Israel and Palestinians

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>

Israel Shells UN Headquarters
 Israel Shells UN Headquarters 

Israel Shells UN Headquarters

Offensive escalates even as ceasefire hopes rise

(Newser) - Israeli shells set fire to the UN’s relief agency headquarters and a hospital today, as Israeli tanks pushed deep into Gaza City, the BBC reports. Some 700 people were inside the compound, along with large amounts of fuel and aid supplies; at least three UN employees were injured. Secretary-General...

Gaza Neighborhoods Fall to Machine Gun Battles

Israeli troops shoot it out with militants in suburbs as Egypt tries to broker ceasefire

(Newser) - Israeli troops are battling Hamas militants in the suburbs of Gaza City, filling residential streets with the chilling rat-a-tat-tat of machine gun fire, reports the BBC. Israeli forces have advanced deep into several neighborhoods, and air strikes hit 60 targets in Gaza overnight, including tunnels under the Egyptian border and...

Waltz With Bashir Has Echoes of Gaza
 Waltz With Bashir 
 Has Echoes of Gaza 

Waltz With Bashir Has Echoes of Gaza

Award-winning film on 1982 Lebanon massacre looks plenty familiar

(Newser) - Israel’s Gaza assault is slipping from US front pages, yet ironically, Waltz With Bashir, an Israeli animated film about the 1982 Israel-Lebanon war, is taking America by storm, earning mountains of critical praise and a Golden Globe. The parallels between that atrocity and the current conflict are striking, Gary...

Hamas, Israel Deploy Deadly New Tactics
Hamas, Israel Deploy Deadly New Tactics

Hamas, Israel Deploy Deadly New Tactics

Civilians pay the price of 'asymetrical urban warfare'

(Newser) - The disturbing civilian death toll in Gaza is a result of new tactics being deployed by Hamas, Steven Erlanger writes in the New York Times. Hamas militants, trained by Hezbollah and Iran, are said to be systematically hiding weapons in schoolyards, mosques and hospitals, fighting in civilian clothes, using tunnels...

Israelis Drive to Heart of Gaza City

Death tolls edges to 900 in 16-day offensive.

(Newser) - Israeli forces pushed toward the heart of Gaza City today in continued defiance of a UN call for a ceasefire and killing close to 30  Palestinians, Reuters reports. Nearly 900 people have been killed in the 16-day offensive. Israeli forces and tanks backed by helicopter gunships battled Hamas militants as...

UN Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza; US Abstains

(Newser) - The UN Security Council tonight passed a resolution—with the US abstaining—calling for "an immediate and durable" cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, the BBC reports. The vote was 14-0. It's unclear how much of an effect it will have on the ground, and Israel appeared to be resuming...

Vatican, Israel Scrap Over Gaza Remark

Cleric defends calling Palestinian enclave 'concentration camp'

(Newser) - Israel slammed a Vatican official today for calling Gaza “a big concentration camp,” Reuters reports. Israel denounced the comparison by Cardinal Renato Martino as “the vocabulary of Hamas propaganda.” “We are astounded to hear from a spiritual dignitary words that are so far removed from...

Gaza Fighting Rages On; Talks Set for Tomorrow

(Newser) - Israel continues to press its assault and Hamas continues to fire its rockets, but a sliver of hope emerged tonight toward an end to the Gaza hostilities, MSNBC reports. Representatives from Israel, Hamas, and the Palestinian Authority will meet—probably separately—with Egyptian officials in Cairo tomorrow to discuss a...

Gaza Fighting Continues After 3-Hour Break

Militant rocket fire breaks lull, Israel says

(Newser) - Fighting resumed in Gaza today after a 3-hour ceasefire, the Times of London reports. The lull was broken by a rocket attack launched by Palestinian militants into the Israeli city of Beersheba, Israeli officials said. The Israeli military plans to halt fighting every day from 1-4pm (local time) to allow...

UN: No Militants in Shelled School

Mortar may have been fired from nearby grove

(Newser) - The UN says it found no evidence to support claims there were militants inside the UN-run school Israeli forces fired on yesterday in Gaza, killing 40 civilians and injuring 55 more, Time reports. Israeli Defense Forces “returned fire,” a spokesman said, after militants fired mortars from inside the...

Israel Grants 3-Hour Reprieve
 Israel Grants 3-Hour Reprieve 

Israel Grants 3-Hour Reprieve

Mulls international ceasefire

(Newser) - Israel's military paused its Gaza offensive for three hours today to allow food and fuel to reach besieged Palestinians, and the country's leaders debated whether to accept an international ceasefire plan or expand the assault against Hamas. More than 500 aid trucks have entered Gaza since operations began, but military...

Israel Weighs Truce Proposal
 Israel Weighs Truce Proposal 

Israel Weighs Truce Proposal

(Newser) - Israel and Hamas are considering a new truce proposal floated by Egypt and France, Reuters reports. Few details emerged, but the US supports the plan, as does Europe. The development comes on the deadliest day yet of the conflict, after an Israeli missile struck a UN school and killed at...

Al-Qaeda No. 2: Gaza Raid Is 'Gift From Obama'

Zawahiri mocks him as a potential 'savior'

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's No. 2 leader called the Israeli invasion of Gaza a "gift from Obama" and urged Muslims to take revenge against Israel, CNN reports. In an audio message posted on extremist websites, Ayman al-Zawahiri said that Barack Obama was portrayed as "the savior who will come and change...

Israeli Strike Hits UN School, Kills 30

30 killed, UN official calls for stop to hostilities

(Newser) - At least 30 Palestinians were killed and several dozen more wounded today when Israeli tanks shelled a UN-run school in the Gaza Strip, MSNBC reports. Medical officials said those killed were all either local residents, or among the hundreds seeking refuge from the assault in the school. “There’s...

If Obama Can Bring Change to DC, Why Not Middle East?

He's proved having a black president isn't impossible, after all

(Newser) - As Barack Obama’s inauguration brings one thing once deemed impossible—a black US president—it will be accompanied by the renewal of another seemingly intractable issue, David Remnick writes in the New Yorker: the Arab-Israeli conflict. Obama claims to understand “the obligation to repair the world” set out...

'The Israelis Killed My Father'
 'The Israelis Killed My Father' 

'The Israelis Killed My Father'

(Newser) - Fares Akram’s family farm was a small “beloved place,” so close to the Israeli border that they’d always feared it would be hit by errant rockets launched by Hamas, he writes in the Independent. Instead, it was blown up by an Israeli bomb while Akram’s...

Israel Waging a Heartbreaking, Stupid War
Israel Waging a Heartbreaking, Stupid War

Israel Waging a Heartbreaking, Stupid War

Only 'a Marshall Plan' can bring lasting peace, writes rabbi

(Newser) - Israel's push to wipe out Hamas via military action "is understandable, but stupid," writes Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of the Jewish progressive magazine Tikkun. While Israel clearly must defend itself, "the kind of response matters"—and the killing of Gazan civilians is "a crime...

Israeli Army Moves Into Gaza City

Soldiers exchange gunfire with Hamas fighters on capital's streets

(Newser) - The Israeli army moved into Gaza City for the first time this morning, fighting gun battles in the streets with Hamas militants. The Guardian reports that Israeli soldiers were making house-by-house sweeps for fighters associated with Hamas. This morning Ehud Barak, the defense minister, said that Israel would continue to...

Peace Team Rushes to Gaza as Toll Tops 520

Sarkozy to meet with Israeli leaders today

(Newser) - A European peace and humanitarian team and French President Nicolas Sarkozy headed to the region today as Israeli ground-assault tanks pushed further into Palestinian territory, and edged the death toll close to 530, Reuters reports. Hamas militants have retaliated by firing rocket-propelled grenades at tanks in eastern Gaza, and at...

Israel Seizes East Gaza; Siege Toll Tops 480

Assault kills 24 Gazans as Hamas continues rocket attacks

(Newser) - Israeli forces captured the eastern part of northern Gaza today, securing control less than 24 hours after its troops and tanks rolled into the Palestinian territory, CNN reports. At least 24 Palestinians were killed in Gaza today, pushing the death toll for the 8-day siege over 480, as EU reps...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>