Sarah Palin 2012

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Sarah Palin: I Know Africa Is a Continent...

She's tired of the lies, and might be too unconventional to run

(Newser) - Sarah Palin conceded she might be too "unconventional" a presidential candidate for American voters. It's a consideration that's holding up her decision whether or not to run—along with the war chest she'll need for the race, she tells the BBC . But the "unconventional" hesitation was a bit...

Rick Santorum Gripes About Fox News Suspension

He was never asked about 2012 plans, he tells CNN

(Newser) - Fox News suspended contributor Rick Santorum yesterday because he had "signaled" a possible 2012 run for the presidency, and Santorum has just one gripe with the matter: Fox never actually asked him if he was considering a 2012 run. Santorum revealed that yesterday on CNN 's John King USA—...

Fox News Suspends Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum Over 2012 Ambitions
Fox Suspends 2012 Hopefuls Newt, Santorum

Fox Suspends 2012 Hopefuls Newt, Santorum

Palin and Huckabee are fine for now

(Newser) - Fox News has suspended contributors Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum for 60 days, because they’ve “signaled possible runs for the presidency,” anchor Bret Baier announced today. The two will have until May 1 to declare whether they’re running. If they don’t announce either way by...

GOP Candidates Too Loud or Too Boring

Party needs someone who's both a fighter, fixer: Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty took a daring step towards explosive rhetoric recently: he declared the country’s mounting debt a “pile of poo.” Try not to look too offended. “Clearly, the guy running the bleep button for the GOP primary debates isn’t worried about Tim Pawlenty,” quips...

Republicans in Iowa Aren't Wowed by the Idea of a Sarah Palin Run in 2012
 Iowa Could Be Palin's Waterloo 

Iowa Could Be Palin's Waterloo

She's 'combative,opportunistic,' says one GOP activist

(Newser) - The buzz on a Sarah Palin GOP run for the White House apparently isn't thrilling Iowans, whose critical caucuses have the power to scuttle infant campaigns. "I want to like her and want to support her desperately. And yet, you just can't quite do it," said a female...

Palin Hints at 2012 Run, Swipes at Michelle

Nobody's more qualified to be president than a mom, she says

(Newser) - Sarah Palin still won't commit, but she did drop some very pointed hints that she'll make a run for the White House during a Q&A session with a Long Island business group yesterday. She did make it clear that the decision must be made soon, the New York Times...

Majority of GOP Now Birthers

 Majority of GOP 
 Now Birthers 
Poll Results:

Majority of GOP Now Birthers

And that's likely to hurt Mitt Romney's primary chances

(Newser) - The birthers are multiplying—and they could have a real impact on the Republican presidential primary. In a new survey, 51% of those who say they’ll vote in the primary also say they don’t believe President Obama was born in the United States, according to Public Policy Polling...

CPAC Kicks Off 2012 GOP Race

Contenders vie to define themselves in speeches, straw poll

(Newser) - The race to the 2012 GOP presidential nomination begins in earnest tomorrow, when the annual Conservative Political Action Committee shindig kicks off in Washington. Nearly all the party’s hopefuls will be there—with the notable exceptions of Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee—vying both to define themselves against the...

Palin: 3am Call 'Went Right to Answering Machine'

She's 'not real enthused' by Obama's handling of Egypt

(Newser) - Just after pronouncing America "on the road to ruin," Sarah Palin weighed in on the White House's handling of the chaos in Egypt and neighboring countries in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network . "I'm not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done...

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

 GOP's Got 
 for 2012 

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

Not one of the slate of hopefuls is electable, writes Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - The GOP's presidential 2012 field isn't pretty. "All—that's A-L-L—of the Republicans considering runs carry at least one major flaw," writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post . Mitt Romney signed a health care bill similar to President Obama’s. Mississippi governor Haley Barbour “virtually invented lobbying....

Palin Testing Waters in Iowa
 Palin Testing Waters in Iowa 

Palin Testing Waters in Iowa

But she lags behind competitors in the state

(Newser) - Sarah Palin operatives have begun putting out presidential feelers in Iowa, asking potential allies and activists whether they’d support a campaign, sources tell RealClearPolitics . Iowa’s politicos had until now assumed Palin wasn’t running, because most hadn’t heard from her, even as other would-be 2012 nominees jockeyed...

Oldsters Unveil 'Battle Hymn of Sarah Palin'
Oldsters Unveil
'Battle Hymn of Sarah Palin'

Oldsters Unveil 'Battle Hymn of Sarah Palin'

Song is dedicated to the Tea Party

(Newser) - Take a pair of fed-up oldsters, add a classic battle anthem and some improvised lyrics, and you have either the next Tea Party classic or YouTube's latest trainwreck: "The Battle Hymn of Sarah Palin." Set to, you guessed it, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," the...

Death Threats Against Palin Hit New High

Threat cycle spirals as rhetoric rises

(Newser) - Death threats against Sarah Palin have hit an unprecedented high in the wake of the shooting of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and have so unnerved the former Alaska governor and her staff that they're consulting with private security representatives to beef up protection, reports ABC News . Aides provided no other...

Palin Blew It With 'Un-Presidential' Speech
Palin Blew It With
'Un-Presidential' Speech

Palin Blew It With 'Un-Presidential' Speech

Alaskan should have tried to unify instead of punching back

(Newser) - Sarah Palin had an opportunity to recalibrate her image and appear more like presidential material in the wake of the Tucson shootings—but she blew it, argues Howard Kurtz at the Daily Beast . It was unfair for liberal detractors to link Palin to the shootings and she had a right...

Palin's 2012 Odds Plummet After Arizona Shooting

Debate doing serious harm to Alaskan's image

(Newser) - After the weekend shooting in Arizona, fewer people are betting on Sarah Palin 2012. The odds of the Alaskan becoming the Republican nominee plunged on betting site InTrade soon after the shooting, the Huffington Post reports. Analysts say that while no direct link has been made between the shooter and...

Obama Would Beat Palin, Romney in 2012
Obama Would Beat
Palin, Romney in 2012

Obama Would Beat Palin, Romney in 2012

Survey finds little change in president's numbers

(Newser) - Things may be tough for President Obama at the moment, but don’t rule him out: he’s poised to win in 2012, an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds. Though his approval rating is at its lowest, he would still beat Sarah Palin or Mitt Romney—and three-quarters of...

Republican Hopefuls for 2012 Taking It Slow

Don't expect formal candidates until February at the earliest

(Newser) - Five Republicans had filed to run for the presidential nomination at this time four years ago; right now, there isn’t one. We can’t expect any formal declarations until February at the earliest, reports the Wall Street Journal . Why? For one thing, the first primaries won’t happen until...

Women Don't Trust Palin on Abortion: Poll

54% of all voters think Planned Parenthood trustworthy; 24% think same of Palin

(Newser) - Most American voters—particularly women—don’t trust Sarah Palin on women’s health issues like abortion, sex ed, and birth control, a Planned Parenthood poll finds. While 54% of voters consider Planned Parenthood trustworthy on women’s health, only 24% find Palin trustworthy on the matter. The numbers inch...

GOP Must Take Down Palin
 GOP Must Take Down Palin  
Joe Scarborough

GOP Must Take Down Palin

Joe Scarborough thinks Bush, Reagan digs went too far

(Newser) - Republicans are in trouble. “The most-talked-about figure in the GOP is a reality show star who cannot be elected,” yet the party leadership is tip-toeing around her, complains Joe Scarborough in a Politico op-ed. “Enough. It’s time for the GOP to man up.” Palin has...

Palin Leads GOP Prez Poll
 Palin Leads GOP Prez Poll 

Palin Leads GOP Prez Poll

Just 43% believe Obama deserves second term

(Newser) - Sarah Palin can win the Republican nomination for 2012—but she can't win the presidency, according to the latest Quinnipiac poll . The nationwide poll found that Palin—who recently told Barbara Walters she could defeat President Obama —would narrowly win a primary involving the current most-likely GOP front-runners, but...

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