Republican primary

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3 Big Primaries Test Voter Rage
 3 Big Primaries 
 Test Voter Rage 

3 Big Primaries Test Voter Rage

Arlen Specter, Blanche Lincoln, Rand Paul in key races

(Newser) - Look to three big primaries tomorrow, in both parties, for a test of the country's anti-establishment rage and the chances that Congress will be even more polarized after November, reports the Los Angeles Times . In Pennsylvania, Democratic challenger Joe Sestak has pulled even with Arlen Specter with ads sneering that...

Kathleen Parker - The Tea Party's allegiance to no one

 Tea Party Cannibalizes Its Own 

Tea Party Cannibalizes Its Own

Movement only hurts itself by trying to purge the impure

(Newser) - Don't expect to see Kathleen Parker speaking at any Tea Party events: The prominent conservative has come out against the movement in a Washington Post column warning that Tea Partiers have "allegiance to no one." Parker takes the Tea Party to task for seeking to purge Republican incumbents...

In Primary Battle, McCain Rejects 'Maverick' Label

Senator must choose between moderation and partisanship

(Newser) - For the first time since 1982, John McCain must fight to retain his US Senate seat. But the challenge is less about the viability of rival JD Hayworth—McCain has much more money and influence—than about which John McCain will prevail. Will it be the storied "maverick" who...

Surprise Edge for McCain Over Rival

Hayworth polls well with far right; not GOP, independents, Dems

(Newser) - John McCain faces a challenge from the right in the Arizona primary, but a new Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll finds him in a remarkably strong position. Rival JD Hayworth excites far-right conservatives, but his favorability/unfavorability spread with Republicans overall is slightly weaker, at 61% to 16%, than McCain's 76% to...

Tea Partiers Find Campaigning Tougher Than Protesting

Movement must choose between the faithful, the electable

(Newser) - As this year's GOP primaries turn many Tea Partiers from protesters into candidates, the campaign trail is giving the populist movement a sobering lesson in political realities. In many districts with vulnerable Democratic incumbents, the GOP primary field is overcrowded with inexperienced candidates who are struggling to raise money, and...

Sarah Palin Stumps for McCain

Tea Party hero lends support to former running mate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin spoke at a rally for John McCain today in Tucson, the first time the two have stumped together since the 2008 presidential campaign. McCain is in a tight primary fight with JD Hayworth, who is attempting to paint the senator as insufficiently conservative. Palin delivered some much-needed Tea...

Palin Will Visit Arizona to Stump for McCain

2008 running mate brought in to counter Hayworth

(Newser) - With JD Hayworth breathing down his neck, John McCain is looking for help in the Arizona primary race from a familiar campaigner: Sarah Palin. The former Alaska governor and Tea Party favorite will travel to Arizona next weekend to stump for her onetime running mate. The joint appearances will be...

Another Quayle, Dan's Son, Enters Politics

Says he's 'even more free market' than dad, but is virtual unknown

(Newser) - Ben Quayle, a Phoenix businessman and, more famously, the son of former Vice President Dan Quayle, is entering politics. The 33-year-old has joined an already crowded Republican primary for an open House seat. “I think people realize that I have to go out and prove myself," he tells...

Tea Party Fizzles Out at Polls
 Tea Party Fizzles Out at Polls 

Tea Party Fizzles Out at Polls

Grassroots movement lacks money, skills to get votes

(Newser) - However good the tea party movement may be at organizing rallies, a recent slew of primary defeats for tea party candidates shows the movement still has plenty to learn about translating grass-roots energy into votes. In Texas, Illinois, and New York, tea party-affiliated candidates have been soundly trounced at the...

Marco Rubio Hopes to Raise Profile at CPAC

Florida Senate hopeful plans to boost visibility with keynote speech

(Newser) - Former Florida House speaker and GOP Senate candidate Marco Rubio will deliver today’s Conservative Political Action Conference keynote speech in what one activist calls his “national coming out for conservatives.” Though there is a lot of buzz around him following his challenge to Charlie Crist, the moderate...

Meg Whitman Is the Anti-Palin

 Meg Whitman 
 Is the 

Meg Whitman Is the Anti-Palin

She's known for her business smarts, not her personality

(Newser) - Meg Whitman is in some ways the political polar opposite of Sarah Palin, writes Sara Libby. As she fights for the GOP nomination in the California governor's race, Whitman is relying on her smarts and her no-nonsense business acumen. The self-described "frumpy" dresser is "no 40-something pinup,"...

Tea Partiers Attack... Ron Paul?

Texas congressman draws three primary challengers

(Newser) - Ron Paul is facing a whopping three primary challengers this year, all from the so-called Tea Party movement many credit him with starting. Two say they were inspired to run by the anti-tax protests, and have helped organize local rallies, while a third has attended several of the protests. But...

McCain Leans Right Ahead of Primary

Conservative foe expected to attack on spending, immigration

(Newser) - John McCain is shimmying to the right and focusing on local Arizona issues ahead of what could be a tough primary challenge from former congressman JD Hayworth. A recent poll has McCain’s favorable rating at just 40%, the lowest since 1994 when he was embroiled in the Keating Five...

Illinois Primary Could Muffle Tea Party Buzz

Moderate favored over 2 conservatives in today's Senate vote

(Newser) - If polls prove accurate, moderate Mark Kirk will emerge victorious from today’s Republican Senate primary in Illinois, beating out two more conservative candidates with tea party backing. His victory would put a dent in the tea party panic gripping the GOP, says Talking Points Memo . Republicans in states including...

McCain Launches Preemptive Strike on Hayworth

Campaign gets aggressive early against conservative challenger

(Newser) - John McCain is pulling no punches in an offensive against primary challenger JD Hayworth, whom he hopes to shut down before Hayworth's campaign even begins. McCain has rallied his troops to file complaints with the FEC about Hayworth’s radio program, which they allege he was using to campaign in...

Republicans Excited by 2010 Recruits

Party boasts diverse crop of candidates, but primaries loom

(Newser) - Republicans have reeled in a diverse and promising assortment of candidates for 2010, lured by the prospect of a “wave” election that will sweep them into power. “We’ve got candidates popping up all over the place,” Mitch McConnell tells the Washington Post , “and candidates that...

Wrestlers Smack Down McMahon Senate Run

WWE offered no health insurance, made sport seedy, scandal-ridden

(Newser) - A raft of former WWE wrestlers hope some well-aimed punches at ex-CEO Linda McMahon will send her Senate campaign to the mat. In addition to not providing health coverage—the wrestlers are independent contractors—they fault McMahon, a Connecticut Republican running for Chris Dodd's seat, for coarsening the spectacle. "...

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