
17 Stories

10 Most Gentrified Cities
Most Gentrified Cities in US

Most Gentrified Cities in US

San Francisco-Oakland is new No. 1

(Newser) - Gentrification is surging in the US, and nowhere moreso than the San Francisco-Oakland area, according to data from the nonprofit National Community Reinvestment Coalition . The group's new report found that more than 31% of the area's census tracts eligible for gentrification were, in fact, gentrifying, per US News ...

NYC Mayoral Hopeful Tells Residents to 'Go Back to Iowa'

Some say Eric Adams is 'Trumpian'

(Newser) - New York City mayoral hopeful Eric Adams is taking flak for a Monday speech about gentrification, in which he told transplants to "go back" to Iowa and Ohio. "New York City belongs to the people that was here and made New York City what it is," the...

On Black Campus, Tensions Simmer Over Dog Walkers

In gentrification debate, Howard University students want local residents to keep away

(Newser) - Washington, DC, has the highest "intensity of gentrification" of any city in the country, according to a study highlighted by the Washington Post . That lends background to a dispute between Howard University students and the surrounding community, which has grown whiter and more expensive to inhabit in recent years....

The Eviction Process in the US: 'Efficient and Surreal'

The middle class is now being affected, thanks to gentrification, among other factors

(Newser) - John Williams once had a white-collar career as a political reporter and a $2,000-a-month apartment in suburban DC. Then he lost his job, fell behind on his rent to the tune of five figures, and was kicked out of his home by housing court. It was a "smooth,...

Coffee Shop Hasn't Reopened Since 'Gentrifying' Fiasco

ink! Coffee is sorry for their sign saying they're 'happily gentrifying' a historically diverse neighborhood

(Newser) - A coffee shop targeted by protesters after a message about gentrification struck a nerve in a rapidly changing city remained closed Monday despite an apology and plans to reopen after the holiday weekend, the AP reports. Last week, Ink! Coffee displayed a sidewalk sign that said "Happily Gentrifying the...

Coffeehouse's Sidewalk Sign Draws Cries of 'White Privilege'

Denver shop's boast about gentrification didn't go over well with locals

(Newser) - A Denver neighborhood known as "the Harlem of the West" isn't taking too kindly to a local coffeehouse's recent sidewalk signage. The Five Points community has long been known as an artists' enclave and home to many black and Latino families, but economic growth and an attempt...

Brooklyn Deli Puts Its Window Display on Airbnb

The owner is facing a proposed rent hike from $4K to $10K

(Newser) - Fed up with the disappearance of many mom-and-pop shops on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, two regular customers of Jesse's Deli, a bodega run by Jesse Itayim, are trying to help this one stay. After learning that the shop might have to move now that the landlord is trying to...

Zuckerberg Throws $120M Into Local Schools

Priscilla Chan says it's an 'incredibly personal issue'

(Newser) - As debate rages over Silicon Valley's gentrification of the Bay Area, Mark Zuckerberg yesterday gave parents there a reason to applaud their wealthy neighbors. The Facebook founder and his wife, Priscilla Chan, announced that they're sinking $120 million into San Francisco-area schools over the next five years, the...

Google Buses Hurt the Environment
 Google Buses Hurt 
 the Environment 

Google Buses Hurt the Environment

Gentrification makes the poor into reluctant drivers: Susie Cagle

(Newser) - Google touts the much-maligned buses that transport its San Francisco worker force as a sign of its green bona fides—after all, they keep employees' cars off the road. But in a high-profile lawsuit, activists are making the opposite argument: that the buses actually harm the environment because they foster...

Spike Lee Rant Triggers Debate on Gentrification

He unleashes during Brooklyn event

(Newser) - A Spike Lee tirade earlier this week on gentrification in New York City's black neighborhoods continues to resonate, with Lee going on CNN last night to explain his expletive-laden rant. He's fine with new people moving into neighborhoods that were once mostly black and mostly poor, he says....

Seattle Woman 'Marries' Abandoned Building

Occupier Baylonia Aivaz protesting gentrification

(Newser) - An Occupy Seattle protester "married" an abandoned warehouse on Sunday, not because of a weird fetish, but in order to protest gentrification, the Los Angeles Times reports. "I'm doing this to show the building how much I love it, how much I love community space, and how...

Blacks No Longer Majority in Harlem

4 in 10 are African-American in cultural capital

(Newser) - Harlem, the New York City neighborhood often characterized as the capital of black culture in the US, no longer has a majority African-American population. And the shift that occurred a decade ago has accelerated in recent years as whites and Hispanics have bought into an area abandoned by many blacks...

Au Revoir, Paris Nightlife

 Au Revoir, Paris Nightlife 

Au Revoir, Paris Nightlife

Noise ordinances strangle once-legendary music and party scene

(Newser) - Paris, a city whose decadent nightlife was once the stuff of legend, is looking more like a museum these days: pretty, quiet, and closed at night. Gentrification of former party neighborhoods has brought an influx of residents unwilling to put up with noise; resulting noise ordinances have caused music venues...

White Flight Slows, Stops, Reverses
White Flight
Slows, Stops,

White Flight Slows, Stops, Reverses

Big cities influx of whites as more blacks move to suburbs

(Newser) - White Americans are reversing a decades-old trend by moving back to big cities, the Wall Street Journal reports. In cities like Boston, Washington DC, Seattle and Atlanta, the white population is rising again as suburbanites flock to live in newly trendy city centers—and affluent African-Americans move to the suburbs....

NYC Institution Bidding Final Bon Appetits

Night owls, celebs, hookers mourn the closure of Florent

(Newser) - Few places encapsulate New York's transformation from crime-ridden metropolis to Sex and the City-fied playground than Florent, a French restaurant housed in an old diner in the meatpacking district. A 24-hour hangout for slumming A-listers and transvestite prostitutes, Florent is closing after 23 years in the face of a 2,...

2 Downtowns, 1 New Museum
2 Downtowns, 1 New Museum

2 Downtowns, 1 New Museum

Japanese architects win raves for new New York building

(Newser) - New York's New Museum, the scrappy showcase for contemporary art founded in a SoHo loft 30 years ago, reopens this weekend in a building Nicolai Ouroussoff describes as "a series of mismatched galleries precariously stacked one atop the other." For the New York Times' architectural critic, the building,...

Coney Island on Track for Ritzy Makeover

Fans grumble at cyclone-speed gentrification

(Newser) - Landmark Brooklyn amusement park Coney Island is set to undergo a major makeover as an upscale techno-theme park with ritzy retail space and timeshare towers, the Washington Post reports. Thor Equities bought much of the six-block thrill park and officials hope to launch the $1.5B renovation in 18 months—...

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