Pakistani Taliban

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Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 36 at Pakistan Funeral

At least 36 killed in biggest attack in the country this year

(Newser) - A suicide bomber struck a funeral attended by anti-Taliban militiamen in northwestern Pakistan today, killing at least 36 mourners and wounding more than 100 in the deadliest militant attack in the country this year. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility. Police said about 300 people were attending the funeral for the...

Pakistan Bomber Kills 31
 Pakistan Bomber Kills 31 

Pakistan Bomber Kills 31

Taliban take credit for blast at military training grounds

(Newser) - A suicide bomber linked to the Pakistani Taliban attacked soldiers during morning exercises at an army training camp in the northwest today, killing 31 troops and wounding 42 others. There were conflicting accounts about the identity of the bomber: An examination of the body parts at the scene indicated the...

Pakistan 'Disappearing' Thousands of Separatists

US fears some may have been tortured, killed

(Newser) - In Pakistan, thousands are missing—and the US fears the country may be using the war as an excuse to round up and disappear political separatists. For years, human rights groups have reported on Pakistan’s security forces holding prisoners incommunicado, without charges; there are also concerns that some have...

NATO Escorts Taliban Elite to Afghan Peace Talks

Talks have included commanders at the highest level of insurgency

(Newser) - NATO troops have been helping top Taliban commanders get to Kabul for face-to-face peace talks with Hamid Karzai, sources tell the New York Times. In at least one case, Taliban leaders actually hopped aboard a NATO aircraft to make the journey, and in others NATO has secured roads, promising leaders...

Pakistan Flood Chaos Gives Militants Chance to Regroup

Attacks rising as police, military focus on relief operation

(Newser) - Islamic militants are making the most of the floods devastating Pakistan, warn officials. With the military and police occupied by relief work, militants have taken the opportunity to regroup in the country's northwest, the Los Angeles Times reports. Hundreds of militants attacked police near Peshawar this week, and two tribal...

Pakistan Convicts 5 Americans on Terror Offenses

Anti-terror court sentences Virginia men to 10 years

(Newser) - Five young Americans accused of traveling to Pakistan to join the Taliban have been jailed for 10 years. A Pakistani anti-terrorism court found the five, aged between 19 and 25, guilty of conspiring to commit terrorist attacks and of funding terrorist organizations, the BBC reports. The men were reported missing...

Times Square Suspect Indicted
 Times Square Suspect Indicted 

Times Square Suspect Indicted

Feds allege training, funds from Pakistani Taliban

(Newser) - Times Square bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad was charged today with 10 terrorism and weapons counts in an indictment that accuses him of receiving explosives training and financial help from the Pakistani Taliban. The indictment returned by a grand jury in US District Court in Manhattan added five charges to the...

Times Square Bomb Suspect Is Pakistan Army Major

Authorities think he knew about it

(Newser) - Pakistani authorities have arrested an army major they believe knew about the Times Square bombing attempt but didn't tell anyone. Some suspect the man actually aided the plotters as well. “We don't know yet how much of a role he had, if any,” says a US anti-terror official....

Investigators Puzzled by Shahzad's Incompetence

Lack of bomb-making skills suggest he was a 'C-Team' recruit

(Newser) - For a guy who supposedly trained with the Taliban, Faisal Shahzad seems to have been a pretty lousy bombmaker, and this ineptitude has puzzled investigators. While the Taliban field manual has detailed bomb-making instructions, the device Shahzad left in Times Square was amateurishly assembled and used the wrong components, Peter...

Holder: Pakistani Taliban Behind Times Square Bomb Plot

(Newser) - Attorney General Eric Holder says the Pakistani Taliban was "intimately involved" and "directed this plot" in the failed Times Square bombing. Speaking on Meet the Press and This Week today, Holder said the Taliban perhaps financed the plot carried out by Faisal Shahzad, a US citizen of Pakistani...

Taliban Now Say They Didn't Send 'Brave' NY Bomber

Pakistani militants say they're proud of Shahzad, but he's not one of them

(Newser) - The Pakistani Taliban have done a U-turn on their claim of responsibility for the Times Square bomb attempt. Group officials now say they had nothing to do with the bomb—but they are "proud" of the "brave job" done by suspect Faisal Shahzad. American law enforcement officials have...

Shahzad's Dad: Family Knew Nothing of Plot

Pakistan neighbors stunned

(Newser) - Faisal Shahzad's father, a retired Pakistani Air Force commander, says he knew nothing of his son's alleged links to terror groups. Air Vice-Marshal Baharul Haq, who once headed Pakistan's civil aviation authority, told the Sun that he was contacting the Pakistani government to find out the truth about his son....

Bomb Plot, Near Escape Point to Huge Holes in Security

Shahzad allowed to board plane despite no-fly listing

(Newser) - Officials are probing huge holes in a US security net that allowed the Times Square bomb suspect to travel back home to Pakistan for several months of terrorist training, then purchase gallons of explosive chemicals for his car bomb. In addition, incredibly, suspect Faisal Shahzad was allowed to board a...

NY Bomb Probe Focusing on Pakistani Taliban

Militant group appears ready to go global

(Newser) - The Pakistani Taliban's claim of responsibility for the Times Square bombing was greeted with widespread skepticism, but investigators are now focusing on the group in the wake of suspect Faisal Shahzad's arrest. Shahzad has told interrogators that he received training in Waziristan—a militant hotbed in Pakistan's frontier region—and...

Times Square Bomb Plot Has Foreign Links: Officials

Administration calls failed attack terrorism

(Newser) - The failed Times Square bombing was likely the work of more than one individual and may have been organized by people living abroad, the Washington Post reports. Administration officials won't say the incident was the work of an international organization— despite what the Pakistani Taliban claim s—but were examining...

Taliban Tries to Hijack Times Square Bombing: Experts

Hakimullah Mehsud appears alive in one video

(Newser) - Pakistan's Taliban did its best to claim credit(?) for Saturday's failed car bomb strike in Times Square, releasing three videos in rapid succession. One claimed outright responsibility for the attack, and two others starred Hakimullah Mehsud, the chief the US had thought it had killed. In a video allegedly taped...

Cops Hunt 'Furtive' Man in Times Square Video

Suspect shown changing shirts near car bomb site

(Newser) - Police released a Times Square surveillance video today of a "furtive" white man in his 40s spotted near an SUV car bomb stripping down apparently to change his appearance. A tourist may also have video of the same man "lunging" away from the SUV, reports the New York ...

Pakistani Taliban Claims Times Square Car Bomb

Law enforcement skeptical but alert level remains high

(Newser) - The Pakistani Taliban says the failed Times Square car bomb was the work of its operatives, but officials investigating the incident are dubious, reports the Daily News . The terrorist group has a history of claiming credit for incidents it had nothing to do with, and initial investigation results suggest "...

CIA Drones Batter Pakistan Militants

'Fast and furious' drone campaign hits Qaeda, Taliban hard

(Newser) - Stepped-up CIA drone attacks in the Pakistani region of North Waziristan have hit al-Qaeda and the Taliban hard in recent months, forcing many militants to retreat to mountain tunnels and placing the Haqqani leaders under increasing pressure. Bombardment of the militant stronghold has become "fast and furious" this year,...

In Taliban Commander's Capture, a Coup for Pakistan

Mullah Baradur's arrest likely to complicate Taliban peace talks

(Newser) - The capture of the Taliban's military commander is a major coup for Pakistan that is likely to win the country a bigger say in Afghanistan's future, analysts say. Pakistani officials had complained that they were being excluded from American negotiations with the Afghan Taliban. But with Mullah Baradar in their...

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