
Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>

Salahi Running for Virginia Gov
Salahi Running for Virginia Gov 

Salahi Running for Virginia Gov

White House gatecrasher thinks Virginia is for nutters

(Newser) - Get excited, Virginia residents: White House gatecrasher and former Real Housewives of DC hubby Tareq Salahi is running for governor of your state! Salahi formally announced his candidacy in the most appropriate political medium possible, ie, TMZ . "I am troubled to see how our current political figureheads continue to...

Guy Shoots Self, Wife—in Gun Safety Class

Michael Deel calls shooting a 'stupid accident'

(Newser) - Don't take your guns to, er, well, gun safety class, son. A Roanoke, Va., man and his wife are recovering after he accidentally shot both of them during a firearms safety class over the weekend. The Bedford County Sheriff's Office says that Michael L. Deel shot himself in...

US Navy Jet Crashes in Virginia

Pilots reportedly dump fuel, eject before impact

(Newser) - Two Navy pilots ejected from a fighter jet today, sending the unmanned plane careening into a Virginia Beach apartment complex and tearing the roof off at least one building that was engulfed in flames, officials said. Six people, including both pilots, were taken to hospitals, officials said. The Navy said...

Gun Victim Gets Full Face Transplant

Surgery called most complex yet

(Newser) - A Virginia man who suffered a gun accident has undergone a face transplant at the University of Maryland, and doctors say it's the most extensive such operation yet. The surgery required input from 300 health workers and took more than a day to complete, the Baltimore Sun reports. Doctors...

When It Comes to Corruption, 8 States Get Fs
When It Comes to
Corruption, 8 States Get Fs

When It Comes to Corruption, 8 States Get Fs

How many get As? A big fat zero

(Newser) - After a thorough investigation of corruption in state politics, the Center for Public Integrity has made up report cards for each state—and the results are depressing. Not one state managed anything in the A-range, while eight—Michigan, the Dakotas, South Carolina, Maine, Virginia, Georgia, and Wyoming—scored Fs. Coming...

Trudeau Rips Papers Axing Doonesbury Abortion Strip

Cartoonist calls transvaginal ultrasounds GOP-sanctioned rape

(Newser) - The cartoonist's pen might be mightier than the sword, but Gary Trudeau's mouth is also packing a punch. He's blasting newspapers that are dumping Doonsebury this week because the strip attacks state abortion laws requiring transvaginal ultrasounds as rape. "I write the strip to be read,...

Super Tuesday Results: Who Won What

Romney wins Ohio, 5 others; Santorum wins 3; Newt 1

(Newser) - Mitt Romney took the biggest Super Tuesday prize of all, Ohio, by a razor thin margin. The state was called for Romney only after 99.4% of precincts reported, giving him 38% to Rick Santorum's 37%. Earlier, Newt Gingrich got a crucial home-state win in Georgia, while Santorum grabbed...

Super Tuesday: 4 Candidates, 4 Storylines
 Super Tuesday: 
 4 Candidates, 
 4 Storylines 


Super Tuesday: 4 Candidates, 4 Storylines

Your look at what to watch for today

(Newser) - It's here at last: Super Tuesday, the day 10 states cast their ballots in the 2012 primary. Here's what's at stake for each of the candidates today:
  • Mitt RomneyExpected to win: Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia. Really wants to win: Ohio and Tennessee. Winning both would give him

Senate Cat Candidate Hounded by Attack Ad

Will Hank insist on ultrasounds before spaying?

(Newser) - Me-ouch. Hank the tabby who's running a spoofy campaign for a Virginia Senate seat had no idea politics could be such a catfight . Hank's already being hit with a dog-eat-dog attack ad firing questions off about his birth certificate, tax returns (he hasn't filed any), alleged use...

Romney a Virginia Shoo-In, but Few Like Him

Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich aren't on the state's ballot

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has a more than healthy lead in Virginia, despite the fact that not a whole lot of people there actually like him. Romney leads Ron Paul 56% to 21% in a new Roanoke College poll —Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich didn't manage to make it onto...

Virginia Repeals Gun-a-Month Limit

Gov. Bob McDonnell lifts anti-gun-running measure

(Newser) - Virginia has killed off a law enacted in 1993 to tackle gun-running. GOP Gov. Bob McDonnell has signed a measure repealing a law that restricts residents to one handgun purchase a month , reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch . Before signing, McDonnell spoke to the families of victims of the 2007 Virginia Tech...

Virginia Senate Clears Scaled-Back Ultrasound Bill

Measure requires external procedure before abortion

(Newser) - Virginia moved a big step closer today toward a law that would require women to get an ultrasound before an abortion. The Virginia Senate passed the measure, with an exception for victims of rape or incest, reports the Richmond Times Dispatch . The ultrasound would be external, not the "transvaginal"...

Va. Senate Candidate: Hank the Cat

Feline is facing off against Tim Kaine, George Allen for Jim Webb's seat

(Newser) - Virginians have a couple of predictable picks in the race to succeed retiring Sen. Jim Webb: Democrat Tim Kaine, a former governor, or Republican George Allen, also a, uh, former governor. But for those yearning in their souls to vote for a non-former governor, meet Hank. The Springfield native is...

Report: PETA Kills 95% of Pets It Takes In

84% put down within 24 hours at Virginia headquarters: documents

(Newser) - PETA's controversial campaigns for animal rights dominate headlines—but behind the scenes, the picture is quite different, according to newly released documents. Last year, the organization killed more than 95% of the pets in its charge at its Norfolk, Va., headquarters, the Daily Caller reports. Documents released by the...

Virginia Lawmaker: Ultrasound Flap Cost Me Nookie

Dave Albo says his wife was not amused

(Newser) - We'll hope this is the last word on Virginia's transvaginal ultrasound controversy for a long time. GOP delegate Dave Albo took to the floor of the state House to describe how it caused him to miss out on a romantic night with his wife, reports the Huffington Post...

Virginia Senate Puts Fetus 'Personhood' Bill on Ice

Surprise 24-14 vote follows Capitol protests

(Newser) - Virginia's state Senate made a surprise about-face yesterday: In a 24-14 vote, lawmakers effectively placed the so-called "personhood" bill, which declared that a person's rights begin from the moment sperm meets egg, on ice for the rest of 2012. Earlier that day, the Senate Education and Health...

Virginia Waters Down Abortion Ultrasound Bill

Mandatory invasive procedure axed as governor withdraws support

(Newser) - Republican lawmakers in Virginia are backing away from voters' vaginas. Amid a national uproar—and mockery from the likes of Jon Stewart —the state House has watered down a controversial pre-abortion ultrasound bill by allowing women to refuse an invasive transvaginal procedure that had been required in an earlier...

Jon Stewart: Virginia Bill Turns Women Into Popsicles

He sets his sights on transvaginal ultrasounds

(Newser) - A Virginia Democratic delegate told the Richmond Times-Dispatch yesterday that he thought his Republican counterparts are "probably trying to figure out a way to get [ the abortion bill brouhaha ] off the front pages." Good luck with that. Jon Stewart last night was the latest to pile...

Virginia Backpedals as Abortion Debate Blows Up

Bob McDonnell waffles on signing; media piles on

(Newser) - Besieged by protests , national outcry among feminists, and even an SNL sketch , Virginia is quickly rethinking its pre-abortion ultrasound bill, with the House of Delegates yesterday again delaying a vote, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch . Gov. Bob McDonnell, who had initially promised to sign the measure if it reached his desk,...

Virginia House Delays Abortion Bill After Protest

Ultrasound would be required for women seeking abortion

(Newser) - The Virginia House of Delegates delayed a hotly contested anti-abortion bill today after hundreds of women protested silently outside, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports. The bill—which was about to pass—would mandate an ultrasound for every woman planning an abortion and give her the choice of viewing the fetus. But...

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>