
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Rescuers Save Woman, and Her Parrot, on Cliff
Polly Want a Mountain Rescue?

Polly Want a Mountain Rescue?

Woman and her bird got stranded on Welsh mountain

(Newser) - The good news is that the woman was reunited with her pet parrot. The bad news is that in going in search of her lost bird, she ended up stranded on a Welsh mountain and in need of a rescue herself. The unidentified woman had set out with a group...

Not Everyone Is Happy About Dogs in Outdoor Dining Spaces

Diners are pushing back at dogs in the dining area

(Newser) - Just in time for the summer dining season, the US government has given its blessing to restaurants that want to allow pet dogs in their outdoor spaces. But even though nearly half of states already allow canine dining outdoors, the AP reports the issue is far from settled, with...

Here&#39;s How You Can Get a Cat to Pay Attention to You
Want a Cat to
Come to You?
Do These
2 Things

Want a Cat to Come to You? Do These 2 Things

Researchers find cats come up to strangers more quickly when both visual, verbal cues are used

(Newser) - A group of researchers out of France took a deep dive into "the nuances of cat-human conversation," with some expected findings and some a little more surprising. For their study published last week in the journal Animals , a research team out of Paris Nanterre University led by Charlotte...

Pope Francis: I Told Off Woman With Dog

Pontiff warns against pets replacing kids amid Italy's demographic crisis

(Newser) - In numerous countries in the EU, birth rates are declining, including in Italy, which could lose nearly 20% of its residents by 2050. Those stats are apparently putting Pope Francis on edge, enough to spur him to warn Italian citizens not to let their anxieties about the future keep them...

Our Pets May Not Be as Happy as We Think

Kenny Torrella at Vox makes the case for a world with fewer, but happier, pets

(Newser) - It's easy to denounce the mistreatment of animals at the extremes: physical abuse, dog fighting, etc. But as Kenny Torrella writes at Vox , it gets trickier when even self-described animal lovers do things that fall into the realm of "everyday neglect and cruelty" in regard to their pets....

They&#39;ve Raised &#39;Neuty&#39; From Infancy. The State Wants Him
State Relents on Taking
'Neuty' From Couple

State Relents on Taking 'Neuty' From Couple

Louisiana family's nutria is invasive species that needs to be kept at zoo, wildlife officials had said

(Newser) - After a public outcry, Louisiana officials have decided a couple can keep their pet. Denny and Myra Lacoste had afoul of state law by having a 22-pound nutria—a beady-eyed, orange-toothed, rat-tailed rodent commonly considered a wetlands-damaging pest—as a pet that frolics with their dog, snuggles in their arms,...

Zoo Volunteer Allegedly Stole Baby Gator—20 Years Ago

Tewa is back home after theft was uncovered in Central Texas, authorities say

(Newser) - An alligator, stolen as an egg or hatchling from a Texas zoo two decades ago, is back in the first home she knew. The 8-foot alligator named Tewa was returned to Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo in New Braunfels on Friday, months after she was located on rural property...

Couple Likely Gave Monkeypox to Their Dog

WHO's Rosamund Lewis says it's first apparent case of human-to-animal transmission

(Newser) - What appears to be the first known human-to-pet transmission of monkeypox has surfaced in France. A nonexclusive, cohabiting couple developed symptoms of the virus, which has been appearing mostly in men who have sex with other men, a few days after sleeping with other partners, reports CBS News . Twelve days...

10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in US
10 Most Popular
Dog Breeds in US

10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in US

Labs are still king, but poodles are gaining

(Newser) - Labrador retrievers are still tugging hardest on US dog lovers' heartstrings, but poodles just strutted back into the American Kennel Club's top five most popular dog breeds for the first time in nearly a quarter-century, per the AP . The club's annual popularity rankings came out Tuesday, drawn from...

Woman Says She Searched a Week Before Service Told Her Dog Died

Liz Giorgi is warning others away from pet-sitting company Wag after what happened to Fran

(Newser) - "We're committed to the safety and happiness of all dogs in our care, and peace of mind for pet parents." That's the promise of pet-sitting and -walking service Wag, as seen on its website , but one pet owner says her dog is now dead after being...

Pope: Having Pets Instead of Kids Is 'Selfish'

Francis calls it a 'denial of fatherhood and motherhood'

(Newser) - Pope Francis isn't happy with people who forego having children and opt for pets instead. While discussing parenthood at the Vatican, Francis called the idea of being childless "a form of selfishness," per AFP . "We see that some people do not want to have a child,...

Jet-Setting With Your Dog Isn&#39;t as Doable These Days
CDC Relaxes Dog Import Ban

CDC Relaxes Dog Import Ban

You'll need valid US vaccination certificate to get your pooch home from 113 countries

(Newser) - Update: Six weeks after banning the importation of dogs from 113 countries over fears of fraudulent rabies vaccination certificates, the CDC is bending a little. It will now allow dogs to return to the US from those countries as long as they are healthy, microchipped, at least six months old,...

Cats May Have a More &#39;Profound Mind&#39; Than We Thought
Cats May Have a
More 'Profound Mind'
Than We Thought
in case you missed it

Cats May Have a More 'Profound Mind' Than We Thought

Research shows cats track their owners' movements around the house

(Newser) - If you've ever sensed that your aloof cat, who appears to ignore you, nevertheless seems to know just where you are at all times, you may be onto something. A new study out of Japan shows that cats may actually track their owners as they move around the house,...

Woman Looking to Adopt Pet Finds Her Own Lost Dog

Aisha Nieves had given up hope of ever finding Kovu

(Newser) - When Kovu disappeared, Aisha Nieves was heartbroken. Her dog had been her constant companion for years, and her best friend. Until one day she came home from work to find Kovu gone, having escaped from a hole in her fence caused by a car driving through it, CNN reports. She...

Chance You'll Pass COVID to a Pet Is 'Surprisingly High'

Cats appear to be more susceptible than dogs

(Newser) - There's a "surprisingly high chance" people who contract COVID-19 will pass it on to their pets, according to the author of a yet-to-be-published study, with cats especially susceptible. Researchers searched for antibodies in 48 cats and 54 dogs from 77 households where a prior COVID-19 infection was confirmed...

Pet Boom During Pandemic Strains Veterinarians, Staffs

Overwork, compassion fatigue already were problems

(Newser) - During the gloomiest stretches of the pandemic, Dr. Diona Krahn's veterinary clinic has been a puppy fest, overrun with new four-legged patients. Typically, she'd get three or four new puppies a week, but between shelter adoptions and private purchases, the 2020 COVID-19 pet boom brought five to seven...

Popular Flea Collar Linked to Pet Deaths, Human Injuries

EPA says Seresto flea and tick collars remain safe enough for sale

(Newser) - Hundreds of pet deaths and thousands of injuries to pets and humans have been linked to one of the most popular flea and tick collars in the US, according to documents from the EPA. However, there has been no warning about the Seresto collar made by Bayer and sold by...

Biden Plans White House Surprise
Biden Plans
White House

Biden Plans White House Surprise

CBS Sunday Morning teases news of a feline

(Newser) - Major, Champ, and ... pussy-kitty? Looks like Joe Biden's hope for reuniting America will extend beyond Democrats and Republicans, the Guardian reports. A CBS Sunday Morning tweet teased the fact that the new first family—which includes the two aforementioned German shepherds—will be "joined by a cat."...

Petco Won't Sell Product That Brings Pain to Pets

Pet supplies chain also wants its competitors to stop hawking electronic 'shock' collars

(Newser) - A pet product that's been labeled "controversial" by the Humane Society will no longer be sold by one major chain. Petco announced Tuesday that consumers won't find human- and bark-activated "shock" collars—devices that administer electronic pulses of varying intensity and duration to help train animals...

Thousands Mourn Charlie, a Very Good Boy
Mourn Charlie,
a Very Good Boy
in case you missed it

Thousands Mourn Charlie, a Very Good Boy

Obituary for stair-hating, banana-loving dog goes viral

(Newser) - Sallie Hammett wrote an obituary for her dog, thinking it would help her sort through some tough feelings. Having now gone viral, the write-up—designed to look like it would appear in a newspaper —has thousands mourning along with her. "Born July 15th, 2013, in Easley, South Carolina,...

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