unruly passenger

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Airline Industry: Prosecute Disruptive Passengers

Letter asks Justice Department to act, citing increase in cases aboard flights

(Newser) - Airlines, flight attendants, and pilots are calling for the US Justice Department to prosecute unruly and violent passengers. In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday, the trade group Airlines for America and unions for pilots and flight crew cited a " substantial increase in and growing escalation...

Southwest Keeps Flights Dry After Passenger Clashes

Alcohol service had been scheduled to resume this summer

(Newser) - Southwest Airlines is delaying serving alcohol again on flights after an increase in incidents of unruly passengers. The airline was planning to resume selling alcohol next month on Hawaii flights and in July on other flights, the AP reports, a move that was questioned by the president of the union...

FAA Has 2.5K Reports of Unruly Fliers This Year

Number of cases is way up this year, and air travel is getting busier

(Newser) - The Federal Aviation Administration said Monday that mask violations account for about 1,900 of the 2,500 unruly passenger reports it has received this year. The agency usually handles 100 to 150 formal cases in a year. The FAA is weighing the allegations, Reuters reports, and said 395 of...

FAA: Told to Mask Up, Passengers Got Physical

Agency issues 4 fines totalling more than $67K

(Newser) - Two travelers are facing a combined $50,000 in fines from the FAA, and not just for their lack of masks. Both are accused of assaulting flight attendants who called them out for their rule-breaking, per the Hill . A female passenger told to don a mask on a Feb. 7...

Frontier: Maskless Fliers, Not Anti-Semitism, Canceled Flight

Flight out of Miami to NYC canceled after Sunday incident with Hasidic Jewish passengers

(Newser) - A chaotic scene on a Frontier Airlines flight before takeoff ended with a group of Hasidic Jews being asked to leave, the entire plane eventually being emptied, and now, accusations of anti-Semitism—all over what the airline says was the group's refusal to wear face masks. The incident took...

FAA Plans $27K Fine, Saying Passenger Hit Flight Attendant

Agency eliminated requirement to issue a warning before issuing penalty

(Newser) - An airline passenger has 30 days to explain why he shouldn't be fined $27,500 for hitting a flight attendant in the face. The Federal Aviation Administration announced its proposed penalty Friday, USA Today reports. The passenger was traveling with someone who refused to wear a mask on a...

Passengers Arrested After Attacking Airline Agents

Clash began over size of carry-on bags

(Newser) - Two agents were injured and two passengers were arrested after a clash at Detroit Metro Airport. The agents had blocked the passengers from boarding a Sunday flight to Atlanta "without authorization," Spirit Airlines said. "This was not a fight," the airline said in a statement. "...

Passengers Help Subdue Threatening Man on Flight

He threatened to kill everyone on Alaska Airlines jet, says airline

(Newser) - An Alaska Airlines flight had to make a quick return to the airport after a passenger began threatening to kill everyone aboard, reports KOMO News . The unruly passenger was eventually subdued by crew members as well as three fellow passengers—one of whom was an off-duty Chicago cop. The incident...

NFL Player: I Was Sexually Assaulted on a United Flight

2 men say attendants ignored their complaints

(Newser) - An NFL player and a second man say they were sexually harassed and assaulted during a late-night flight—and United Airlines flight attendants failed to take their complaints seriously. In a lawsuit filed Monday, the player, identified only as John Doe 1, says he was on a flight from Los...

Cops: Guy Attacked Flight Attendant, Tried to Storm Cockpit

'If he did actually get into that cockpit, Lord knows what would have happened'

(Newser) - Passengers on a flight into New Jersey from DC had a scare as the United Express plane started to land in Newark on Thursday evening, reports NBC New York . Passenger Mike Egbert says that Matthew Dingley got up and went into a "full sprint" toward the cockpit, ramming into...

Unruly Passenger Lit Joint, Yelled 'You're All Screwed!'

Flight had to make emergency landing in Denver

(Newser) - In yet another example of drugs and flying not mixing, a man who told other passengers he had taken cocaine was removed from an American Airlines flight after it made an emergency landing in Denver. Passenger Jim Dickey tells CNN that the man started acting up on the Phoenix to...

Passengers Subdue Screaming Man on Plane

Passengers shouted in fear and children were crying

(Newser) - Passengers on a Turkish Airlines jetliner flying to Sudan had to subdue a man who started screaming a few minutes after takeoff and began smashing at an oxygen mask box and then a cabin window, before pushing flight attendants aside and rushing toward the cockpit, the AP reports. Associated Press...

Man's Airport Relapse Leads to $16K Fuel Bill

Judge acknowledges 'some sympathy' for David Stephen Young

(Newser) - "One has to feel some sympathy for the accused," a Canadian judge said Tuesday before ordering an unruly WestJet passenger to pay $16,000 in wasted fuel costs as a result of a rerouted flight. David Stephen Young of Britain had been sober for 18 months when the...

Police Investigating Man's Racist Outburst on Flight

Ryanair accused of failing to act

(Newser) - Discount airline Ryanair is facing a backlash over its handling of a man who engaged in what a fellow passenger describes as a "disgusting" outburst of "racial slurs and foul language." Passenger video from the flight shows the man insulting, threatening, and racially abusing a 77-year-old black...

He Wanted to Charge His Phone. In the Plane's Cockpit

The man on the IndiGo flight was 'offloaded'

(Newser) - It's a story that forces Business Standard to state the obvious: "Passengers are prohibited from entering the cockpit of a commercial flight." But what's obvious to most apparently wasn't to one man "offloaded" from a plane in India on Monday after police and airline...

Man Gets 12 Years for Malaysia Airlines Hoax Bomb

He forced flight to return to Australia

(Newser) - An Australian judge sentenced a man to 12 years in prison Thursday for threatening to detonate a fake bomb on a Malaysia Airlines flight , terrifying more than 200 passengers and crew. Manodh Marks, 26, forced the plane to turn back soon after takeoff when he screamed that he had a...

Unruly Passenger Tased 10 Times Before Takeoff

Cops say he groped female passenger

(Newser) - An unruly passenger on a flight from Miami to Chicago never made it off the ground before he was Tased 10 times and removed from the plane, police say. According to a police report, 28-year-old Jacob Garcia was initially moved to a different seat on the American Airlines flight after...

They Were in the Air. Then Came the Screams of 'I Am God'

Fellow passengers restrain woman who tried to open cabin door on United flight

(Newser) - A passenger who apparently believed she was some kind of deity was restrained by fellow fliers after trying to open an airplane cabin door during a flight from San Francisco to Boise, Idaho, on Monday. In video of the incident on United Express Flight 5449, the woman can be heard...

Alaska Flight Called Off on Account of Nudity
Alaska Flight Called Off
on Account of Nudity

Alaska Flight Called Off on Account of Nudity

Flight has to return to Anchorage after man locked himself in bathroom, stripped down

(Newser) - An Alaska Airlines flight to Seattle was forced to return to Anchorage early Wednesday after a passenger locked himself in the bathroom, took off all his clothes, and refused to follow crew instructions. Kate Danyluk, a passenger on the flight, told the AP she knew something was wrong because the...

First-Class Passenger Assaults Flight Attendant

Incident happened 45 minutes into flight

(Newser) - A Delta Air Lines flight bound for Beijing returned to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Thursday night after a passenger assaulted a flight attendant, officials say. Sea-Tac Airport spokesman Perry Cooper says the incident happened on Delta flight 129, KOMO reports. Cooper says a man in first class assaulted a flight attendant...

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