Department of Homeland Security

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DHS Delays Domestic Spy Sat Plans
DHS Delays Domestic
Spy Sat Plans

DHS Delays Domestic Spy Sat Plans

House forces privacy review before local cops can get photos

(Newser) - Amid a privacy hullaballoo in Congress, the Department of Homeland Security has postponed the opening of an office that would share domestic spy satellites images with law enforcement, InformationWeek reports. House committee members overseeing DHS had threatened to block funding until better civil liberties safeguards are in place.

Traveling? Uncle Sam is Watching
Traveling? Uncle Sam is Watching

Traveling? Uncle Sam is Watching

Feds are keeping track of Americans: who they fly with, where they stay... what they read

(Newser) - The Feds are stockpiling data on millions of Americans as they travel, the Washington Post reports. Civil liberties activists charge Homeland Security with violating the Privacy Act, saying that travel partners, hotel bookings and reading material should not be in the Feds’ database. But Michael Chertoff claims that the data...

US Airports Warned of Terror Attack Rehearsals

Suspicious materials seized in 4 cities linked to 'dry runs'

(Newser) - Airport security teams have been warned to be on the lookout for terrorists attempting to carry explosive components onto planes as part of a dry run for future attacks, the AP reports. The TSA issued the alert last week after four passengers were caught with clay, wire, pipes, switches and...

Homeland Security Faces Staffing Crisis

A quarter of top positions remain vacant; Congress warns of safety threat

(Newser) - Nearly 150 top-level management positions at the Department of Homeland Security—nearly a quarter of all available jobs—remain unfilled, a new congressional report warns. The gaps, which include high-level positions at FEMA, immigration agencies, and the Coast Guard, could seriously affect the nation's preparedness for a terrorist threat, according...

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