
Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev 

Why Parenting Makes Us Unhappy

Kids stress us out—but we still find them rewarding

(Newser) - Ask parents if their children make them happy and they’ll likely say yes. So why does almost every study on the subject show that having children tends to make people less happy—and that, in fact, many parents love their kids but hate parenting? In an extensive New York...

Stop Blaming Pornography
 Stop Blaming Pornography 

Stop Blaming Pornography

Maybe critics just want to control men's sexuality

(Newser) - Helen Smith objects to an essay in the National Review (read it here ) that blames pornography for destroying families, distorting men's view of women, increasing rapes, and generally ruining America. The anonymous author even blames porn for causing her husband to leave. Smith's not buying it.

Middle Class Losing Health Insurance Fastest

Families squeezed as prices soar, employers drop coverage

(Newser) - Middle-class Americans are losing their health insurance coverage faster than any other group, with 16.2% of people in the income bracket finding themselves without coverage in 2008. That’s 12.9 million uninsured—up from 10.5 million in 2000—among families who make between $45,000 and $85,...

Cash-Strapped Adults Back Home With Prickly Parents

Experts advise on how to avoid resentment when kids have to return to the nest

(Newser) - Tempers are fraying in households across America as tough times force a growing number of adults to move back in with their parents, the New York Times reports. The move is difficult for both sides, experts say, as the offspring chafe at new restrictions and struggle with feelings of failure,...

Ashamed Families Behind Killings of Gay Iraqis

25 killed in past two months, say Sadr City locals

(Newser) - As security improves in Iraq, gay residents have embraced a new sense of freedom—and as a result, some 25 males thought to be homosexual have been murdered in Baghdad’s Sadr City in the past two months, the New York Times reports. The victims are usually found shot, sometimes...

Recession Squeezes 'Grandfamilies'
Recession Squeezes 'Grandfamilies'

Recession Squeezes 'Grandfamilies'

Layoffs sting rising number of people raising grandkids

(Newser) - The recession is putting a serious strain on the safety net millions of American grandparents provide for their grandkids, the Wall Street Journal reports. The number of children who live in a household headed by a grandparent has been rising for decades, but older workers are finding it tough to...

Sorry, Brother, Sisters Are Good for You

Researchers say female siblings encourage communication while brothers clam up

(Newser) - It's not quite "girls rule, boys drool," but it's close. A new study says growing up with a sister turns people into happier and better-balanced adults. University of Ulster researchers studied hundreds of families and found that female siblings encouraged healthy communication and family cohesion, while brothers tended...

7 Kids Among Montana Crash Dead

(Newser) - Three California families headed to a retreat for the ultrarich were among the 14 victims of a plane crash in Montana. The three families, with seven children all 9 or younger, made up the 13 passengers; also dead in the crash was the pilot. The families were traveling to the...

Mom Gives Birth to Baby No. 18
 Mom Gives Birth to Baby No. 18 

Mom Gives Birth to Baby No. 18

'I like to snuggle,' says Arkansas woman

(Newser) - And you thought Angelina Jolie had a lot of kids. An Arkansas mom has just given birth to her 18th. The baby, Jordyn-Grace Makiya, joins a crowd of sibs with names that start with the letter J and star in the TLC series 17 Kids & Counting. The spree began...

Online 'Pied Piper' Urges Followers to Ditch Families

Philosopher preaches that the parent-child relationship is artificial

(Newser) - A libertarian web philosopher who counsels converts to cut off contact with their families is being accused of operating a cult, the Toronto Globe & Mail reports. Stefan Molyneux preaches through his Freedomain Radio site that the parent-child relationship is inherently abusive and encourages troubled young people to break away....

Pregnant Guy Raises Baffling Gender Issues

Transgendered 'mother-to-be' will be father to the baby

(Newser) - A couple in a quiet Oregon town is expecting their first child. So far, so normal—but the fact that it's the man who is pregnant is raising some baffling gender issues, the Oregonian reports. The 'mother-to-be' was born a woman but is legally a man who underwent transgender sex...

Record Few Say 'I Do' in UK
 Record Few Say 'I Do' in UK 

Record Few Say 'I Do' in UK

Weddings at 144 year low

(Newser) - The number of marriages is plummeting in the UK, where newly released government figures have revealed the fewest weddings since the middle of the 19th century. Fewer than 23 men in every 1000 said "I do" in 2006 as more couples opt for cohabitation without a marriage license. The...

10 Best Family Towns
10 Best
Family Towns

10 Best Family Towns

From the Rockies to a Miami suburb, perfect places to raise your babies

(Newser) - These places earned Family Circle's attention with for their serenity, natural beauty, community, and culture. Living costs, commutes, and crime rates are low, but schools and museums rank high. They're all BYOB: Bring Your Own Baby.
  1. Castle Rock, Colo.
  2. Diamond Bar, Calif.
  3. Morton Grove, Ill.
  4. Cedar Park, Texas
  5. Derby, Kan.

To Work Or Not to Work?
To Work Or
Not to Work?

To Work Or Not to Work?

Provocative book worries about women giving up good careers to be trophy moms

(Newser) - The feminist generation gap gets a sharp appraisal in "The Feminine Mistake," the new book by Leslie Bennetts that questions why so many upscale young women are abandoning careers for children. Joan Walsh finds it a refreshing rebuttal to recent paens to motherhood, especially since Bennetts recognizes that ...

Brit, K-Fed, Settle Their Split
Brit, K-Fed, Settle Their Split

Brit, K-Fed, Settle Their Split

The amateur rapper and the rehabbed pop princess' story comes to a quiet end

(Newser) - Britney Spears and Kevin Federline settled their long-impending divorce  last night, reports MTV, after five hours of hashing it out with their lawyers. The fresh-from rehab pop star and her would-be rapper hubby setttled "all issues of their marriage and child custody" his lawyer said.

NYC Pays Kids To Go to School
NYC Pays Kids To Go to School

NYC Pays Kids To Go to School

Cash bonuses to poor families for attendance, grades, holding jobs

(Newser) - Forget gold stars: poor New York City kids who attend class regularly or improve grades will get cash rewards. Mayor Michael Bloomberg tells the New York Times the program, which could net a low-income family up to $5,000 a year, is akin to sales bonuses in the private sector.

Fireplaces Heat Up Backyards
Fireplaces Heat Up Backyards

Fireplaces Heat Up Backyards

The wood may be for show, but the status boost is for real

(Newser) - The outdoor fireplace is the latest must-have for obsessive upgraders—at least those with backyards. With built-in stereo systems, refrigerators, and price tags that run to $80,000, these oversized hearths often come with a just-for-show wood pile, though they run on gas.

Modern Moms Do More for Kids
Modern Moms Do More for Kids

Modern Moms Do More for Kids

(Newser) - Modern mothers spend more time with their children than those in the June Cleaver era, a new study concludes. Diaries compiled for the study show that, despite working more, today's moms spend less time on things like housework, leisure, and sleep to devote four more hours per week to interacting...

Quickie Adoption for Angelina
Quickie Adoption for Angelina

Quickie Adoption for Angelina

Vietnamese officials deny special treatment

(Newser) - Vietnamese officials say the paperwork on Angelina Jolie's adoption is nearly complete—just days after it was submitted in early March. Vietnamese officials say their efficiency was spurred by the child's age and complete files and not by preferential treatment, but the speed up likely has a simpler explanation: anticipation...

Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev