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NSA Blamed for Spying on 60M Spanish Calls in One Month

El Mundo report cites Snowden papers

(Newser) - The latest claim that could make US-Europe relations even frostier: The NSA allegedly tracked more than 60 million phone calls in Spain between December 2012 and January 2013. Spanish newspaper El Mundo made the claim today, Reuters reports, citing documents it said were obtained from Edward Snowden via Glenn Greenwald....

Hey, NSA, Enough With the Handy&uuml;berwachung
Hey, NSA, Enough With
the Handyüberwachung

Hey, NSA, Enough With the Handyüberwachung

That's German for spying on cell phones, writes Roger Cohen

(Newser) - Word of the day comes courtesy of Roger Cohen at the New York Times : handyüberwachung. The Germans coined it to describe spying on cell phone calls, and it's been in heavy rotation of late given allegations that the US eavesdropped on Chancellor Angela Merkel's personal calls. She...

Germany Wants the UN to Hamper NSA Spying

Merkel's government goes into overdrive to counter US efforts

(Newser) - Germany is not reacting kindly to revelations that the NSA may have tapped Angela Merkel's phone . Along with fellow outraged NSA target Brazil, it intends to introduce a new UN resolution that would explicitly extend the privacy protections in the International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights to communications...

NSA Got Its Hands on 35 Leaders' Numbers

2006 memo, compliments of Snowden, doesn't name the affected leaders

(Newser) - The White House may soon have more than Angela Merkel to answer to. Edward Snowden's latest reveal has hit the pages of the Guardian , which alleges that the NSA monitored the calls of 35 unnamed global leaders. Also unnamed in the 2006 document: The US official who provided some...

In 30 Days, NSA Grabbed 70M French Phone Records
In 30 Days, NSA Grabbed
70M French Phone Records
new report

In 30 Days, NSA Grabbed 70M French Phone Records

Furious France summons US ambassador for explanation of latest report

(Newser) - Brazil and Mexico have some company: The NSA spied on France, too, according to a new report in Le Monde co-authored by Glenn Greenwald, and let's just say France isn't too happy about it. The report reveals that the NSA copied French text messages and recorded certain...

NSA Hacked 2 Mexican Presidents' Emails

New Snowden leaks reveal NSA expolited key government mail server

(Newser) - Last month, it was revealed that the NSA had spied on the emails of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto before he was elected. Turns out, US snooping on Mexico's government runs way deeper. According to a new documents leaked by Edward Snowden to Der Spiegel , the NSA ran a...

Snowden: Russia Can't Get Hands on Secret Documents

...because he didn't bring any with him, he tells NYT

(Newser) - In an encrypted email interview with the New York Times , Edward Snowden calms fears that the Russians and Chinese have gotten their hands on classified US documents. He claims "there's a 0% chance" that's happened, and the NSA knows that's the case. Why is he so...

NSA Plays Key Role in Drone Attacks: Report
 NSA Plays Key 
 Role in Drone 
 Attacks: Report 
Snowden latest

NSA Plays Key Role in Drone Attacks: Report

New Snowden documents reveal agency's involvement

(Newser) - The CIA isn't the only government agency deeply involved in drone attacks. NSA tracking of phone calls, emails, and other "signals intelligence" is essential to the program, documents given by Edward Snowden to the Washington Post show. The agency has a special division, the Counter-Terrorism Mission Aligned Cell,...

Architects of NSA Spying Strategy Are Leaving

Chief Keith Alexander and deputy Chris Inglis are stepping down

(Newser) - Fallout from the Edward Snowden revelations ? NSA chief Keith Alexander and his top civilian deputy are leaving the agency, reports Reuters . Alexander, whose eight-year reign is the NSA's longest, is expected to be gone by next spring. Deputy Chris Inglis, who has served since 2006, will be gone...

Court: We Don't Rubber Stamp All NSA Requests ...

... Just 75.6% of them, top judge testifies

(Newser) - The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court doesn't just rubber stamp every request government spies send it, its top judge protests in a letter sent to Congress—just 75.6% of them. The Justice Department has previously revealed that the court approves 99% of NSA requests. But that number is misleading,...

NSA Harvesting Contact Lists From Gmail, Facebook

Snowden leak indicates agency is collecting more than 250M lists per year

(Newser) - The Washington Post has the latest document leak from Edward Snowden, revealing that the NSA has been collecting hundreds of millions of contact lists from email, social media, and IM accounts around the world—including those of Americans. The agency then uses those lists to uncover and map connections and...

Editor: I Wouldn't Have Published Snowden's Secrets

2 UK newspapers slam the Guardian for risking national security

(Newser) - Snaring access to Edward Snowden, and all the documents in his possession, has generally been regarded a huge coup for the Guardian newspaper. But at least two other British newspapers don't agree. Following claims by MI5's new chief that the paper's exposes have been a "guide...

Edward Snowden Finally Emerges
Edward Snowden 
Finally Emerges

Edward Snowden Finally Emerges

NSA whistleblower accepts award for integrity in intelligence

(Newser) - With Edward Snowden's dad visiting Russia , the NSA whistleblower emerged from hiding today to be photographed and accept an award for "integrity in intelligence," the AP reports. Sporting an open-necked blue shirt and black suit, Snowden smiled in a photo with the award's presenters: British Wikileaks...

CIA Cited Concerns About Snowden 4 Years Ago

But that didn't prevent job as NSA contractor

(Newser) - Back in 2009, Edward Snowden's boss at the CIA reported some concerns about the then-technician in his file. Snowden had been behaving unusually and the supervisor was suspicious, the New York Times reports. Yet those concerns, documented shortly before Snowden left the job, didn't stop Snowden from getting...

Snowden's Dad: Edward May Never Return Home

As he arrives in Russia in hope of visiting his fugitive son

(Newser) - With Edward Snowden's lawyer in tow, dad Lon Snowden arrived in Russia early today in the hope of seeing his fugitive son. "I am his father, I love my son, and I certainly hope I will have an opportunity to see my son," he told Reuters , though...

Greenwald: 'Huge' NSA Hits Still to Come

And other highlights from his Reddit AMA

(Newser) - Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald —who has been diligently working the NSA and Edward Snowden beat—held a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" Q&A session yesterday. Among his answers, Greenwald claimed that there are still "huge new stories to come" from the leaks, reports Salon . "There are...

John McAfee Is Back With NSA-Thwarting Gizmo

Murder suspect at large unveils plans for 'Decentral'

(Newser) - If John McAfee's latest tech venture is a hit, the US government might regret letting him flee Belize. The antivirus tycoon-turned-fugitive unveiled plans to create and market a pocket-sized device that would thwart the NSA's surveillance efforts at an event this weekend in San Jose, the Mercury News...

NSA's New Spying Tool: Social Networks

NYT: Agency looks at Americans' connections to create 'sophisticated' profiles

(Newser) - Thanks to Edward Snowden, we already knew that the NSA was gathering all kinds of data—or "metadata," as the agency prefers—about Americans' phone calls and emails. But just how does it assess all that information? By creating a social network of sorts—but one that nobody...

Yet Another NSA Target: Employees' Lovers

Also, director says 'no upper limit' on how many phone records can be kept

(Newser) - We've heard that the NSA kept an eye on Martin Luther King and Muhammad Ali , but it seems there were also lower-profile targets: some of its own employees' lovers. It's referred to as "loveint" (as in, collecting intel on love interests), and the NSA says it's...

The NSA Spied on MLK, Muhammad Ali

LBJ, Nixon kept tabs on Vietnam War protesters

(Newser) - The NSA once spied on no lesser Americans than Martin Luther King Jr. and Muhammad Ali, newly declassified documents reveal. They were targeted along with a pair of US senators, as well as journalists from the New York Times and Washington Post, as part of a six-year effort to investigate...

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