a luxury hotel in Manhattan after his socialite mother apparently botched a murder-suicide attempt, police say. Gigi Jordan, 49, was taken to Bellevue Hospital after being found "babbling incoherently" in her $600-a-night room at the Peninsula New York on Fifth Avenue....

4 Stories
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