Sarah Palin Barbara Walters

3 Stories

And Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating People Are...

Sarah Palin and ... the cast of 'Jersey Shore'?

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has now made Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating People List two years in a row. Palin is among the eight names Walters revealed today, People reports. Others include princess-in-waiting Kate Middleton , new mom Sandra Bullock , tween obsession Justin Bieber , universally beloved Betty White , basketball star LeBron James , new American ...

Levi, You're the Buffoon of My Dreams

Meghan Daum on why 'Sex on Skates' is an important media figure

(Newser) - Levi Johnston may be an “opportunistic buffoon” and a “grammatically challenged, Playgirl-posing, pistachio-shilling media pawn,” but he’s also a guilty pleasure. He’s hot, he’s cute, and his "unverifiable claims" about Sarah Palin are fascinating, writes Meghan Daum of the Los Angeles Times . Listening...

Palin to Walters: 2012 'Not on My Radar,' But...

'If people will have me, I will' do something in 2012

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says that a 2012 presidential bid is "not on my radar," but wouldn't rule out playing some role in the next presidential election. "My ambition, if you will, my desire is to help our country in whatever role that may be, and I cannot predict...

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