Israel and Palestinians

Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>

Merkel Backs Obama on Mideast

(Newser) - Angela Merkel got behind Barack Obama’s Middle East peace push today, calling his Cairo speech the “ideal basis” for renewed efforts. Obama called for “difficult compromises,” adding, “The United States cannot force peace upon the parties.” The two leaders met and spoke at a...

UN Begins Gaza War Crimes Probe

Israel alleges bias, but Jewish rapporteur draws wide praise

(Newser) - A UN team investigating possible war crimes by the Israeli army and Hamas has arrived in the Gaza Strip for a weeklong fact-finding mission. Israel is refusing to cooperate with what it calls a "masquerade," alleging that the UN Human Rights Council is unfairly biased. But the selection...

Palestinians Must Accept Israel: Netanyahu

(Newser) - In a White House meeting today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he is ready to resume peace talks with the Palestinians immediately, but any agreement is contingent on their acceptance of Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state. Netanyahu and President Obama met for more than two hours...

Ayers, Rev. Wright Team Up for Middle East Peace

Obama's former liabilities joke about their roles

(Newser) - Two of the toughest thorns in Barack Obama's side during the presidential campaign joined together in Chicago yesterday for the first time, the Tribune reports. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers shared a stage at a kickoff rally for a march for Mideast peace. It was their work on...

Six Reasons for Netanyahu and Obama to Clash
Six Reasons for Netanyahu and Obama to Clash

Six Reasons for Netanyahu and Obama to Clash

(Newser) - Publicly there will be few fireworks when Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu meet today. But here are the issues the vastly different leaders will wrestle with behind closed doors:
  • The Two-State Solution: It’s the overwhelming international consensus, but Netanyahu insists it would compromise Israel’s security.
  • Iran’s Clock:

In Bethlehem, Pope Calls for Palestinian State

From Bethlehem, Benedict demands Palestinian state

(Newser) - Pope Benedict decried the suffering in the West Bank and called for an independent Palestinian state today in Bethlehem, the London Times reports. "The Holy See supports the right of your people to a sovereign Palestinian homeland in the land of your forefathers," the pope said, addressing thousands...

Pope Lands in Israel, Calls for Free Palestine

Pontiff steps into controversy immediately upon arrival

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Israel today and immediately called for the creation of an independent Palestine, reports AP. The pontiff also vowed to "honor the memory" of the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Benedict's support for a free Palestine puts him at odds with Prime Minister...

Don't 'Blackmail' Israel Into Peace Talks Over Iran: Dershowitz

Deal with nukes, then engage with Palestine

(Newser) - Clip Iran's nuclear claws first, then press for peace between Israel and Palestine—not the other way around, Alan Dershowitz argues in the New York Post. Reacting to a recent report, Dershowitz says Rahm Emanuel has it backward in putting Israeli-Palestinian talks before negotiations that could denuclearize Iran. "The...

Pope Arrives in Uneasy Mideast
 Pope Arrives in Uneasy Mideast 

Pope Arrives in Uneasy Mideast

(Newser) - Pope Benedict landed in Jordan today to begin what could be a tense Middle East tour, the New York Times reports. Next week the pope will visit Israel and the Palestinian territories, delivering 32 speeches at some of the world’s holiest sites for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. But with...

Israelis Kill Unarmed Palestinian at Shrine

Man shot at disputed Hebron holy site after ignoring orders to stop

(Newser) - Israeli troops shot and killed a suspected Palestinian attacker at the West Bank's Cave of the Patriarchs yesterday, Reuters reports. He was later found to be unarmed, according to the Jerusalem Post. Paramilitary police at the Hebron site—which is sacred to both Jews and Muslims—say they fired after...

Next 100 Days Promise Real Test
 Next 100 Days 
 Promise Real Test 

Next 100 Days Promise Real Test

(Newser) - President Obama’s efforts to reach out domestically and internationally in his administration’s infancy “have paid off remarkably,” Howard Fineman writes in Newsweek, but there are tough times ahead. “To make good on the promise of days 1-100,” Fineman writes, “Obama will have to...

US Boycotts United Nations Racism Meeting

Obama bows out over Israel critique; black caucus upset

(Newser) - The Obama administration will boycott "with regret" a UN conference on racism next week over language in the meeting's final document that could single out Israel for criticism and restrict free speech, the State Department said today. The decision will likely please Jewish groups that lobbied against US participation,...

Mitchell Pushes Two-State Solution in Israel

Palestinians must first accept Jewish state, Netanyahu responds

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s envoy to the Middle East told the Israeli government today that Washington will “vigorously pursue” the creation of a Palestinian state, Reuters reports. George Mitchell stated America’s purpose as a means to organize statehood talks with Israel; PM Benjamin Netanyahu said it would first...

Israeli Teen Killed in Ax Attack

(Newser) - An ax-wielding Palestinian went on a rampage in a Jewish West Bank settlement today, killing an Israeli teenager and wounding a young boy before fleeing the area, the AP reports. Security guards shot and wounded the assailant before he could escape, and police are now hunting for him.

Prepare for War: New Israeli Foreign Minister

Lieberman douses Palestinian peace hopes in debut speech

(Newser) - Israel’s new foreign minister, a renowned hawk, wasted no time in drumming up war rhetoric. On his first day on the job, Avigdor Lieberman said, “Those who want peace should prepare for war,” as he dismissed his predecessor’s negotiations with the Palestinians, the New York Times...

Israel Defends Conduct of Gaza War

Cases of excessive force were rare, army says

(Newser) - The Israeli army is defending its actions during the recent Gaza conflict, claiming that, contrary to reports, its soldiers did not act with excessive force or with disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians, the New York Times reports. Officials have moved to discount one story in particular: an...

Israel's Labor Will Join Netanyahu

But some party members may split off to join opposition

(Newser) - Israel's Labor Party voted today to join the incoming government of Benjamin Netanyahu, giving a centrist tone to the coalition that has looked hard-line up to now. The vote—680 in favor and 507 against—came after heated debate. "I won't be anyone's fig leaf or anyone's third wheel,...

Israeli Military Condemns Troops' T-Shirts

They show Palestinian children in crosshairs, exploding mosques

(Newser) - The Israel Defense Forces today came out against a series of outrage-inducing T-shirts worn by its soldiers, the AP reports. The shirts, first reported by Haaretz, featured crude jokes about killing Palestinians—one depicts a child in cross-hairs along with the slogan, “The smaller they are, the harder it...

New Israeli Government on Collision Course With US
New Israeli Government on Collision Course With US

New Israeli Government on Collision Course With US

Is confrontation ahead between Obama and Netanyahu?

(Newser) - Israel’s incoming governing coalition is expected to take a harder line on a Palestinian state than its predecessors, even as the US may be moving more toward a conciliatory position, reports the Washington Post. Incoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thinks American-backed talks are a waste of time, and he...

Israeli Troops: We Were Ordered to Kill Gaza Civilians

Defense chief vows 'serious' investigation

(Newser) - Israeli soldiers' accounts about their actions in Gaza seem to back up critics' assertions that the army violated rules of war and have set off a "soul-searching" in Israel, writes Richard Boudreaux in the Los Angeles Times. The troops tell of orders to shoot civilians without warning and destroy...

Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>