lead poisoning

Stories 41 - 49 | << Prev 

New Tests: 35% of Toys Contain Some Lead

Many offenders still on shelves, environmental health groups say

(Newser) - Toy shelves are still lined with lead, according to test results released today from environmental health groups in nine states. Checking 1,268 toys, the groups found lead in 35%, with levels often surpassing federal recall standards. Only 23 of those toys have been recalled. “This is not about...

Calif. Sues Toy Firms Over Lead
Calif. Sues Toy Firms Over Lead

Calif. Sues Toy Firms Over Lead

State attorney general's action targets Mattel, other toy companies

(Newser) - California filed suit yesterday against Mattel, Toys R Us, and 18 other companies, accusing them of making or selling products that contain "unlawful quantities of lead," reports the LA Times. The suit, which follows major recalls of toys during the last year, aims to force manufacturers and retailers...

Lead Warning Issued for Lipstick
Lead Warning Issued
for Lipstick

Lead Warning Issued for Lipstick

Moms' cosmetics could affect children, expert cautions

(Newser) - More than half of all lipsticks tested in a recent study contained some level of lead, a new report warns. The amounts weren't high enough to cause lead poisoning in healthy adults, but could affect small children, raising concerns for pregnant women and mothers. "There are hazardous levels of...

As Governments Ban Lead, Tech Companies Get Nervous

Without metal, gadgets prone to splintering

(Newser) - Mattel's toy recall fiasco has highlighted the dangers of lead poisoning, and the European Union and other governments have passed laws banning the use of lead in fields that still use it, including electronics. But that has the tech industry worried: for decades, lead has been the only stopgap preventing...

500K Toys Recalled Over Lead
500K Toys Recalled Over Lead

500K Toys Recalled Over Lead

Levels above legal limit in China-made bookmarks, blocks, key chains

(Newser) - Over half a million Chinese-made toys have been recalled due to dangerous lead levels, the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced today. Toys ranging from Winnie the Pooh bookmarks to Baby Einstein color blocks were found to contain levels above the .06% legal limit, Reuters reports. 192,000 dollar-store key chains...

World's 10 Most Polluted Places
World's 10 Most Polluted Places

World's 10 Most Polluted Places

Presenting the world's most polluted places.

(Newser) - Millions around the world live in soot-blackened cities and toxic wastelands. Time offers a reverse travel guide to the most polluted places on Earth:
  1. Linfen, China
  2. Tianjin, China
  3. Sukinda, India

Doctor Killed Beethoven, Says Pathologist

Hair analysis suggests lead poisoning of composer 180 years ago

(Newser) - It's not exactly  CSI, but the classical era now has its own forensic murder investigation. A new Austrian study has concluded that Ludwig von Beethoven died from overdoses of lead administered by his doctor with the intention of healing him. Beethoven suffered from cirrhosis of the liver, and that organ's...

China-Made Baby Bibs Contain Lead
China-Made Baby Bibs Contain Lead

China-Made Baby Bibs Contain Lead

Tests of Toys 'R' Us aprons finds possible hazard; company claims compliance

(Newser) - Tests by a non-profit agency and the NY Times found made-in-China baby bibs sold at Toys "R" Us contaminated with lead, the paper reported today. After its own recent tests, a government agency did not move to recall the bib; Wal-Mart voluntarily removed bibs made by the same company...

Rudy Shouldn't Get Credit for Crime Busting

New study argues real victor in war on crime is 70s-era campaign to reduce lead

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani, who's running for commander-in-chief on his tough-guy cred, can thank early-1970s reductions in lead levels for his crime-busting success, a new study argues. Economist Rick Nevin concludes that the nearly 60% decrease in violent crime during Rudy's stint as mayor is a result of government programs to cut...

Stories 41 - 49 | << Prev