
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Wary Democrats: 'Bill Is Not Dead Yet'

No celebrations after McCain announces opposition to ObamaCare repeal

(Newser) - John McCain's opposition to the latest GOP effort to repeal ObamaCare didn't quite kill the legislation's chances, though it came pretty close. Still, Democrats are taking pains not to declare victory in public or do anything that smacks of gloating, reports Politico . As Democratic Hawaii Sen. Brian...

McCain May Have Just Saved ObamaCare. Again

Senator says he can't vote for the newest GOP repeal bill

(Newser) - The latest Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act may very well be dead after Sen. John McCain announced his opposition to it Friday, the AP reports. "I cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham-Cassidy proposal," CNN quotes McCain as saying in a statement. "I...

A Relentless Kimmel Goes After Health Care Bill Again

Late-night host also skewers President Trump's intentions on health care reform

(Newser) - The Jimmy Kimmel - Bill Cassidy dust-up over health care circled back to Kimmel Thursday , the third night in a row that the late-night host has taken on the Louisiana senator over the latter's bill with Sen. Lindsey Graham to replace ObamaCare. Per EW , Kimmel addressed President Trump at...

Some States Will Be Big Winners Under ObamaCare Repeal Bill

But there will be 31 losers, according to federal report

(Newser) - There will be some big winners and plenty of losers under the latest effort at ObamaCare repeal, according to a Trump administration internal report. The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services predicts that reallocation of funding in the bill from Republican Sens. Bill Cassidy and Lindsey Graham will cause...

Kimmel-Cassidy Feud Over 'Indefensible' Bill Hits Night 2

And Kimmel calls Fox host Brian Kilmeade a 'phony little creep'

(Newser) - Jimmy Kimmel's tirade against GOP Sen. Bill Cassidy for his new health care bill reached a second night on Wednesday. Kimmel, whose son was born earlier this year with a serious heart condition , railed on Cassidy for lying "right to my face" on his show in May about...

GOP Health Care Bill Author: Kimmel &#39;Does Not Understand&#39;
GOP Health Care Bill Author
Swings Back at Jimmy Kimmel
the rundown

GOP Health Care Bill Author Swings Back at Jimmy Kimmel

And more on the Graham-Cassidy bill

(Newser) - Jimmy Kimmel's blistering monologue on Tuesday night against the latest GOP plan to repeal ObamaCare called out one of its authors by name, and now Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy is swinging back. What he and Lindsey Graham conceived would take the money ObamaCare spends on Medicaid and insurance subsidies,...

Kimmel Scorches Senator: He 'Lied Right to My Face'

Host calls out Bill Cassidy over GOP health care bill, the 'Jimmy Kimmel test'

(Newser) - Jimmy Kimmel delivered a blistering monologue Tuesday night against the latest GOP plan to repeal ObamaCare, calling out one of its authors in particular. "I don't know what happened to Bill Cassidy," said Kimmel, who unexpectedly entered the health care debate earlier this year when he spoke...

Suddenly, GOP Has Real Chance to Torpedo ObamaCare
Suddenly, GOP Has Real
Chance to Torpedo ObamaCare
the rundown

Suddenly, GOP Has Real Chance to Torpedo ObamaCare

Graham-Cassidy bill has only one firm 'no' so far

(Newser) - Republicans have about two weeks left if they hope to fundamentally change ObamaCare, and the chances of that happening have suddenly risen. In fact, NBC News declares in a headline that the Affordable Care Act is in "grave danger," and the reason is a new bill from GOP...

Senate GOP Makes Final Push to Repeal ObamaCare

Effort has a 2-week window to pass

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are expressing growing hope for a final push to scuttle ObamaCare, an effort that still faces an uphill climb and has just a two-week window to pass. Adding more risk, senators would be in the dark about the bill's impact on Americans, since the Congressional Budget Office...

Trump Admin Slashes Funds for ObamaCare Sign-Ups
Trump Takes Ax to
ObamaCare Budget

Trump Takes Ax to ObamaCare Budget

The advertising budget alone was cut by 90%

(Newser) - Affirming its disdain for ObamaCare, the Trump administration on Thursday announced sharp cuts in programs promoting health care enrollment under the Affordable Care Act for next year, the AP reports. Advertising will be cut from $100 million spent on 2017 sign-ups to $10 million, said Health and Human Services officials....

WH: We'll Make August Health Care Payment to Insurers

But uncertainty still lingers on long-term prospects for cost-sharing subsidies

(Newser) - The government will make this month's payments to insurers under the Obama-era health care law that President Trump still wants to repeal and replace, the AP reports. "The August payment will be made," a White House spokesman said Wednesday. Trump has repeatedly threatened to end the payments,...

CBO: Trump's Health Strategy Would Hike Costs 20% in 2018

If president stops ObamaCare subsidies, premiums will rise dramatically for 'silver' plan

(Newser) - People buying individual health-care policies would face higher premiums, and some may be left with no insurance options, if President Trump makes good on his threat to stop ObamaCare payments to insurers. That's the conclusion of a new report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the AP reports. More...

GOP Senator Backtracks After Odd Comments on McCain's Tumor

Ron Johnson implied tumor might have been factor in McCain's repeal vote

(Newser) - A GOP senator is backtracking after controversial comments about John McCain Tuesday. Speaking about the Senate's failure to pass a bill repealing ObamaCare on the AM560 radio show Chicago's Morning Answer, Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin said, "I'm not gonna speak for John McCain—he has...

Lawmakers Ready to Defy Trump on ObamaCare Subsidy

Bipartisan push underway to try to stabilize insurance markets

(Newser) - With the Republican plan to replace ObamaCare in retreat, the next phase of the fight hinges on the wonky-sounding factor of "cost-saving reduction payments." As the New York Times explains, these are subsidies paid by the federal government to insurers to defray costs for lower-income policy holders. President...

John McCain Is Not Your Health Care Hero
John McCain Is Not
Your Health Care Hero
The Rundown

John McCain Is Not Your Health Care Hero

McCain gets the headlines, but others made those headlines possible

(Newser) - Democrats need to take the right lesson from Friday's dramatic rescue of the Affordable Care Act: You can be grateful for Sen. John McCain's vote, but he's not your hero. The Atlantic reports McCain is a man of principle, but those principles are "process, decorum, and...

Trump: Time to Change Senate Rules
Trump Calls
for Rule
Change in

Trump Calls for Rule Change in Senate

Although the change he suggests would not have saved 'skinny repeal' bill

(Newser) - President Trump's proposed solution after the failure of the GOP health care bill Friday: Change Senate rules so that only 51 yes votes, not 60, are needed for legislation to pass. Trump has made this pitch before, though it would not have saved the GOP's health care bill...

McCain 'No' Vote Sends GOP Back to Square One

'Skinny' repeal fails with 49-51 vote

(Newser) - The Republican "skinny" ObamaCare repeal plan was defeated in a dramatic late-night Senate hearing early Friday, with Sen. John McCain and two other Republicans voting against it. With Vice President Mike Pence on hand to cast a deciding vote if necessary, the bill failed in a 49 to 51...

Senate Rejects Proposal to Repeal ObamaCare

Proposal would have given Congress 2 years to come up with a replacement

(Newser) - The Republican-run Senate has rejected a GOP proposal to scuttle President Obama's health care law and give Congress two years to devise a replacement, the AP reports. Seven Republicans joined all Democrats Wednesday in a 45-55 vote defeating the plan. It was the second self-inflicted setback the GOP has...

Alaska Senator Is Latest to Incur Trump's Wrath

Trump disappointed with Lisa Murkowski's 'no' votes Tuesday

(Newser) - President Trump scored a victory Tuesday when a motion to proceed on the healthcare debate passed the Senate 51-50, but that doesn't mean he's willing to overlook the two votes from Republicans in opposition. In a tweet Wednesday, Trump singled out Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska—who cast...

9 Republicans Vote Against ObamaCare Repeal Measure

It sank with 43-57 vote

(Newser) - A broad measure to repeal and replace ObamaCare failed in the Senate as widely expected Tuesday. The measure included the Senate's unpopular "Better Care Reconciliation Act," along with proposals like Sen. Ted Cruz's plan to allow insurers to sell plans that do not meet federal coverage...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>