
Stories 41 - 56 | << Prev 

American Capitalism Is Dead. The Culprit? America
American Capitalism Is Dead. The Culprit? America

American Capitalism Is Dead. The Culprit? America

(Newser) - As Wall Street banks collapse like a house of cards, American capitalism isn’t just failing in practice; the very idea of unregulated, free-functioning markets has received a serious blow, writes Anthony Faiola in the Washington Post. Once the symbols of American economic might, there's a real possibility that many...

Socialists: Rescue Plan's Not Our Bag

Far left thinks $700B bailout is just capitalism remixed

(Newser) - Some on the right are decrying the $700 billion rescue plan as a step toward American socialism, but the real socialists beg to differ, the Wall Street Journal reports. “Bailing out the biggest financial corporations in the country is a far cry from what we have in mind when...

US Dominance Is Dead
 US Dominance Is Dead 

US Dominance Is Dead

'Power is leaking from the US at an accelerating rate,' Guardian says

(Newser) - After decades of a scolding countries for irresponsible behavior, Uncle Sam has finally had his comeuppance, John Gray opines in the Guardian, concluding that “The era of American global leadership is over." Unable to silence Hugo Chavez, thwart Russian aggression in Georgia, appreciate Chinese fiscal practices, and halt...

Bailout Needs Bigger Taxpayer Upside
 Bailout Needs Bigger 
 Taxpayer Upside 

Bailout Needs Bigger Taxpayer Upside

Public should expect some reward for taking on Wall Street's bad debt

(Newser) - The impending bailout of beleaguered Wall Street behemoths should give the taxpaying public some protection and accountability, writes EJ Dionne Jr. in the Washington Post. The deal should allow the government to claim a stake in financial firms that make money from the bailout, giving taxpayers the chance to reap...

N. Korea: Not So 1984- Like
 N. Korea: Not So 1984-Like 

N. Korea: Not So 1984-Like

Pyongyang could be 'Anytown, USA,' student writes

(Newser) - When many Americans picture North Korea, they see “gulag and famine,” but what one student found was less 1984 and "more like the set of Austin Powers 4, minus the hot blondes.“ In fact, wandering Pyongyang revealed what could be “Anytown, USA,” free from...

Greenspan: Housing Will Hit Bottom in 2009

Skilled immigrants would help end slump, he says

(Newser) - Alan Greenspan said housing prices could continue to edge lower through 2009, but should “stabilize or touch bottom” in the first six months of the year, reports the Wall Street Journal. And, the former Fed chief says, while a government bailout of Freddie Mac and Fannie May was the...

Big Bucks Flock to Beijing
 Big Bucks Flock to Beijing 

Big Bucks Flock to Beijing

(Newser) - The Beijing Olympics are a celebration of sport, for sure, but they are happening in China, which makes them a business opportunity unlike earlier Games. Folks with deep pockets are converging on the capital to wheel and deal, with an eye to the emerging middle-class market of some 300 million...

Greenspan to Government: Hands Off
Greenspan to Government: Hands Off

Greenspan to Government: Hands Off

Market capitalism can ride out the crisis, writes former Fed boss

(Newser) - The credit crisis is far from over, and more banks and financial institutions might require government bailouts along the way, Alan Greenspan acknowledges. The crunch will relax only when home prices, "the ultimate collateral support for much of the financial world’s mortgage-backed securities," begin to stabilize, the...

Gates Urges Companies to Get Creative to Improve Lives

He ruminates on how to tweak market forces to help more people

(Newser) - Bill Gates tweaks his corporate colleagues with an essay in Time urging businesses to look harder for ways to extend the benefits of capitalism to a greater portion of the global population. As a philanthropist, he says, he recognizes the need for nonprofit work, but as a businessman, he knows...

Yoga Turning B-Schoolers on Their Heads

Capitalists latch on to search for inner peace

(Newser) - Inner peace through capitalism? Americans spend $5.7 billion a year on yoga classes and products, and now, BusinessWeek reports, yoga clubs are cropping up in some of the country's most high-pressured institutions: top business schools. "Having a yoga practice helped sort through the white noise," one MIT...

US Surfers Get Biggest Bite of Spam

McAfee experiment reveals how quickly e-junk proliferates and other fun stuff

(Newser) - Internet users in the US get the most spam, security-software firm McAfee finds after a study. McAfee gave 50 people across 10 developed countries laptops and instructed them to sign up for as much stuff on the internet as possible, and to reply to every spam message. The resulting volume...

Chavez Vision Roils Nation
Chavez Vision Roils Nation

Chavez Vision Roils Nation

Constitution overhaul expected to pass, would make him re-electable for life

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez's grasp on Venezuela is about to tighten as the country inches toward a virtual dictatorship and expanded socialism—a development that has support among the poor but is drawing dissent from economists and former army officials. An expected revision of the Constitution would drop the workday to six...

Note to Dems: Use Health Care to Woo Business

American Prospect says reform key to pilfering GOP support

(Newser) - The GOP is losing its grip on the big-business vote, and Democrats need to seize the opportunity to move in, argues the American Prospect's Paul Waldman. Health-care reform is the perfect peg for the left to woo Wall Street, and with single-payer systems far cheaper than the current mess, wise...

Chinese Follies Are All Too Familiar

US exhibited capitalist lapses once upon a time

(Newser) - Before Americans get on their high horse about China’s recent lapses into substandard products—not to mention those fake Harry Potter translations—they should look long and hard at their own history, the Boston Globe suggests. In the 19th century, it was the US that was considered the nation...

Chinese Kids Tire of Communism
Chinese Kids Tire of Communism

Chinese Kids Tire of Communism

Mandatory Marxist indoctrination a tough sell to modern youth

(Newser) - Chinese kids are bored stiff with the Communist philosophy still force-fed in their university system. Classes in Marxism have been mandatory since Mao, but cell-phone-weilding students entranced by China's burgeoning capitalist infrastructure are having trouble relating. "It's something like fiction," one student says of the readings in Das ...

Communist Art Is Capitalist Hit
Communist Art Is Capitalist Hit  

Communist Art Is Capitalist Hit

Russian collectors get nostalgic for commie propaganda art, bucolic peasant scenes

(Newser) - Nostalgia for the good old days of the USSR is in—at least for Russian art collectors. These days, communist-inspired paintings of peasant scenes and heroic workers have acquired a uniquely capitalist hipness. "The art was propaganda of happiness," says Yuri Tyukhtin, a banker who runs an art...

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