
Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

40% of US Food Goes to Waste

Average family of 4 tosses $2,300 worth per year, says NRDC study

(Newser) - The LA Times takes note of a study on American food from the Natural Resources Defense Council with some eye-popping facts and figures on waste:
  • About 40% of food in the US supply chain goes uneaten
  • A family of four tosses $2,275 worth of food each year, which translates

Eating Eggs Almost as Bad as Smoking

 Eating Eggs 
 Almost as Bad 
 as Smoking 

Eating Eggs Almost as Bad as Smoking

Yolks speed plaque buildup

(Newser) - Seems like we were just hearing how nutritious eggs are; now, they're bad for us again. Or so says one new study, that found that eating yolks on a regular basis is almost as bad as smoking. It found that consuming yolks speeds up the buildup of plaque in...

Anti-Tobacco Lawyers Target 'Phony' Food Labels

Heinz, PepsiCo among food producers facing legal action

(Newser) - Lawyers who once drained tobacco companies of hundreds of millions of dollars have found a new target: food companies. Their latest lawsuits accuse major industry players like Heinz and PepsiCo of deceiving consumers with misleading labels or badly listed ingredients, the New York Times reports. Listing "evaporated cane juice"...

Top 10 Cities With Most Restaurants

San Francisco is the easy winner

(Newser) - Sick of eating out at the same place? Maybe you should move to one of the cities in America with the most restaurants. Note this is all about quantity, relative to population, not quality. The top five in the Trulia results, via MarketWatch :

Hooters' New Plan: Attract Women

Low-brow restaurant chain revitalizes its image

(Newser) - Never fear, Hooters fans: The so-called "breastaurant" doesn't plan to finally clothe its waitresses. But the chain's revitalization project does include renovating restaurants, updating the menu, and attracting an unexpected new customer ... women. Why the upgrade? Because Hooters has been closing restaurants and losing revenue, thanks to...

The Ticket to Healthy Snacks: Animal Feed?

 The Ticket to 
 Healthy Snacks: 
 Animal Feed? 

The Ticket to Healthy Snacks: Animal Feed?

The ingredient smells bad, but packs a nutritious punch

(Newser) - Milk, sugar, flour, eggs ... and pulverized corn kernels typically fed to farm animals. If that doesn't whet your appetite, then consider the health benefits of that final ingredient, known as "dried distillers' grain," or DDG. The substance is left over in the process of turning corn into...

&#39;Queen of Soul Food&#39; Dead at 86
 'Queen of Soul Food' Dead at 86

'Queen of Soul Food' Dead at 86

Sylvia Woods' Harlem restaurant a global landmark

(Newser) - A Harlem icon has passed on. Sylvia Woods, the "Queen of Soul Food," died yesterday at 86 after fighting Alzheimer's, her family says. Tourists and celebrities from all over the world have flocked to her restaurant, Sylvia's, for half a century to sample its corn bread...

Dieting Women Should Keep a Food Log
 Dieting Women 
 Should Keep 
 a Food Log 
study says

Dieting Women Should Keep a Food Log

And don't skip meals or eat out for lunch, study says

(Newser) - In a new study, scientists encourage three tips for female dieters: keep a food log, don't skip meals, and don't go out for lunch. Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center analyzed the year-long dieting habits of 123 overweight post-menopausal women and found that those who stuck...

30% of Meat Eaters Refuse to Date Vegetarians

But only 4% of veggie lovers wouldn't date omnivores

(Newser) - When it comes to dating, meat eaters are actually pickier than vegetarians. Almost 30% of omnivores wouldn't go out with a vegetarian or vegan, whereas just 4% of vegetarians wouldn't date a meat eater, a Today and poll finds. Of course, it's not exactly a...

Healthy Eaters Go 'Kosher' Despite Evidence

Orthodox Jewish food label gaining in popularity

(Newser) - Love seeing that "kosher" food label when you go shopping? You're not alone: More than 25% of all new foods released since 2007 claim to be kosher, a 10-fold increase over kosher products released in 2002, NPR reports. The market has expanded from orthodox Jews to, well, everyone...

Why Eating Dirt Is Good for Us
 Why Eating Dirt Is Good for Us 

Why Eating Dirt Is Good for Us

Jeff Leach: We need to toughen up our immune systems again

(Newser) - We scrub away germs to ensure good health, but in the long term, our "squeaky-clean" culture may be backfiring on us. Our immune systems developed to fend off a constant threat of invading organisms, learning to distinguish helpful and harmful invaders throughout life, writes Jeff Leach in the New ...

NYC Restaurant Offers $1K Caviar Pizza

Other toppings include Maine Lobster

(Newser) - Have an extra $1,000 lying around and a craving for a decadent snack? Pop in to Nino's Restaurant in New York City and order the Bellisima Pizza. The luxurious pie, going for a thousand bucks, is smothered with six different types of caviar, reports Yahoo . You'll also...

UK Youths Don't Know Where Bacon Comes From?

They're not so good with milk or butter, either, at least according to survey

(Newser) - Either young people in Britain are comically ignorant about where food comes from or young people in Britain like to goof on survey-takers. Or maybe something in between. Whichever, British papers are aghast at the results. Some highlights of the poll of 2,000 youths, ages 16 to 23, from...

Food Blogger, 9, Prompts School-Lunch Overhaul

Martha Payne's photos inspire better meals

(Newser) - She's only nine years old, but Martha Payne's reporting has already shaken things up at her school. The Scottish writer of the NeverSeconds blog posted reviews and camera-phone photos of some rather gross-looking cafeteria lunches; her work brought some 2 million visitors to her site. The attention prompted...

90% of Food Workers Basically Starving

New study finds lousy conditions for workers

(Newser) - Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be line cooks. The food industry is a pretty terrible one to work in, a new study from the Food Chain Workers Alliance argues, with nearly nine out of every 10 workers earning less than a "livable wage." The...

World&#39;s Priciest Hamburgers
 World's Priciest Hamburgers 

World's Priciest Hamburgers

Chow down on truffles and gold leaf

(Newser) - Tired of the same ol' Big Mac? Try biting into one of these burgers, smothered in fancy goodies that make them the most expensive beef patties in the world. The Huffington Post rounds them up:

Buying Organic: Turns You Into a Big Jerk

 Buying Organic 
 Turns You Into 
 a Jerk 
study says

Buying Organic Turns You Into a Jerk

Organic food lovers feel too good about themselves: study

(Newser) - Ever encountered a snotty attitude at an organic food stand? It makes sense psychologically, according to a new study that analyzed how people reacted after looking at different kinds of foods, MSNBC reports. "There's something about being exposed to organic food that made them feel better about themselves,...

Why Food Must Be Regulated Like Tobacco

David Lazarus: It's time to stop the obesity epidemic

(Newser) - The obesity news just keeps getting worse, the latest example being the study warning that 4 in 10 American adults could be obese in less than 20 years. "Americans eat too damn much," writes David Lazarus in the Los Angeles Times . And though it may be distasteful to...

Is Australia Sick of Vegemite?

Kraft struggles to market iconic spread

(Newser) - Say it ain't so: Australians seem to be tiring of a national culinary icon. Vegemite, a spread made from yeast extract, has been beloved since 1923. But lately, owner Kraft has had trouble getting young people hooked on the stuff, the Wall Street Journal reports. The company has tried...

Mad Cow Disease Shows Up in California

Authorities say food chain is safe

(Newser) - For the first time since 2006, US officials have confirmed a new case of mad cow disease, this time in California. The dairy cow's illness was detected during routine testing at a rendering plant by the USDA. None of the affected cow's meat got into human food, the...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>