Ed Schultz

6 Stories

Ed Schultz Out, Ezra Klein In at MSNBC?

'New York Times' profile floats rumor

(Newser) - Are Ed Schultz's days at MSNBC—or at least in its 8pm slot—numbered? Mediaite spotted an intriguing detail in this New York Times profile of the increasingly liberal network: Sources say the network is looking for more political shows, and consider Washington Post columnist Ezra Klein their top...

Schultz: Sorry About Misleading Perry Clip

MSNBC host accused Texas governor of racism for 'black cloud' remark

(Newser) - Ed Schultz sort-of apologized last night for airing a deceptively cut clip of Rick Perry. On Monday, Schultz showed a clip of Perry saying that a “big black cloud” was over America, condemning it as coded racism. “That black cloud Perry is talking about is President Barack Obama,...

Schultz Apologizes for 'Vile' Ingraham Remarks

MSNBC host calls it his lowest moment

(Newser) - Ed Schultz apologized last night for calling conservative radio host Laura Ingraham a “right-wing slut,” and said he has offered to take an “indefinite” break from his MSNBC show without pay. In what Mediaite calls “a remarkably fulsome and sincere apology,” Schultz acknowledged that he...

MSNBC Suspends Ed Schultz for 'Right-Wing Slut' Comment

Liberal host went after Laura Ingraham on his radio program

(Newser) - MSNBC will suspend liberal radio and TV host Ed Schultz for a week without pay for calling Laura Ingraham a "right-wing slut" on his radio show, reports Talking Points Memo . As noted by the Daily Caller , Schultz rolled out the epithet yesterday to lash out at Ingraham, who had...

Dems Desperately Seeking North Dakotan
 Dems Desperately 
 Seeking North Dakotan 

Dems Desperately Seeking North Dakotan

Byron Dorgan's resignation leaves party in bind, writes Collins

(Newser) - Two senator retirements do not a Democratic crisis make—especially when Chris Dodd's stepping aside is actually great news for the party—but the party may have a dilemma in North Dakota, writes Gail Collins. Byron Dorgan's retirement has taken everybody by surprise. Unlike in Connecticut, nobody seems ready to...

Sen. Ed Schultz? MSNBC Host Says Dems Want Him
Sen. Ed Schultz? MSNBC Host Says Dems Want Him
Dorgan Scramble

Sen. Ed Schultz? MSNBC Host Says Dems Want Him

Puts his name in play for Dorgan's ND seat

(Newser) - MSNBC host Ed Schultz wasted little time today getting his name in play to replace Byron Dorgan in the Senate. Schultz said prominent North Dakota Democrats have formally asked him to run, but he hasn't decided whether to do so. "I'm flattered. I'm honored. I can't say I'm even...

6 Stories
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