Israel and Palestinians

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

Told to Raze 30 Settlements, Israel Vows to Build 850

Netanyahu & Co. call move 'a worthy solution' for West Bank

(Newser) - Israel's supreme court has ordered 30 illegal settlements in the West Bank enclave of Ulpana destroyed by July 1. So Benjamin Netanyahu and the ruling coalition responded yesterday with promises to build 850 new apartments in other parts of the West Bank, reports the AP . "Thirty apartments will...

Israel Returns Decades-Old Remains of Suicide Bombers

Defense minister suggests imposing Palestine border

(Newser) - Israel has given Palestinian authorities the remains of 91 militants, including suicide bombers, in what it says is an effort to restart peace talks. The militants, who killed hundreds of Israelis in attacks as far back as 1975, had been buried in an Israeli cemetery for "enemy combatants,"...

Netanyahu Stuns, Forges New Government

Broad coalition could push progress on Iran, Palestinians

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled a revamped coalition government today, forming a broad alliance with the chief opposition party that could free his hand to take bold action on peace with the Palestinians and decide whether to attack Iran. In a stunning reversal, Netanyahu called off plans to hold...

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to Hamas, Fatah: Work It Out

Moderate shift seen to strengthen Palestinian position

(Newser) - As the Muslim Brotherhood takes power in Egypt, it is already exerting its influence by pressuring Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, to compromise with Fatah, the Western-backed party that runs the West Bank, reports the New York Times . The Brotherhood had previously had a close relationship with Hamas,...

John Oliver Visits Africa for &#39;Epic&#39; UNESCO Segment
 John Oliver Visits Africa for 
 'Epic' UNESCO Segment 
The Daily Show

John Oliver Visits Africa for 'Epic' UNESCO Segment

He ridicules US decision to cut off funds

(Newser) - The Daily Show made the rare decision to forego a guest last night in favor of a John Oliver piece that, according to Jon Stewart, was "so epic that it could not be contained." Oliver looked into the US move to cut off funding to UNESCO , the UN'...

Again, Obama Caves to Israel
 Again, Obama Caves to Israel 

Again, Obama Caves to Israel

Peter Beinart on the US' longstanding trend of rolling over to its ally

(Newser) - President Obama hosted Benjamin Netanyahu last week, and unlike Bibi's last visit—a disaster for Obama—this one went well, with Netanyahu seemingly embracing the president. But that harmony came at the cost of Obama's principles on Israel, says Peter Beinart of Newsweek , in a modified excerpt from...

Middle East Quartet Meets as Gaza Toll Hits 23

Iran condemns Israel's 'war crimes'

(Newser) - With 23 Palestinians now dead in the latest Gaza conflict , the Middle East Quartet is meeting for the first time in six months in New York. Hillary Clinton, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and EU diplomat Baroness Ashton will discuss the growing violence after Israeli air...

18 Palestinians Dead in Israeli Strikes

Israel keeps schools closed as citizens huddle in bomb shelters

(Newser) - Gaza and Israel continued to exchange rocket attacks for air strikes this weekend, leaving 18 Palestinians dead, four Israelis wounded, and world leaders weighing in on the latest round of Middle East violence, the Guardian reports. On the Israeli side, schools were kept closed and thousands of civilians spent hours...

Israel Frees Another 550 Palestinians

Release follows clash at internment compound

(Newser) - Israel has set free another 550 Palestinian prisoners, completing the deal that secured the release of captured soldier Gilad Shalit . Thousands gathered at the former home of Yasser Arafat to celebrate alongside Palestinian officials. Most prisoners were directed to the West Bank; some 41 were sent to Gaza, and a...

Panetta to Israel: 'Just Get to the Damn Table'

Defense Secretary says military action should be 'last resort, not the first'

(Newser) - Leon Panetta delivered a harsh rebuke to Israel yesterday, saying that it needed to take steps to end its increasing isolation in the Middle East—starting with reviving peace talks with the Palestinians. “Just get to the damn table,” Panetta said at a pro-Israel forum in Washington, according...

Israel Punishing Palestinians With Rushed Settlements

Funds also frozen after Palestine's UNESCO membership

(Newser) - Palestine's membership in UNESCO has met a fierce response from Israel. A day after Palestine joined the United Nations' cultural body , Israel ordered the accelerated construction of 2,000 new homes in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. In what officials acknowledge is punishment for "unilateral actions,"...

Saudi Royal Offers $900K for Capture of Israeli Soldier

Prince brings cleric's bounty to $1M

(Newser) - Israel's freeing of a thousand Palestinian prisoners in return for one captured soldier must have sounded like a pretty good deal to Prince Khaled bin Talal. The Saudi royal, brother of billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, has added $900,000 to a prominent Saudi cleric's offer of $100,...

Captive Israeli Soldier Expected Home Tuesday

Unless Iran sabotages Gilad Shalit deal, warns German mediator

(Newser) - Assuming no last-minute hiccups, Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit will be back home on Tuesday after five years in Hamas captivity, reports AFP . On that day, Israel will release 450 Palestinian prisoners—another 550 will be released later—in exchange for Shalit's freedom. An additional 27 female prisoners will also...

Israel Freeing 1K Palestinians to Bring Soldier Home

Government strikes deal with Hamas for Gilad Shalit

(Newser) - After more than five years as a captive of Palestinian militants, soldier Gilad Shalit will be home within days, the Israeli government says. Shalit, now 25, was 19 when he was captured during a cross-border raid in 2006, and his captivity has long been an emotional issue in Israel. To...

Palestinians: Tony Blair Is 'of No Use at All'

Some call for his removal as Middle East envoy

(Newser) - The Palestinian Authority is accusing Middle East envoy Tony Blair of bias toward Israel and calling for his removal, reports the Telegraph . "Our general evaluation of his efforts is that he has become of no use at all," said a senior official with the Palestinian Authority. "He...

Palestinians Just Want Land, Not Peace

 Just Want 
 Land, Not 
charles krauthammer

Palestinians Just Want Land, Not Peace

They will never accept an end to war with Israel: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - Much of the world swooned over Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas' bid for statehood at the UN because it buys into the misconception that Israel is stubbornly standing in the way of peace, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Far from it. The Palestinians have rejected three land-for-peace offers over...

Israel OKs 1,100 More Homes in East Jerusalem

Palestine condemns move

(Newser) - In a move sure to ratchet up Israeli-Palestinian tension even further, Israel gave the OK today to construct 1,100 new housing units in east Jerusalem. Israel’s Interior Ministry says construction can begin after 60 days, a period that is mandatory for comments from the public but largely a...

Abbas Hails 'Palestinian Spring' in Hero's Welcome

Triumphant president returns home

(Newser) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has received a hero's welcome in the West Bank, triumphantly telling his people the "Palestinian Spring" has begun following his historic speech to the UN last week. Abbas asked the world body on Friday to recognize Palestinian independence, defying appeals from Israel and the...

Ehud Olmert: Israel Needs Peace With Palestinians Now

 Ehud Olmert: 
 Israel Needs 
 Peace Now 

Ehud Olmert: Israel Needs Peace Now

Time for Netanyahu to get serious, says former PM

(Newser) - Israel and Palestine seem on a collision course for a diplomatic confrontation at the UN, but “things could and should have been different,” writes former PM Ehud Olmert in an op-ed for the New York Times . “The parameters of a peace deal are well known,” he...

Palestine to Security Council: Take Your Time

Statehood resolution doesn't have votes to pass

(Newser) - Palestine won’t push for an immediate Security Council vote on its push for full UN membership, because it doesn’t appear to have the requisite nine votes—even if the US weren’t promising to veto the move. “We will give some time to the Security Council,”...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>