
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Colossal New Antarctic Iceberg Forming

Berg the size of NYC ready to split

(Newser) - An iceberg the size of New York City is expected to break away from a western Antarctic ice sheet any day now. Scientists have spotted an 18-mile-long crack in the sheet of floating ice in front of the Pine Island Glacier, and believe the sheet is about to calve a...

Seriously Ill US Engineer Could Leave South Pole Soon

Cargo plane may rescue Renee Douceur if Antarctic weather allows

(Newser) - A sick American engineer who has been stranded at the South Pole since late August could be on her way home as soon as Friday. Renee Douceur—who suffered what she initially thought was a stroke but doctors now say may be a brain tumor—hopes to fly out on...

Scientists Hunt for Life in Buried Antarctic Lake

They're hoping pristine ancient habitat could hold life

(Newser) - A team of British scientists begins a trek to Antarctica this week for an expedition that hopes to discover new life forms lurking in a lake that’s been untouched for a million years. The lake is buried under about two miles of ice, but its water is still liquid...

Cold Weather Depleted Arctic Ozone Layer: Scientists

 80% Loss of  
 Arctic Ozone 
 Caused by... 
'nature' report

80% Loss of Arctic Ozone Caused by...

... months of stratospheric cold weather

(Newser) - Amid our heated political debate on climate change, it's cold air that apparently depleted the Arctic's ozone layer, the BBC reports. An article in the journal Nature says an 80% reduction of Arctic ozone, noted earlier this year , was caused by cold air hanging around the stratosphere for...

Scientists Lose Track of 'Happy Feet' Penguin

Transmitter probably fell off, trackers hope

(Newser) - The story of "Happy Feet," the wayward emperor penguin that turned up in New Zealand, has captivated the world, but we may never know how it ends. The young penguin was returned to the wild last week and a transmitter that was attached to him has stopped relaying...

Greenland, Antarctic Ice Melting Faster Than Expected

Ice sheets could send sea level up 6 inches by 2050

(Newser) - The ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica are melting significantly faster than previously estimated, according to a new international report led by scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Unless the trend is reversed, the melting ice sheets will push global sea levels up six inches by 2050, the scientists...

In Antarctica, Ice Forms in Unexpected Ways

It's supposed to fall as snow, and form from the top down...

(Newser) - Ice in Antarctica is supposed to form from the top down, the result of falling snow. But researchers who scanned an Antarctic mountain range with lasers and radar have discovered new ice developing at the bottom of miles-thick ice sheets ... and altering the surface. The earth’s heat melted the...

Antarctic Adventure Takes Deadly Turn

Support crew, boat missing after storm

(Newser) - Three members of an Antarctic expedition are missing and presumed dead and the two survivors will have some tough questions to answer when they return to their native Norway. The survivors were dropped off by a yacht and planned to ride quad bikes to the South Pole, but were forced...

Activists Halt Japan Whale Hunt
 Activists Halt Japan Whale Hunt 

Activists Halt Japan Whale Hunt

Harassment making Antarctic hunt 'unsafe,' says fisheries official

(Newser) - The Japanese have temporarily suspended an Antarctic whale hunt because of repeated harassment by activists from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. The hunt, aiming to bag as many as 945 whales, has been halted because of "violent" disruptions, said the nation's top fisheries officials. No one has been injured...

Russia Races to Drill Into Antarctic Lake

 Russia Races 
 to Drill Into 
 Antarctic Lake 

Russia Races to Drill Into Antarctic Lake

Lake Vostok expected to yield new life forms

(Newser) - Russian scientists are racing against time to drill into an Antarctic lake that has been isolated from everything else on Earth for 15 million years. Lake Vostok is one of the biggest and deepest lakes on Earth, but its existence was confirmed by satellite images only in the '90s. It...

100-Year-Old Scotch Back From Antarctic Depths

But you won't be able to get your hands on it

(Newser) - This is probably a little more special than anything your Average Joe has in the liquor cabinet: Three bottles of Mackinlays scotch whisky, which have sat beneath the Arctic ice since 1907, made their way home to Scotland today. The bottles are part of a crate of circa-1897 whisky found...

WikiLeaks Off Limits in Antarctica
WikiLeaks Off Limits
in Antarctica

WikiLeaks Off Limits in Antarctica

Research bases ordered not to access leaked cables

(Newser) - The US government may have found somewhere where it can effectively ban WikiLeaks. The 1,500 Americans currently in Antarctica with the US Antarctic Program have been warned that the diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks are classified information and the transmission, processing or use of the information on USAP systems...

Daredevil Leaps From Antarctic Peak
Daredevil Leaps
From Antarctic Peak

Daredevil Leaps From Antarctic Peak

Russian endures extreme cold for 9,600ft base jump

(Newser) - Russian daredevil Valery Rozov has made a record-breaking base jump in a region even colder than his homeland. Rozov and his team endured temperatures below -22F to scale Antarctica's 9,613-foot Ulvetanna mountain, the Telegraph reports. He then leaped from the peak wearing a wing suit and flew for 45...

22 Feared Dead as Fishing Boat Sinks Off Antarctica

20 Saved from South Korea vessel

(Newser) - A South Korean fishing vessel has sunk off the coast of Antarctica, with at least 22 men feared dead. Rescuers saved 20 and recovered 5 bodies, but held out no hope for the missing. Hypothermia sets in after some 10 minutes in the frigid waters, notes AP. It wasn't clear...

Study: Penguins Not Gay, Just 'Flirting'
 Penguins Not Gay, Just Flirting 
study says

Penguins Not Gay, Just Flirting

They need testosterone outlet until females are available, say researchers

(Newser) - Penguins aren't really gay , even though it may look that way, claims a new study. The lonely animals are just "flirting" with other guys because there aren't enough females to go around, say French researchers. Male bonding among king penguins has already been observed in zoos; researchers discovered that...

Google Street View Comes to Antarctica

Service now reaches every continent

(Newser) - Near inaccessibility, cold weather, and a distinct lack of streets haven't kept Google Street View out of Antarctica. The service has mapped a small part of the continent, offering panoramic views of icebergs, rocky beaches, and plenty of penguins. The service also goes live in Ireland and Brazil today, extending...

NZ Air Force Rescues Sick American in Antarctica

Evacuation flight to McMurdo station a success

(Newser) - New Zealand's air force has successfully accomplished a rare winter evacuation from America's McMurdo Antarctic research station. The flight, with three medical personnel aboard, took advantage of a brief break in blizzard conditions to land in temperatures of minus 32 degrees Fahrenheit and pick up a sick American worker, CNN...

Tiny Creatures Suggest Ancient Antarctic Seaway

Which means ice sheet isn't as stable as thought

(Newser) - Antarctica was split into several pieces by the collapse of a major ice formation as recently as 125,000 years ago, new evidence suggests. Scientists have found similar Bryozoans—tiny marine animals that are immobile as adults—in the Ross and Weddell seas, which are separated by 1,500 miles...

Life Found Deep Beneath Antarctic Ice

  Life Found Deep 
  Beneath Antarctic Ice 
Hope for Extraterrestrials

Life Found Deep Beneath Antarctic Ice

Sophisticated creatures found 600ft below frozen sheet

(Newser) - NASA scientists probing 600 feet beneath an Antarctic ice sheet were amazed to find sophisticated life where they had expected to find a few microbes at best. The team put a video camera into the dark subfreezing water and found a shrimp-like creature clinging to the cable when they pulled...

Rogue Iceberg May Alter Global Circulation
 Rogue Iceberg May 
 Alter Global Circulation 

Rogue Iceberg May Alter Global Circulation

Luxembourg-sized chunk from area where dense water forms

(Newser) - An iceberg the size of Luxembourg is floating free in the waters north of Antarctica, jarred loose by the impact of another iceberg—and it’s so big it could change the water movements at the root of global weather patterns. The area around the Mertz Glacier generates much dense,...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>