unruly passenger

Stories 81 - 90 | << Prev 

American Airlines Boots Alec Baldwin Off Plane

After a confrontation over ... a cell phone Scrabble game?

(Newser) - An American Airlines pilot kicked Alec Baldwin off a plane today, and the reason smacks more of Kenneth than Jack Donaghy in 30 Rock terms. TMZ explains: Baldwin was playing a game of Words With Friends on his phone while the plane was at the gate. When the cabin door...

Man Kicked Off Flight for Cursing

Robert Sayegh says he may sue

(Newser) - Apparently, cursing can get you kicked off a plane—as a Brooklyn man found out the hard way yesterday. After a layover in Detroit, Robert Sayegh and the rest of the passengers on Atlantic Southeast Airlines Flight 5136 had been waiting at the gate for 45 minutes. A flight attendant...

Drunk Tries to Open Plane Door Mid-Flight

Delta passenger arrested after 4th flight security problem in 3 days

(Newser) - A passenger who tried to open an emergency door on a Delta flight from Orlando to Boston was quickly subdued by an off-duty cop. The incident, the fourth in-flight security scare on a domestic flight in the space of 3 days, appears to be have been alcohol-related rather than terror-related:...

Seattle Flight Forced Back By Unruly Passenger

Pilots cancel Amsterdam-bound flight after 30 minutes

(Newser) - A Delta flight bound for Amsterdam turned back to Seattle last night after a passenger became unruly some 30 minutes into the flight, reports the AP. A Delta spokeswoman wouldn't comment on the specifics of the disturbance, but a TSA spokeswoman said the passenger was taken to a local medical...

Aussie Charged With Attacking Quantas Crew

Passenger goes berserk on flight out of Tokyo

(Newser) - An Australian man who went berserk on a flight from Tokyo to Sydney is facing multiple criminal charges. The 56-year-old passenger had to be restrained after attacking a Japanese passenger and threatening to kill a flight attendant. Tamas Halasz was arrested when the flight landed and was charged with endangering...

Unruly Passenger Blames Medical Pot Cookies

Calif. man had double dose before in-flight freak-out

(Newser) - A San Francisco man who screamed, dropped his pants and attacked crew members on a US Airways flight now says it was the pot cookies that made him do it. Kinman Chan, who holds a valid medical marijuana card, told FBI agents that he ate a double dose of marijuana...

Man Tries to Storm Cockpit on Flight from UK

Passenger believed to be suffering from panic attack

(Newser) - A Spanish man was arrested after trying to force his way into the cockpit of a Thomson Airways flight from Cardiff to the Canary Islands. The man was overpowered and restrained by passengers and crew until the flight safely reached its destination, the BBC reports. Spanish authorities say the man...

Plane Diverts to Denver After Passenger Tries to Open Door

Cops take him into custody, alcohol involved

(Newser) - A United Airlines jetliner carrying more than 100 people from Washington, DC, to Las Vegas was diverted to Denver yesterday after a passenger tried to open an exterior door on the plane while it was in flight, officials said. Denver police took the passenger into custody and were interviewing him...

US Fighter Jets Escort Plane With Unruly Flyer

F-15s scrambled after reports of 'uncooperative' passenger

(Newser) - Two F-15 fighters were scrambled to escort a Portland-Hawaii flight back to Portland yesterday when crew members became alarmed by an unruly passenger. The pilot decided to turn back because of "a suspicious passenger who made threatening remarks and refused to store his carry-on bag," a spokeswoman for...

3rd Man in 3 Days Detained on US Flight

Apparently drunk passenger pounds on cockpit door

(Newser) - An apparently intoxicated Delta airlines passenger who pounded on the door of the pilot's cabin was detained yesterday by police when the plane landed in Salt Lake City. It was the third security scare in three days on US flights. None of the 164 passengers was harmed by the unruly...

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