political violence

11 Stories

Attack on Trump Supporter Shakes Michigan Town

'Politics should not bring violence,' says Hancock police chief, warning that the victim may die

(Newser) - An ATV driver in Michigan allegedly ran over an elderly Trump supporter who was posting political signs in his yard before calling 911 to confess. The caller asked to be picked up by police on Monday, the Guardian reports. When authorities arrived, however, they found a 22-year-old man dead of...

Support for Political Violence in America Is Kind of Shocking

Poll finds 23% of Americans believe it could be necessary 'to save our country'

(Newser) - Nearly one in four Americans support political violence in a new national survey that pollsters say is likely to indicate a "challenging election season." Some 75% of Americans surveyed by the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution—including 84% of Democrats, 77% of Republicans, and 73%...

2 Injured in Attack at Congressman's Office
Suspect in Attack at
Congressman's Office IDed

Suspect in Attack at Congressman's Office IDed

Rep. Gerry Connolly says man wielding bat asked for him before attacking aides

(Newser) - The man accused of attacking two congressional aides at Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly's Virginia district office has been identified as Xuan Kha Tran Pham, 49. The Fairfax resident was arrested at the scene within five minutes of police receiving the call, per the Fairfax police department . He faces one...

Police ID Man Charged With Throwing Cans at Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz's Booze Chucker
Won't Face Charges

Ted Cruz's Booze Chucker Won't Face Charges

Texas senator was nearly hit in the head by unopened White Claw can

(Newser) - A guy who threw two unopened cans of alcohol at Ted Cruz won't face charges after all. A grand jury opted not to indict Joseph Halm Arcidiacono for chucking the cans at the senator during a victory parade for the Houston Astros last year, reports the Houston Chronicle . Halm...

Poll: 88% of Americans Are Worried About Political Violence

That includes 87% of Republicans, 95% of Democrats

(Newser) - Some high-profile Republicans have made light of last week's attack on Paul Pelosi, but roughly 87% of Republicans overall say they are either somewhat concerned or very concerned about politically motivated violence in America, according to a new Washington Post / ABC poll. The poll found that 88% of...

Bar Patron Slain After Identifying Presidential Pick

Concern about political violence in Brazil is high

(Newser) - Brazilian police said on Monday that a 39-year-old supporter of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was stabbed to death in a bar amid rising concern about political violence in a tense presidential campaign. The newspaper O Povo reported that witnesses told police a man entered a bar...

Pakistan Cops Told to Shoot Gunmen on Sight

Violence explodes in Karachi

(Newser) - With Karachi in the midst of a wave of violence, Pakistan has taken the drastic step of ordering security forces and police to shoot on sight "any armed miscreant." Over the past four days at least 71 people have been killed in Pakistan’s largest city, including 34...

Glenn Beck, Stop Encouraging Wackjobs
Glenn Beck, Stop Encouraging Wackjobs
Dana Milbank

Glenn Beck, Stop Encouraging Wackjobs

Your violent forecasts are hitting home with the unstable

(Newser) - Dana Milbank writes that it's "unfair" to blame Glenn Beck for wackos who do violence in his name—like this guy in Oakland who shot cops—although he spends the rest of his Washington Post column essentially doing just that. He ticks off the many examples of charged language...

Hate-Crime Wave Is Just Lefty Fakery
 Hate-Crime Wave 
 Is Just Lefty Fakery 

Hate-Crime Wave Is Just Lefty Fakery

Past incidents overblown at best, duplicitous at worst

(Newser) - Reports of political hate crimes against Democrats since the passage of the health care reform bill are overblown at best, and downright lies at worst, Michelle Malkin writes, charging that Nancy Pelosi & Co. “can’t stand the heat” and so manufactured “a Tea Party epidemic of racism,...

Obama Bumper Sticker Leads to Road Rage Outburst

Driver hit with felony charge after incident in moving traffic

(Newser) - A Tennessee man and his 10-year-old daughter who were in a car with an Obama bumper sticker are grateful for their safety after another motorist allegedly rammed them in traffic. Mark Duren was driving when he noticed Harry Weisiger behind him, pointing to the bumper and flipping him off. Duren...

Berlusconi Still Hospitalized as Italy Parses Attack

Some fear return to the bad old days of the violence-ridden 70s

(Newser) - A “shaken and disheartened” Silvio Berlusconi remains hospitalized after being smashed in the face even as recriminations fly amid predictions of a return to the political violence of the 1970s and '80s. Though the attacker at last night's rally apparently acted alone, both sides of the Italian political spectrum...

11 Stories