
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Guy Pulls Out Sword After Fight Over Sexuality

Heated argument between Cleveland pals ramps up when one whips out 2-footer

(Newser) - They could've kept it a simple guys' night watching the Cavaliers game on TV and playing dominoes together. But two Cleveland men became embroiled Wednesday in a more pointed activity after one of the men, a 48-year-old who's called "Cowboy," decided to accuse his 44-year-old pal...

Willa Cather's Lesbian 'Shame': Finally Put to Rest in Letters?

Debate about her 'sexual psychology' has raged for years

(Newser) - Willa Cather's letters are coming to print after decades of scholarly frustration and debate about her sexuality, the New York Times reports. But be warned: The Selected Letters of Willa Cather, which reveals her emotional attachment to women, is short on steamy details. Still, it reveals a complex, humorous,...

Gay? Check the Pupils
 Gay? Check 
 the Pupils 

study says

Gay? Check the Pupils

Dilation is reliable clue to sexuality: researchers

(Newser) - Scientists have a new way of investigating a subject's sexuality: It's all in the eyes, they say. Instead of using invasive methods—such as a band around the penis—to determine sexual response, researchers at Cornell simply measured the dilation of subjects' pupils in response to erotic videos,...

'Gay Cure' Champion: I Was Wrong

Dr. Robert Spitzer apologizes for study supporting 'gay cure' therapy

(Newser) - A psychiatrist who revolutionized how people view homosexuality has given a tearful apology for a study that supported the notion of a "gay cure." The New York Times looks at how Dr. Robert Spitzer conducted his study, withstood years of merciless criticism, and, suffering from Parkinson’s, finally...

Boy Scouts Boot Lesbian Den Leader

Jennifer Tyrrell launches petition for policy shift

(Newser) - Earlier this month, a Cub Scout den leader and mom was removed from her post because she's gay. Now she has launched a campaign to change the organization's policy. When Jennifer Tyrrell became a leader in Bridgeport, Ohio, she was aware of the Boy Scouts' rules against openly-homosexual...

Doc: I Found the G Spot
 Doc: I Found the G Spot 

Doc: I Found the G Spot

In the cadaver of an 83-year-old. But critics aren't so sure

(Newser) - A semi-retired Florida gynecologist says he's found the holy grail of female sexuality: the G spot. To make his discovery, Dr. Adam Ostrzenski went to Poland—which allows dissection of fresh cadavers, unlike the US—to do a postmortem exam on an 83-year-old woman. He found, he writes in...

The New Stigma: Asexuality
 The New Stigma: Asexuality 

The New Stigma: Asexuality

In hypersexual West, 'no sex' can be biggest taboo of all

(Newser) - With all the debates over homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, and just plain sex, it's hard to believe any group could be left out. But there is one—the asexuals. People with no interest in any sort of sex are estimated to be 1% of the population, but thanks to the...

Lindsay Lohan: 'Nature' Inspires Her Sexuality

 Lohan Dishes 
 on Sexuality: 
 'I Go With 
'playboy' interview

Lohan Dishes on Sexuality: 'I Go With Nature'

Actress says Marilyn Monroe inspires her

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan reveals the secret behind her free-wheeling sexuality in the upcoming issue of Playboy: "Sex and sexuality are a part of nature, and I go along with nature," she tells the mag, whose cover pic of Lohan has already leaked online . "I think Marilyn Monroe once...

Guys Think About Sex 19 Times a Day

 Guys Think 
 About Sex 
 19 Times 
 a Day 
study says

Guys Think About Sex 19 Times a Day

For women, it's about half that: Study

(Newser) - So maybe men don't really think about sex every seven seconds, as one famous study claimed a while back. Maybe they just think about it 18.6 times a day. And women think about it 9.9 times a day. A new study out of Ohio State University gave...

Study: Hey, Bisexual Guys Exist!
 Bisexual Guys Do Exist 
in case you missed it

Bisexual Guys Do Exist

Refutes 2005 study that found male bisexuality was unproven

(Newser) - There's good news out there for men who have ever been attracted to both men and women: Unlike the unicorn, you are real. Or so says a Northwestern University study, which goes a long way toward refuting a controversial 2005 study that found that “with respect to sexual...

French Company Launches Lingerie Line for Little Girls

Even 4-year-olds are included

(Newser) - What 4-year-old doesn't need a frilly bra and panty set? A French fashion line of lingerie aimed at children and teenage girls is making awkward waves thanks to photos of young models in risquè outfits and seductive poses, reports Fashionista . Jours Après Lunes claims to be "the...

Sexting: 4 Out of 5 College Students Sext
 4 in 5 College Kids Sext 
study says

4 in 5 College Kids Sext

And a fifth of the messages get forwarded

(Newser) - Racy text-messaging is simply a part of college life, a study suggests: Some 78% of 200 students in a University of Rhode Island survey say they’ve received sexts, and 56% have gotten sexts containing pictures, Time reports. Most of these messages, it should be noted—about 73%—weren’t...

In College, More Virgins, —and More Casual Sex

Studies find less commitment all the way around

(Newser) - The college life is getting more chaste—and more randy—at the same time, according to recent studies. A Stanford sociologist who surveyed a whopping 17,000 college students since 2005 found that a hefty 24% of seniors said they were virgins. That's a percentage on the rise, reports USA ...

Virginity Makes a Comeback
 Virginity Makes a Comeback 

Virginity Makes a Comeback

More young people postponing first encounter: study

(Newser) - A new federal study suggests more young men and women are remaining virgins longer. In the 15-24 age group, 27% of men and 29% of women say they've never had a sexual encounter of any kind, reports MSNBC . That's up from 22% for both groups from the last study in...

College Wrestles With Kinsey's Porn Collection

Indiana University wonders about showcasing his stag films

(Newser) - Indiana University is about to open a new cinema to show off the school's own film holdings—unremarkable until you consider that those holdings include 14,000 pornographic movies belonging to sex researcher Alfred Kinsey. Among those are 2,000 one-reel stag films going back to the 1920s, a unique...

Your Holiday Aphrodisiac Is ... Pumpkin Pie?

Men apparently dig the scent, say researchers

(Newser) - From the scientists-with-too-much-time-on-their-hands department: They subjected men to various scents and concluded that the smell of pumpkin pie is the one that gets them in the mood most effectively. Or in researcher-speak: "The number one odor that enhanced penile blood flow was a combination of lavender and pumpkin pie....

Orgasms Make Women 'Invincible'

Nervous systems shut down, making it harder to feel pain

(Newser) - Orgasms are nice—so nice that, for women at least, they kinda make you invincible. Neuroscientists studied women pleasuring themselves while in MRI body scanners, to see what happens inside the brain during orgasm. They found that 30 different parts of the brain light up with pleasure so strong that...

New Sex Guru: Polish Priest
 New Sex Guru: Polish Priest 

New Sex Guru: Polish Priest

Father Ksawery Knotz takes on human sexuality

(Newser) - When you think "sex advice," chances are you don't think "celibate Catholic priest" in the same nanosecond. Meet Father Ksawery Knotz , the church's answer to Dan Savage—sort of. Author of tomes like Sex Is Divine, the Polish priest is making waves by taking a decidedly modern...

Sex Survey Bares Gender 'Orgasm Gap'

Shocked? Men and women report different rates of female orgasm

(Newser) - Figures may not lie, but people do—especially, it seems, when it comes to sex. The most comprehensive study of Americans' sex lives since 1994 finds a strange "perception gap" related to orgasm: While 85% of the male respondents said their latest sexual partner had an orgasm, only 64%...

Sex Is Lame for 75% of French Couples
 Sex Is Lame for 75% 
 of French Couples 

Sex Is Lame for 75% of French Couples

More than 1 in 3 women have used 'Not tonight, honey...'

(Newser) - So much for France's reputation as home to the world's greatest lovers. More than three-quarters of French couples say they have bad sex lives, according to a new survey. More than one in three women admit to having used an excuse to get out of sex, the BBC reports, and...

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