Ali Abdullah Saleh

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Yemen President Again Vows to Leave After Election

Meaning in 2012; Leaves US with no good options in al-Qaeda stronghold

(Newser) - Pressured by the defection of some of his top military commanders, Ali Abdullah Saleh has once again promised to step down—eventually. The longtime Yemeni president said today he would leave office “constitutionally” following an election at the end of this year or the beginning of 2012, the Christian ...

Army Commanders Defect in Yemen

President's key confidante switches to opposition

(Newser) - Tanks and armored vehicles have been deployed in Yemen’s capital as support for the country's president continues to erode : Three army commanders have defected to the opposition, the AP reports. The officers are members of the president’s tribe, which called for his resignation yesterday. Among them is a...

Yemen President Fires Entire Cabinet

Situation looking increasingly dire for Saleh

(Newser) - Yemen's increasingly embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh axed his entire Cabinet today, as even members of his own tribe called for his ouster and his administration abandoned ship, reports the AP . In the wake of sniper crackdowns that killed up to 42 protesters Friday, Yemen's UN envoy Abdullah Alsaidi "...

Yemen Protests: Police Kill 31 Protesters
 Yemen Police Kill 31 Protesters 

Yemen Police Kill 31 Protesters

Today marks harshest response yet from government

(Newser) - Yemeni security forces firing from rooftops and houses shot at tens of thousands of anti-government demonstrators, killing at least 31 as the protesters entered a downtown square in the capital to demand the ouster of their autocratic president. Today's violence is the harshest response yet from President Ali Abdullah Saleh....

Yemen Protests: Police Fire on Protesters, Injuring 100 or More
 Police Fire on Protesters, 
 at Least 100 Injured 
yemen protests

Police Fire on Protesters, at Least 100 Injured

Violence is escalating in Yemen as monthlong protests continue

(Newser) - Police on rooftops fired live bullets and tear gas at protesters in Yemen today, wounding at least 100 people camping out near Sanaa University. The day's violence was the latest evidence that monthlong protests demanding the resignation of Yemen's longtime leader were spiraling out of control. Embattled President Ali Abdullah...

Doctors Suspect Nerve Gas Used on Yemen Protesters

Three tell Global Post that symptoms are too severe for tear gas

(Newser) - Doctors and protesters in Yemen think the government is using banned nerve gas, not regular tear gas, to quell protests, reports Global Post . Three doctors treating patients say the symptoms are suspiciously severe. “The material in this gas makes people convulse for hours," said one field doctor after...

Yemeni President Agrees to Resign

Strikes deal with protesters to stay until end of year

(Newser) - Yemen’s president has agreed to a deal with opposition leaders that will usher him out of office by the end of the year—instead of by his previous 2013 deadline. A government official said, without elaborating, that the sides had reached “common ground” on a deal. Opposition leaders...

Yemen President Orders Forces to Protect Protesters

After two were killed in Sanaa clashes on Tuesday

(Newser) - Thousands gathered in a Sanaa square in Yemen yesterday, just one day after supporters of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, wielding clubs, tried to force them out. Amnesty International says two were killed in the Sanaa clashes late Tuesday, the capital’s first fatalities since protests began. Saleh said last night...

20K Protest Yemen President
 20K Protest Yemen President 

20K Protest Yemen President

Pro-government demonstrators also rally

(Newser) - Some 20,000 protesters joined together in Yemen’s capital for a “day of rage” against the country’s president, rejecting his plan to quit in 2013, the BBC reports. Elsewhere in the city, about the same number rallied in support of President Ali Abdullah Saneh; the pair of...

Yemen's President Promises Not to Run Again

*When his term runs out in 2013

(Newser) - Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh took a page out of Hosni Mubarak’s playbook today, promising protesters that he would not run for reelection when his term ends in 2013. He also promised that his oldest son Ahmed, the head of Yemen’s Republican Guard, wouldn’t try to replace him,...

Anti-Government Protests Spread to Yemen

Protesters invoke Tunisia, Egypt

(Newser) - Protests inspired by the Tunisia uprising are continuing to snowball in the Middle East: Tens of thousands rallied today in Yemen, in the largest by far of a recent wave of anti-government protests. Protesters gathered in the capital Sana'a, calling on President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down, the BBC...

US Playing Major Role in Yemen Strikes

Military teams offer intelligence, tactics against al-Qaeda

(Newser) - American military teams have been secretly assisting Yemeni troops as the nation steps up its campaign against al-Qaeda. The teams, which include dozens of troops from Joint Special Operations Command, haven't been taking part in the strikes that have killed scores of suspected terrorists but have been involved in planning...

Corrupt Yemen Regime Is a Family Affair

Saleh's government, 'practically caged in the capital,' has little control

(Newser) - The Obama administration is stepping up its aid to Yemen, seeing it as a vital front in the war on al-Qaeda, but that aid is going to a corrupt president more concerned with looking out for his family interests than fighting terror. Ali Abdullah Saleh has loaded his government and...

Petraeus Talks Security With Yemen President

General visits nation, delivers letter from Obama

(Newser) - Gen. Petraeus visited Yemen today and met with the nation's president to discuss how to keep al-Qaeda in check. The meeting came on the same day President Obama spelled out in more detail how the would-be bomber on Christmas Day got his training from al-Qaeda militants based in the cash-strapped...

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