same-sex marriage

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Thailand Overwhelmingly OKs Same-Sex Marriage

Bill sailed through both houses in a first for Southeast Asia

(Newser) - Thailand's Senate voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to approve a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage, clearing the last legislative hurdle for the country to become the first in Southeast Asia to enact such a law. Thailand has a reputation for acceptance and inclusivity but has struggled for decades to...

In Thailand, a First for Same-Sex Marriage

Thai House of Representatives passes bill; it now moves on to Senate, king to be turned into law

(Newser) - The first big step to giving the legal green light to same-sex marriage in Thailand is complete. The New York Times reports that the nation's House of Representatives "overwhelmingly" passed a bill Wednesday that would legalize LGBTQ unions, with a vote of 400-10. Two members of the 415-member...

Why Greece's Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Is a Big Deal

It's the first Orthodox Christian country to make the move

(Newser) - Greece has become the first Orthodox Christian country to legalize same-sex civil marriage, despite opposition from Church officials, the AP reports. A cross-party majority of 176 lawmakers in the 300-seat parliament voted late Thursday in favor of the bill drafted by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis' center-right government. Another 76 rejected...

Former County Clerk Kim Davis Loses Case

She's been ordered to pay $260K to lawyers in same-sex marriage case

(Newser) - Former county clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses in Kentucky to same-sex couples, must pay a total of $260,104 in fees and expenses to attorneys who represented one couple, according to a federal judge's ruling. That's in addition to $100,000 in damages a...

Pope: Priests Can Bless Same-Sex Couples

Those seeking God's love and mercy shouldn't be subject to 'exhaustive moral analysis' to get it

(Newser) - If same-sex couples go to their priest looking for a blessing, Pope Francis is cool with it. This news comes via a new document approving a radical change in Vatican policy by insisting that people seeking God's love and mercy shouldn't be subject to "an exhaustive moral...

Buttigieg Weighs In on Mike Johnson's LGBTQ+ Views

Transportation secretary zings new House speaker on Colbert show: 'Maybe we'll just have him over'

(Newser) - Mike Johnson has been withstanding quite a bit of scrutiny since he ascended last month from being a virtually unknown Republican congressman to his current role as speaker of the House. Especially in the spotlight: the Louisiana lawmaker's anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric over the years, which has now spurred Pete...

For LGBTQ+ Advocates in India, a 'Deeply Disappointing' Ruling

Nation's top court punts decision on same-sex marriage to Parliament

(Newser) - India's top court on Tuesday refused to legalize same-sex marriages, passing the responsibility back to Parliament in a ruling that disappointed campaigners for LGBTQ+ rights in the world's most populous country. Chief Justice DY Chandrachud also urged the government to uphold the rights of the queer community and...

Pope's Comments on Same-Sex Unions Make Waves

Francis suggests there could be ways to bless such unions

(Newser) - Pope Francis has suggested there could be ways to bless same-sex unions, responding to five conservative cardinals who challenged him to affirm church teaching on homosexuality ahead of a big meeting where LGBTQ+ Catholics are on the agenda. The Vatican on Monday published a letter Francis wrote to the cardinals...

Gay Couple Denied Marriage License Awarded $100K

As county clerk, Kim Davis refused to issue gay couple a license in 2015

(Newser) - A federal jury has awarded $100,000 to a Kentucky couple who sued former county clerk Kim Davis over her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, the AP reports. Davis, the former Rowan County clerk, drew international attention when she was briefly jailed in 2015 over her refusal,...

'This Law and the Love It Defends Strike a Blow Against Hate'

Biden signs same-sex marriage bill into law

(Newser) - President Biden signed gay marriage legislation into law Tuesday before a crowd of thousands, a ceremony that reflected growing acceptance of same-sex unions. "This law and the love it defends strike a blow against hate in all its forms," Biden said on the South Lawn of the White...

Nephew Slams GOP Lawmaker's Tearful Plea Against Gay Marriage

Andrew Hartzler's video goes viral for calling out 'Aunt Vicky' over Respect for Marriage Act vote

(Newser) - A GOP congresswoman made a tearful plea this week to fellow House members to vote against the Respect for Marriage Act , which offers federal protections for same-sex and interracial marriages, and a response from a member of her own family has now gone viral. On Thursday, Rep. Vicky Hartzler of...

House Clears Landmark Bill Protecting Same-Sex Marriage

Nancy Pelosi presides over 258-169 vote in one of her final acts as speaker

(Newser) - The House gave final approval Thursday to legislation protecting same-sex marriages, a monumental step in a decades-long battle for nationwide recognition of such unions that reflects a stunning turnaround in societal attitudes, per the AP . President Biden is expected to promptly sign the measure, which requires all states to recognize...

Senate Passes Landmark Same-Sex Marriage Act

12 Republicans voted with Democrats

(Newser) - A bill that makes protection for same-sex and interracial marriages federal law passed the Senate in a 61-36 vote Tuesday and will now head to the House for a final vote. A dozen Republicans voted in favor, the same number that joined Democrats for a filibuster-proof majority in vote to...

GOP Votes Help Senate Pass Marriage Protections

Sponsor says some couples need protection from Supreme Court

(Newser) - With support from a dozen Republicans, the Senate on Wednesday voted 62-37 to protect same-sex marriage, most particularly from the Supreme Court. The House would have to approve the bill for the second time, but the Senate vote puts the legislation on the path to President Biden's desk, Politico...

Mormon Church Makes 'Unexpected' Move on Gay Marriage

Church will get behind legislation on same-sex marriage, as long as religious rights are protected

(Newser) - Federal legislation designed to protect gay marriage rights has a somewhat surprising new supporter: the Mormon church. On Tuesday, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said it will get behind the bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act , after senators worked out an amendment that would protect how religious groups...

Miss Argentina Marries Miss Puerto Rico

Beauty queens Mariana Varela, Fabiola Valentin dated secretly before tying the knot Friday

(Newser) - Mariana Varela and Fabiola Valentin were rivals at the 2020 Miss Grand International competition, as representatives of Argentina and Puerto Rico, respectively. But the beauty queens remained close after finishing in the top 10. Very, very close . As the pair revealed Thursday, they've not only been secretly dating but...

Same-Sex Marriage to Be Legal in Cuba

Voters approve sweeping changes to nation's family code

(Newser) - Same-sex marriage, surrogate pregnancies, and adoption by gay couples will all be legal in Cuba for the first time, after voters overwhelmingly approved changes to the nation's family code. Officials said Monday the vote in favor of the new code was running at 66%, per the BBC ; approval required...

Church Bars Tutu's Daughter From Leading Funeral

The Rev. Mpho Tutu van Furth is in a same-sex marriage, prohibited by Church of England

(Newser) - The Rev. Mpho Tutu van Furth, daughter of the late Desmond Tutu, is an Anglican priest, which would seem to qualify her to officiate over a church funeral. But she's married to a woman, which the Church of England does not sanction. So Furth was told by her church...

Same-Sex Marriage Vote to Wait Till After Midterms

Blunt suggests nervous Republicans will be more likely to vote yes later

(Newser) - The Senate Democrat leading the effort to pass legislation protecting same-sex marriage plans to hold off until after the midterm elections, apparently heeding the advice of a retiring Republican. "If I wanted to pass that, and I was the majority leader and I wanted to get as many votes...

He Voted Against Gay Marriage, Then Attended Gay Son's Wedding

Rep. Glenn Thompson voted against the Respect for Marriage Act

(Newser) - Rep. Glenn Thompson voted against the Respect for Marriage Act, the House bill that would codify gay marriage as a federally protected right, on Tuesday—just three days before attending the wedding of his gay son. Through his press secretary, Thompson, a Republican from Pennsylvania, had told the Centre Daily ...

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