
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Bronx Zoo Cobra Found ... Sorta

It's on Twitter, but it could take weeks to locate it in real life

(Newser) - The Egyptian cobra missing from the Bronx Zoo has been found ... on Twitter . And apparently she's a big fan of Tina Fey ("OMG! Tina Fey totally just walked by me! HUUUUGE FAN!") and Dancing With the Stars ("Want to watch Ralph Macchio go down for what...

Guess What's Loose at the Bronx Zoo?!

A very deadly Egyptian cobra that someone might want to put back in a cage

(Newser) - So the Bronx Zoo seems to have misplaced a pesky little thing we like to call a very deadly, aggressive Egyptian cobra, reports the New York Post. The 20-inch adolescent went missing yesterday, and workers who scoured all the likely places it would hide still haven't found it, reports the...

Boa Lost on Boston Subway Is Found—After 4 Weeks

Penelope the snake is safe and sound

(Newser) - Cancel that heebie-jeebie alert in Boston: A 3-foot boa that went missing on a subway train 6 weeks ago has finally been found and returned to her happy owner, reports WHDH-TV . The snake, named Penelope, turned up in the same set of cars where she first slithered away from her...

Owner Critical After Pet Cobra Bite

Victim believed new pet's venom sacks had been removed

(Newser) - A New Jersey man who went shopping for pet snakes over the weekend ended up in critical condition after a snake bite. The 25-year-old reptile fan was hospitalized after a bite from an albino cobra, which he had bought along with a diamondback rattlesnake and a copperhead snake, MSNBC reports....

Snake's 'Virgin Birth' Results in Odd Offspring

Mom has 22 little ones, without help from a dad

(Newser) - A female boa constrictor has produced not just one baby born by immaculate conception, but rather two litters totaling 22 little miracles. Stranger still, the baby snakes have some very unusual traits. Instead of having the X and Y chromosomes like humans, snakes have Z and W chromosomes—ZZ produces...

Man Finds Snake Sitting on Toilet Seat
 Man Finds Snake 
 Sitting on Toilet Seat 

Man Finds Snake Sitting on Toilet Seat

Terrifying but harmless visitor came up through the plumbing

(Newser) - A Bronx man couldn't use his toilet last night because the seat was already occupied—by a monster snake. The frightened man called the cops, saying, "There's a giant snake on my toilet." Animal handlers reported find that the reptile was a nonvenomous corn snake, albeit one of...

Granny Finds 6-Foot Anaconda in Toilet

Polish cops capture stray South American snake looking for way out

(Newser) - A Polish grandmother slammed her toilet lid down very quickly after opening it to find a 6-foot anaconda looking back at her, the Telegraph reports. The Wroclaw woman called police, who managed to capture it with the help of a local zoo worker. Authorities believe the snake, native to South...

Man Finds 4-Foot Snake Under Hood of Car

He has no idea how it got there

(Newser) - How's this for car troubles: A Massachusetts man found a four-foot-long boa constrictor curled around the engine of his car. Neighbors reported seeing the snake under a car yesterday afternoon, My Fox Boston explains. When police investigated, they found the snake clutching the engine for warmth; it took 30 minutes...

Cops Confront Snake Guarding Cocaine

(Newser) - Before police in Canada found bears guarding a marijuana grow-op, Italian police astoundingly found a snake doing the same, but with cocaine. When police entered a flat in Rome, they were greeted with a 10-foot hissing albino python coiled around a 200-gram cache of the white powder. After feeding the...

'Magic' World Cup Python Seized

Doc used snake in bid to sway games

(Newser) - South African animal welfare officials have confiscated a "magic" snake that was being used with an eye toward swaying the outcome of World Cup matches. The 9-foot rock python was found in poor condition at the home of a traditional doctor, who had been accepting payment from people seeking...

Pet Boa Constrictor Kills Owner
Pet Boa Constrictor
Kills Owner

Pet Boa Constrictor Kills Owner

Cops pry animal from owner's neck

(Newser) - A suburban Omaha man was strangled by his pet boa constrictor in his home as he was showing off the snake to a friend. Cory Byrne, 34, died in a local hospital just hours after cops and paramedics pried the 9-foot snake from his neck. The snake is being held...

Motel Guest Assaults Complainer With Python

SC man busted for using 6ft snake as weapon

(Newser) - Weird crime of the week: a South Carolina man who responded to a request to turn his music down by jamming a 6-foot python into his fellow motel guest's face has been arrested for assault and battery. "I almost had a heart attack," said the victim, who had...

Pet Cobra Escapes, Costs Teenage Owner $134K

Cops tear apart 19-year-old's flat to find missing snake

(Newser) - A 19-year-old German boy is facing a huge repair bill after authorities tore apart his apartment building looking for his poisonous pet snake. Authorities evacuated the building, stripped the boy’s apartment bare, and ripped out the walls and floorboards hunting for the foot-long monocled cobra, which escaped on March...

House Sealed After Pet Cobra Vanishes

Baby snake becomes most expensive missing pet in history

(Newser) - A German house has been sealed off for two months while authorities wait for a missing cobra to starve. The house was ripped apart last week when an amateur snake handler, 19, reported his pet missing. Authorities found no trace of the cobra, despite installing cameras and trying to trap...

Dino-Eating Snake Makes Hiss-tory

Serpent preyed on titanosaur babies

(Newser) - Hundred-ton dinosaurs may have been just as scared of snakes as humans are. The recent discovery of a fossilized snake wrapped around a baby titanosaur offers the first-ever direct evidence that prehistoric snakes fed on dinosaur hatchlings. Researchers believe the snake was attacking a baby dinosaur as it hatched; a...

The Most Common Phobias
 The Most Common Phobias 
happy halloween

The Most Common Phobias

Don't like spiders and snakes? Join the club!

(Newser) - In honor of Halloween, LiveScience reveals the most common phobias. If you still need a costume, you'll scare the most people by playing on their evolutionarily sensible fear of creatures with venomous fangs. The top terrors:
  1. Snakes
  2. Spiders and other "creepy crawlies"
  3. Places that are difficult to escape, such

Deadly Mamba May Save Heart Patients

Ingredient in venom helps heart without hurting kidneys

(Newser) - Scientists believe the deadly green mamba may hold the key to saving many heart failure patients. A hormone found in the African tree snake's venom helps widen blood vessels to deliver its poison faster, reducing high blood pressure in the process. The hormone also appears to boost kidney function, researchers...

Brit Gang Uses Snake to Attack Teen

(Newser) - A gang of young British toughs armed with snakes used a python to bite a teen they pinned to a wall, reports the Guardian. The 14-year-old boy is recovering with two puncture wounds in his hand. He suffered breathing difficulties, but paramedics say that was due to panic and not...

Fla. Python Hunt More Wild Goose Chase
 Fla. Python Hunt 
 More Wild Goose Chase 

Fla. Python Hunt More Wild Goose Chase

(Newser) - The “Great Florida Python Hunt” is on, but the prey population is likely smaller—and less dangerous—than advertised, Paul Quinlan writes in the Palm Beach Post. Proponents have said there could be 100-150,000 Burmese pythons in the Everglades, a figure the media has seized upon. But the...

Snakebites Surge in Texas, Calif.

(Newser) - Poison control centers have witnessed a steep rise in snakebites in parts of the country this summer, USA Today reports. Authorities in central Texas say bites are up 35%, and southern California has seen many more serious cases than usual. Some experts suspect more snakes are developing powerful toxins in...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>