cognitive decline

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Midnight Snacks Could Hurt Your Memory
 Midnight Snacks 
 Could Hurt Your 
study says

Midnight Snacks Could Hurt Your Memory

It's not just poor sleep that affects memory—odd eating hours don't help, either

(Newser) - Flying for the holidays? Eating and sleeping on an odd schedule? Jet lag and disrupted sleep have already been shown to impede memory in both humans and mice, and trans fats have also been shown to "eat away" at memory, reports Time . Now UCLA researchers say they're seeing—...

To Slow Brain Aging, Learn a New Language

Even if you're already an adult, researchers suggest

(Newser) - We've already heard that being bilingual can help you fight dementia . Now, some follow-up good news: Even if you're an adult, it may not be too late to reap the cognitive benefits of learning a new language, the BBC reports. Researchers performed intelligence tests on 262 bilingual people...

Multivitamins All Hooey

 Multivitamins All Hooey 

Multivitamins All Hooey

The vitamin industry is taking us for a ride: Edgar Miller

(Newser) - Those multivitamins sitting on your counter are a waste of money perpetuated by little more than anecdotal evidence, according to a professor of medicine and epidemiology at John Hopkins University, CNN reports. The vitamin and supplement "industry is based on anecdote, people saying 'I take this, and it...

No. 1 Way to Lower Dementia Risk: Exercise
No. 1 Way to Lower
Dementia Risk: Exercise

new study

No. 1 Way to Lower Dementia Risk: Exercise

Other healthy lifestyle choices also have big impact: study

(Newser) - A 35-year study of 2,235 men in the UK finds that exercise is the biggest factor when it comes to reducing the risk of dementia, the BBC reports. People who practiced four of the following five lifestyle choices saw their dementia risk reduced 60%, and were 70% less likely...

Smoking Rots Your Brain, Too
 Smoking Rots Your Brain, Too 
in case you missed it

Smoking Rots Your Brain, Too

Study finds it's associated with cognitive decline

(Newser) - Bad news, smokers: The nicotine habit doesn't just hurt your lungs, it also rots your brain, according to a new study. Researchers gave brain tests to participants over the age of 50, and repeated those tests after four years and again after eight. They found a "consistent association"...

Obese People&#39;s Brains Age Faster
 Obese People's 
 Brains Age Faster 

Obese People's Brains Age Faster

Study links obesity to cognitive decline

(Newser) - Here's another reason for obese middle-aged people to lose weight: You might just lose your marbles, a new study warns. Researchers studied thousands of British civil servants over a decade and found a strong link between obesity and a faster rate of mental decline, the BBC reports. Participants took...

Long Naps Can Make Elderly People Crazy

 Long Naps Can 
 Drive Elderly 
 People Crazy 
study says

Long Naps Can Drive Elderly People Crazy

Researchers link napping to mental decline

(Newser) - So much for elderly people taking good, long naps after lunch. Those who do are more likely to suffer from mental decline, according to French researchers. They studied results from 5,000 people over age 65 and found that the 20% who napped heavily fared worse on mental ability tests,...

Early Sign of Alzheimer&#39;s: The Way You Walk
 Early Sign of Alzheimer's: 
 The Way You Walk 
study says

Early Sign of Alzheimer's: The Way You Walk

Changes in gait could signal cognitive decline: studies

(Newser) - For the first time, researchers have linked a physical symptom to Alzheimer's: Changes in the way you walk could be an early sign of the disease, USA Today reports. Researchers studied participants' gait two times, 15 months apart, and found that those with decreased cadence, velocity, and stride length...

Men's Minds Degrade Earlier
 Men's Minds Degrade Earlier 

Men's Minds Degrade Earlier

Males get mild impairment more often

(Newser) - Men are more likely to experience "mild cognitive decline," a new study suggests. Researchers studying seniors aged 70 to 89 found that men were diagnosed with MCI 1.5 times more often than women, ABC News reports. MCI, characterized by a deterioration of memory and thinking, can be...

Music Prompts Memory in Alzheimer's Patients

iPod therapy stimulates cognitive functions lost to disease

(Newser) - Therapists and doctors who treat Alzheimer's are now using music not only to soothe and entertain their patients but to restore some cognitive function. For decades it's been recognized that Alzheimer's patients can still remember and sing songs long after they've stopped recognizing names and faces. Now it's thought that...

Infections Quicken Memory Loss in Alzheimer's Patients

Ailments boost inflammatory protein which may speed decline

(Newser) - Urinary tract, chest, and other infections may double the speed of memory loss among Alzheimer’s sufferers, researchers in Britain find. About half of subjects in a six-month study got infections outside the brain that prompted increased levels of an inflammatory protein; those who suffered such events, called SIEs, showed...

Obesity May Shrink Your Brain
 Obesity May Shrink Your Brain 

Obesity May Shrink Your Brain

Study finds cognitive regions smaller in obese elderly

(Newser) - Important cognitive brain regions are smaller in older obese people than fit ones, scientists have found. Shrinking brains are tied to dementia, so the discovery fuels the notion that obesity can raise the risk of the cognitive disorder, New Scientist reports. In a review of 94 brain scans, subjects with...

A Couple Drinks Daily May Prevent Dementia: Study

Moderate drinkers developed dementia less often than teetotalers

(Newser) - Moderate drinking may prevent the onset of dementia, MedPage Today reports. A study found that adults aged 75 and over who had one or two drinks daily were 37% less likely to develop dementia. Across the study’s 6-year window, adults who drank more than two drinks a day were...

Video Games May Stave Off Mental Decline
Video Games May
Stave Off Mental Decline

Video Games May Stave Off Mental Decline

(Newser) - Shelling goblins and building medieval empires may be perfect ways to stave off cognitive decline, Anita Hamilton writes in Time. Research already shows that challenging tasks can keep brains sharp in old age, but now multi-million-dollar studies are getting the elderly to play video games—not puzzle or math games,...

Caffeine May Reverse Effects of Alzheimer's

Stimulant alleviates cognitive decline in lab mice

(Newser) - Caffeine may reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, a new study indicates. University of Florida researchers investigated the effects of a high caffeine diet on mice genetically engineered to suffer from high levels of beta-amyloid—a protein associated with human Alzheimer's—that causes cognitive decline in old age. The...

A Tipple a Day Keeps Dementia at Bay: Study

Daily glass of wine improves female brain, delays decline

(Newser) - A little wine with dinner can make women smarter and even help them stave off dementia, the Daily Telegraph reports. Scottish scientists served up vino for thousands of subjects aged 70 to 84, and found women who drank up to a glass a day performed better on mental tests. Men...

Science Probes 'Senior Moments'

Researchers discover why an aging brain is prone to distraction

(Newser) - Science has found clues to why older people tend to lose their train of thought so easily: Slower internal brain communications are behind those misplaced names, words, keys, and other “senior moments,” the Wall Street Journal reports. A 200-millisecond difference in an older person’s ability to quickly...

Staying Sharp While Aging: It Has a Price

Exercising the brain can stem tide of memory loss

(Newser) - Fighting the aging process is more about hard work than anti-wrinkle cream and hair dye, Jonah Lehrer writes in the Washington Post. The issue for most of us is not to dance like Madonna or swim like US Olympian Dara Torres; it's to remember names and places and find the...

10 Factors That Affect Memory
 10 Factors That Affect Memory

10 Factors That Affect Memory

From diet to depression, here's what to watch

(Newser) - New research suggests our lifestyle choices affect memory loss almost as much as aging. Forbes looks at 10 surprising factors, positive and negative, that determine how sharp you'll stay:  
  1. Tofu—eating too much can increase dementia in the elderly.
  1. Carbs—likewise, too many derail Alzheimer's-fighting enzymes in the brain.

'Pre-Dementia' on the Rise
 'Pre-Dementia' on the Rise

'Pre-Dementia' on the Rise

Mild impairment strikes nearly a million elderly a year, especially men

(Newser) - Almost a million Americans each year develop a mild form of memory loss that is often a precursor to Alzheimer's, according to new research. Mild Cognitive Impairment—more serious than normal "senior moments"—was found to be more common in men, the Los Angeles Times reports. Doctors warn...

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